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The "So you married an axe murderer Thread"

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Mike Myers rocks



I sorta see this movie, an it's box office failure, as a sad milepost in Meyer's career.

After the sucess of Wayne's World, which was essentially a slipshod, ad-libbed bunch of sketches hobbled into a film Meyers poured blood, sweat and tears in to the personal and exremely well written So I Married An Axe Murderer.

The film's resounding thud, only reaffirmed Meyer's instincts to go back the the Wayne's World way of doing things. Hence, Austin Powers and everthing since.

While often funny, nothing he's done since have been a better film.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Flynn said:
I sorta see this movie, an it's box office failure, as a sad milepost in Meyer's career.

After the sucess of Wayne's World, which was essentially a slipshod, ad-libbed bunch of sketches hobbled into a film Meyers poured blood, sweat and tears in to the personal and exremely well written So I Married An Axe Murderer.

The film's resounding thud, only reaffirmed Meyer's instincts to go back the the Wayne's World way of doing things. Hence, Austin Powers and everthing since.

While often funny, nothing he's done since have been a better film.

I thought Mike Myers did "So I married an Axe Murderer" before he did Wayne's World; wasn't it his first movie, and it was the follow-up of Wayne's World that got him into movie stardom?


This was always my favorite from him.

Excuse me, miss? I believe I ordered the Large... HELLO! This is like Campbell's Cup-O-Chino!
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