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The Song above you... Rate it!!!




Not rating this, but maaaaan I love the Kill Bill OST!!!
I listened to that soundtrack while playing through inFAMOUS a while ago.

Interesting. Not my usual fare, but I can see the appeal.

The Decemberists - Yankee Bayonet

Not within my usual music tastes, but it was very nice. I liked the harmonies they had going on.

TheFantasticBeats - Sorrows Are Helpless


Lovely. I would be really into it if the drums weren't as aggressive all the time.


I'm liking it. Something I'd listen to in the background while doing monotonous work.


Not my cup of tea. I'd give it a 6/10 but I don't think I would listen to it again.

Painted Black - Inevitability.

Not really a fan of this type of music, there was some radical guitar in there though. 4/10

Crossfire - Golden Fable
That was awesome. Watching the video along with the song makes me think of Benny Hill. 9/10

Terra Rosa - Mono Iwanu Kao

This song has lyrics in both Japanese and English, please click HERE for a translation.

The intro is waaaay too long, The vocals are few and far between, the song itself is long, and I can't say Glamour 80's rock is something that I would find pleasant to the ears in 2013.


Waiting for you - Seal


Intro was cool (esp. with two headphones) but it got a little predictable after that and sounded like a lot of other songs in that genre.

6/10 may be higher if you are into that kind of music.

Socalled - Work With What You Got

Oh man, I haven't had so much fun with music in ages! That was brilliant, I really loved it. I had a shit-eatin' grin the whole way through.


Cheikh Lo - Sou

Gorgeous. Nuff said.

Edit: oops. @insane metal - yeah, not bad. Could've done without the growling, I fucking hate that!



Oh man, I haven't had so much fun with music in ages! That was brilliant, I really loved it. I had a shit-eatin' grin the whole way through.


That song has such a positive vibe, I love it. Feel good song of forever.

I first heard it on the soundtrack for the hockey movie "Goon" which I also highly recommend.


Not usually a big Rage Against the Machine fan, but I really enjoyed that. It's a little bit mellower, with an interesting melody and good lyrics. 8.5/10 and I'm going to check out some more of their stuff.

I've been listening to a lot of Miike Snow lately: Plastic Jungle

I was sort of sad how far back they pushed the melody's dynamics once the vocals came in, but the song itself isn't bad. 6/10

Antony and the Johnsons - Daylight and the Sun

Absolutely soulcrushing and emotional track from one of my favorite artists. An absolutely beautiful human being.
Antony and the Johnsons - Daylight and the Sun

Absolutely soulcrushing and emotional track from one of my favorite artists. An absolutely beautiful human being.

9/10, I'm into it. Somehow I can see it being used for the soundtrack of a bad drama, which I hope doesn't happen.

té - 音の中の『痙攣的』な美は、観念を超え肉体に訪れる野生の戦慄。



Does this have anything to do with the Japanese band Toe? Because it sounds just about like them, and I mean that in the best way possible. 10/10

iceage - Morals

A live performance that is better than the recorded album in my opinion. Chilling!
8/10 - Beautiful. The part where the violin kicks in is amazing and really takes the song to the next level.


I liked the first 10-15 seconds (before the guitar kicked in). Everything from then on up until the last minute or so isn't really my thing. The end comes back to the style of the beginning, which was good except the drum section is a lot more messy. The vast majority of the song isn't really my thing though. Sorry :(

edit: there's a really nice bit at around 7:00 actually, which then builds up to something quite heavy.


Does this have anything to do with the Japanese band Toe? Because it sounds just about like them, and I mean that in the best way possible. 10/10

Funny you should say that. Both of them are pretty much my favorite bands right now. But to my knowledge there's no overlap in members or stuff. They're just both really good. Té's earlier albums are also really like The Book About My Idle Plot on a Vague Anxiety.

Makes me want to listen through EMIKA's album once more. Would be a really good song if it was currently raining (fulfilled) AND if I was listening to this at night (unfulfilled). At the moment, not too into it. But that doesn't matter when talking about the song itself. Halfway through I forgot it was Youtube playing and I thought it was coming from my library anyway.


Tokyo Shoegazer - Bright
Funny you should say that. Both of them are pretty much my favorite bands right now. But to my knowledge there's no overlap in members or stuff. They're just both really good.

Makes me want to listen through EMIKA's album once more. Would be a really good song if it was currently raining (fulfilled) AND if I was listening to this at night (unfulfilled). At the moment, not too into it. But that doesn't matter when talking about the song itself. Halfway through I forgot it was Youtube playing and I thought it was coming from my library anyway.


Tokyo Shoegazer - Bright

A sweet voice with music that makes me feel like I am flying. I like it. 8/10

Siouxsie & The Banshees - Cities in Dust
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