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The Song above you... Rate it!!!


Now i want to play Hotline Miami again.

Direct opposite in style and mood:

Set fire to flames - When sorrow shoots her darts

beautiful. love me some set fire to flames :3

codeine - pea

Much too boring for my current mood. Singing is nice though.
Death From Above 1979 - We Don't Sleep at Night
These were all awesome. Really great. It's been so long since I've been able to seek out music, so thank you!

Fat History Month - Things I Enjoy


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...


Really cool instrumental and the fiddle and harmonica give it a rather emotional and special touch because they seem rather raw. Like it, will check out more by them. Seems like a cool thing to have running in the background.

Pyramid - Digital Rain (The third track)

You can download the album for free if you follow the bandcamp link (which I highly recommend), and I hope linking to my own website isnt against the rules ;)

Pyramid - Digital Rain (The third track)

You can download the album for free if you follow the bandcamp link (which I highly recommend), and I hope linking to my own website isnt against the rules ;)


Which is fantastic for me considering straight Electronica is not really my thing.

However, I shall offer up some "electronica infused" post-hardcore. Probably not to everyone's liking...lot's of screaming...

Enter Shikari - Sssnakepit

No matter what, give it till after the chorus, and try it with headphones if you can.



Which is fantastic for me considering straight Electronica is not really my thing.

However, I shall offer up some "electronica infused" post-hardcore. Probably not to everyone's liking...lot's of screaming...

Enter Shikari - Sssnakepit

No matter what, give it till after the chorus, and try it with headphones if you can.

"we're nice guys until we're not"... I stopped listening right there. Musically didn't grab me either. 4/10

Embrace - Do not consider yourself free

EDIT: shit, sorry UrbanRats

Liked the song you posted, quite original. I will check them out later a bit more. 8/10


"we're nice guys until we're not"... I stopped listening right there. Musically didn't grab me either. 4/10

Embrace - Do not consider yourself free

EDIT: shit, sorry UrbanRats

Liked the song you posted, quite original. I will check them out later a bit more. 8/10

9/10 for the music.
6/10 for the singer.
Last one today, just because their new album is coming in September and i've loved every single one of theirs so far:

ESMERINE - Translator's Clos Part II
Well, the singer is Ian freaking Mackaye! But yeah, his singing in Embrace maybe takes a bit more getting used to than in his other bands but I really love it. The lyrics are also great. One of my fav old school hardcore albums.


Regarding the song, this one was great too, amazing percussion.

Kendrick Lamar "Swimming pools"
Not usually my style, as i can't follow the lyrics too well (and i tend to like instrumental music in the first place) but this was still very cool, i liked the chilled out but kind of dark tone.


Chemical Brothers - Dissolve.

Never really been into chemical brothers, they bore me a bit, but this tune was ok. 6/10

Just started listening to Iceage and I'm really liking it, this song specially.

ICEAGE - In Haze


Poet Centuriate
That was incredible, Weird Al is actually super talented. Would liked to hear how her performs this one live though, seems impossible. 9/10

In a couple hours I will be seeing the soft moon again so here is a sing from them, Circles


that was really bizarre and noisey. Not bad, considering I like some of my metal that way. Felt like it really needed a hook and lacked it, though. 7/10.

City in the Sea - "Convoluted"
Plug.DJ gaf played this song all the time, it's a really nice track.

Fuckushi Oyo - la rue de la nuit


well that was simply amazing.

oh I was beaten.
Really bad soundquality, but loved her voice and i think there's lot of talent :)


Probably already posted or everybody knows it already, but need a reason to post it:

Autre ne Veut - Counting:

can't decide what to think about this. definitely has some appeal but not really my thing
sole - furthermore
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