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The Tales of Vesperia |OT|

Bebpo said:
The pacing so far is much better in Vesperia. Very even mix of towns, world map, dungeons, cutscenes, skits.

Ah that sounds great. I played through Phantasia, Eternia, and Symphonia, picked up Abyss expecting more of the same and was immensely disappointed about how much of my first five hours was spent doing absolutely nothing by comparison.
u_neek said:
According to SE themselves, production of the 360-version hasn't started and it's supposed to hit Europe and NA at the same time as the PS3-version - not Japan where the 360-version still hasn't been announced.

Apparently development won't start until the PS3 version is finished.

I'm still trying to figure out how that has anything to do with the fact that they haven't started translating it yet... are people going to blame the 360 version for all of FF13s problems? A more reasonable answer would be that they are focusing entirely on getting the Japanese version out ASAP, even though I don't really see how handing the script and shit over to translators could really slow production down much...
u_neek said:
According to SE themselves, production of the 360-version hasn't started and it's supposed to hit Europe and NA at the same time as the PS3-version - not Japan where the 360-version still hasn't been announced.

Apparently development won't start until the PS3 version is finished.

they still said we'd get the 360+PS3 version at the same time, and it's intended to be worldwide. so...yeah.

SlaughterX said:
I'm still trying to figure out how that has anything to do with the fact that they haven't started translating it yet... are people going to blame the 360 version for all of FF13s problems?

it doesn't. they will.


Lolz, the import has a gaijin detector. One of the puzzles gives you three kanji hints and you have to literally type into the X360 text input system the password in kanji.

For anyone stuck it's
たいよう -> (hit Y) 太陽


Well someone recorded their playthrough on Nico (no sidequests or grinding, just a normal run through, not skipping any dialogue as well) and by the end had about 50, 52 hours.


Himuro said:
Bebpo please answer these questions for me:

1. is the game as linear as Abyss? Are you allowed to branch out, and do sidequests when you want?

2. are the sidequests FUN and GOOD like in Symphonia or awful like in Abyss?

3. how are the dungeons? are they based on a theme?

4. how strategic is the combat?

5. is the combat more fluid than in Abyss? How's the move list? Is it better than Luke's move list?

You really didn't like Abyss, so I don't think Vesperia is for you. While I feel that story/characters aside Vesperia is a two generation advancement of the Abyss gameplay which was already an advancement over Symphonia gameplay, it's still the same type of rpg that Symphonia/Abyss were. People who didn't like those games won't like Vesperia. People who did like them will like Vesperia. It's actually pretty straightforward.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Tales Of The Abyss was the best Tales game for me. I liked it more than Symphonia which I also really loved. So I guess Vesperia is for me.


Bebpo said:
You really didn't like Abyss, so I don't think Vesperia is for you. While I feel that story/characters aside Vesperia is a two generation advancement of the Abyss gameplay which was already an advancement over Symphonia gameplay, it's still the same type of rpg that Symphonia/Abyss were. People who didn't like those games won't like Vesperia. People who did like them will like Vesperia. It's actually pretty straightforward.
To be fair, Abyss had some awful pacing issues, sidequests were horribly specific and were pretty easy to miss them permanently (unlike Symphonia where you can do almost everything end-game excluding a few titles and maybe some recipes). I preferred Abyss over Symphonia, but I can easily see why Symphonia can be liked more, it's more polished.
So saying that they won't like Vesperia because they didn't like Abyss isn't exactly true.


SailorDaravon said:
God, the only LE faceplate up on ebay is bundled with the script...for $200. :(

You're looking in the wrong places... I'm already hunting it down elsewhere. They're running 50-70 so far before fees XD


FSLink said:
To be fair, Abyss had some awful pacing issues, sidequests were horribly specific and were pretty easy to miss them permanently (unlike Symphonia where you can do almost everything end-game excluding a few titles and maybe some recipes). I preferred Abyss over Symphonia, but I can easily see why Symphonia can be liked more, it's more polished.
So saying that they won't like Vesperia because they didn't like Abyss isn't exactly true.

Yeah, but this is Himuro who rated Abyss as a D or 6/10 or something in one of the threads recently. He's not going to like Vesperia.


kiryogi said:
You're looking in the wrong places... I'm already hunting it down elsewhere. They're running 50-70 so far before fees XD

Yeah, which is still a little more than I want to spend anyway. I want one, but not THAT bad :p.
I thought Abyss was a great improvement upon Symphonia. Sure its pacing was a bit slow at first, but Free Run was much needed and FoF added a layer of complexity to the formula.

I understand that some Tales veterans dislike the 3D installments, but that's less a problem with a game and more a problem with the direction of a series (i.e. Opinion).
I have a question about Vesperia, I read that the team wanted to make an older more "mature" game in respect to their past target group ages. So would anyone say that it feels more serious in comparison to Symphonia and Abyss? Not just story mind you but over all...or certain aspects?


Public Health Threat
SailorDaravon said:
Yeah, which is still a little more than I want to spend anyway. I want one, but not THAT bad :p.
The Vesperia one seems a bit too plain, otherwise I'd get it as well. I prefer the Trusty Bell ones...



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bebpo said:
Lolz, the import has a gaijin detector. One of the puzzles gives you three kanji hints and you have to literally type into the X360 text input system the password in kanji.

For anyone stuck it's
たいよう -> (hit Y) 太陽
Heh, that's cool. What are the other options (besides "sun", of course).

I still don't see why anyone would ever play a game like this if they couldn't understand it, though. That seems totally crazy to me, but I know that people try.

I'd probably be playing it now if it wasn't an XBOX360 game. :( I hate the fact that we finally have a region free console that is failing to garner any good RPGs.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Rpgmonkey said:
Well someone recorded their playthrough on Nico (no sidequests or grinding, just a normal run through, not skipping any dialogue as well) and by the end had about 50, 52 hours.

Wow. I essentially did my first playthroughs of Symphonia and Abyss that way and both were about 35-40 hours for me.

I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing for Vesperia to be longer, but I'm leaning towards good if there's not too much filler.


dark10x said:
Heh, that's cool. What are the other options (besides "sun", of course).

There are no options, which is why it's import-not-friendly. They give you 光 + 空 +球 as the hint and then the X360 text input window pops up and you have to write the answer

Urban Scholar said:
I have a question about Vesperia, I read that the team wanted to make an older more "mature" game in respect to their past target group ages. So would anyone say that it feels more serious in comparison to Symphonia and Abyss? Not just story mind you but over all...or certain aspects?

Not seeing it so far. I thought Abyss was actually fairly mature outside the comedy since the cast was a bit older than the normal Tales crew. Everyone was like 18-25 outside Anise IIRC. The cast here seems a little younger and the tone seems a little lighter. I mean in Abyss you freaking
blew up the mining town
within the first 15 hours. Plus there was a big war going on at all times and Jade was a killer. Vesperia is definitely more tame in comparison.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bebpo said:
There are no options, which is why it's import-not-friendly. They give you 光 + 空 +球 as the hint and then the X360 text input window pops up and you have to write the answer
Ah, gotcha. Heh, that almost DOES seem like a "gaijin importer test" as you put it as the "hint" is so simple.
Bebpo said:
Yeah, but this is Himuro who rated Abyss as a D or 6/10 or something in one of the threads recently. He's not going to like Vesperia.

How could you give Tales of the Abyss a D/6. WTF. Abyss was the best Tales, and one of the best RPGs.


kiryogi said:
Rebirth also has you input an answer as well.

Rebirth's is a bit more complex than this one, at least. This one seems to be like a "durr, can you read kanji at all?" test. Rebirth's actually required you to talk to people and piece things together yourself, in order to come up with "愛しき空" :O


Man, Vesperia's combo potential is so abusive. I mean I knew something was up when Rita and Repede were spamming spells like mad. Here's a vid of Rita spamming Tidal wave over and over. Not quite sure if it's infinite but man. :lol


Also, check over the official namco forums for some costumes. RPGmonkey posted some rather interesting pink colored ones. You can see Rita here in a cat outfit of sorts.


kiryogi said:
Also, check over the official namco forums for some costumes. RPGmonkey posted some rather interesting pink colored ones. You can see Rita here in a cat outfit of sorts.

The english forums? Which topic and page are they on?


I found the costume pics I posted.

...Then I realized I could've just went to my photobucket account. >_>

Oh well, here:


People said the third person is Karol. I don't really know.

Also, another sidequest spoiler:

Rumor has it that based on the voice credits, Barbatos (Destiny 2), Dhaos (Phantasia), Shizel (Eternia), and Kratos (Symphonia) make appearances, possibly as this game's cameo battle(s).


TEJ said:
The english forums? Which topic and page are they on?

In the spoiler topic. Lemme grab the link and be careful ??I guess. I'd link them but uh, I dunno if RPGmonkey appreciates that so XD


And I never thought it'd be Karole. I'm pretty sure it's Rita, based off the hair style and the fact it's showcasing the other ladies in the pink outfits.

edit: oh wait. Eye color. uh oh. It's Karole. OMG that's wrong.

pssst: RPGmonkey, come join the irc channel :eek:


Corporate Apologist
Rpgmonkey said:
I found the costume pics I posted.

...Then I realized I could've just went to my photobucket account. >_>

Oh well, here:


People said the third person is Karol. I don't really know.

Also, another sidequest spoiler:

Rumor has it that based on the voice credits, Barbatos (Destiny 2), Dhaos (Phantasia), Shizel (Eternia), and Kratos (Symphonia) make appearances, possibly as this game's cameo battle(s).
Come on Dhaos! Oh, any signs of Cless by chance?


Finished the first major turning point and have pretty much a full party now. Story is in gear and the characters play off each other well. Judith is probably the most interesting character in the cast since she's a little older and very badass. Kinda like Tear but more badass-ish.

I almost feel like there are too many sub-systems to the battle system. Abyss was like free run + FOF. Vesperia has free run + skills + overlimits + bust attacks + fatal strikes (which is confusing as hell and at the start pretty rare like FOF) + skill changed attacks, secret missions, etc...then outside battle there is all the synthesis, the night/day/weather cycles, the new cooking system where you can't invent new recipes by getting good at current ones with certain characters. There's just a lot to take in. I have a hard time right now figuring out what is the most efficient way to fight because there are just so many options. Overall I think this is a good thing, but it's just overwhelming for a while.

Also one thing that's really cool is not only does your weapon show up visibly when you're fighting. But every weapon has a unique sheath model for when you walk around town. Also your sub-weapons visibly show up in town/battle/cutscenes as well. Plus special accessories like glasses and stuff...but those are a pain to synthesize and have no gameplay value so I dunno about those.

Himuro said:

Just rent it then and see how you like it.


How was Legendia recieved in the Tales community? I've had it sitting in my backlog for awhile now. Havent touched it yet, but heard the soundtrack (which is amazing).

Also any extra area DLC planned for ToV?


Also, looking at the story so far (15+ hours in) I realized that Vesperia's plot give or take a few things == One Piece. Like there are way too many similarities for it to just be coincidence. I think the writers intentionally said "let's use the worldview/plot points from One Piece and make a Tales game!". Yuri is basically a more realistic tactful & intelligent version of Luffy and the guilds in the game are basically pirate crews with guild captains being pirate captains and the empire in Vesperia being the Marines in One Piece.

Teknoman said:
How was Legendia recieved in the Tales community? I've had it sitting in my backlog for awhile now. Havent touched it yet, but heard the soundtrack (which is amazing).

Mixed opinions. Music is amazing. Graphics are good if you like the art style. Characters are good. Story is not really, dungeons kinda suck, battle system is weak. 2nd half of the game is like an optional sequel and it's really cheaply and poorly made and you sorta feel you've played so much you might as well play the 2nd 30 hour quest, but then at the end you feel like you wasted 30 hours. If you just play the first 30 hour game it's solid enough because of the art/music/characters.

Also any extra area DLC planned for ToV?

They already have item & skill packs so if you don't want to spend effort/money getting them you can just buy them for REAL MONEY @_@ lolz. I expect severe DLC pain over time like every other Namco Bandai game. But they're too lazy to do any real effort stuff, so it'll probably just be costumes and weapons. Doubt there will be any dungeons or story.


Bebpo said:
Also, looking at the story so far (15+ hours in) I realized that Vesperia's plot give or take a few things == One Piece. Like there are way too many similarities for it to just be coincidence. I think the writers intentionally said "let's use the worldview/plot points from One Piece and make a Tales game!". Yuri is basically a more realistic tactful & intelligent version of Luffy and the guilds in the game are basically pirate crews with guild captains being pirate captains and the empire in Vesperia being the Marines in One Piece.

Oh god, I hate One Piece (and pirates). This is the only real downer for me.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Teknoman said:
How was Legendia recieved in the Tales community? I've had it sitting in my backlog for awhile now. Havent touched it yet, but heard the soundtrack (which is amazing).

Also any extra area DLC planned for ToV?

The story and characters are a bit weak, probably slightly weaker than Symphonia's, dungeons aren't that great, and the battle system isn't as great as the Team Symphonia games. If you're a really big fan of the series, than I'd say go ahead and say you should play it, but it really is a tier below Abyss and Symphonia. Nothing about it downright terrible but not much about it excels anywhere either.

Music is really good though. This song really stuck out in my mind.



Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Bebpo said:
Also, looking at the story so far (15+ hours in) I realized that Vesperia's plot give or take a few things == One Piece. Like there are way too many similarities for it to just be coincidence. I think the writers intentionally said "let's use the worldview/plot points from One Piece and make a Tales game!". Yuri is basically a more realistic tactful & intelligent version of Luffy and the guilds in the game are basically pirate crews with guild captains being pirate captains and the empire in Vesperia being the Marines in One Piece.

Mixed opinions. Music is amazing. Graphics are good if you like the art style. Characters are good. Story is not really, dungeons kinda suck, battle system is weak. 2nd half of the game is like an optional sequel and it's really cheaply and poorly made and you sorta feel you've played so much you might as well play the 2nd 30 hour quest, but then at the end you feel like you wasted 30 hours. If you just play the first 30 hour game it's solid enough because of the art/music/characters.

They already have item & skill packs so if you don't want to spend effort/money getting them you can just buy them for REAL MONEY @_@ lolz. I expect severe DLC pain over time like every other Namco Bandai game. But they're too lazy to do any real effort stuff, so it'll probably just be costumes and weapons. Doubt there will be any dungeons or story.
Story like One Piece...? Are we sure this isn't your typical hyperbole?


Junior Member
i watched one piece for the first time yesterday and i really doubt a tales game would even approach how amazing it is.


Bebpo said:
They already have item & skill packs so if you don't want to spend effort/money getting them you can just buy them for REAL MONEY @_@ lolz.
I thought the DLC out at the moment is all free?


Jonnyram said:
I thought the DLC out at the moment is all free?

Ah. I only have silver for my JPN account so I can only see the item packs with a big NO sign where the price is since they are gold only. I assumed since it's Namco it'd cost money, but if they are free then that's good.

Himuro said:
It's my favorite manga. So comparing a game to One Piece just tickles my penis.

Me and Error have both agreed we want a damn One Piece game that translates One Piece's epic scale and story on to game form.

Don't get me wrong. This is not the OP epic adventure rpg that everyone has been waiting for. Vesperia is totally not epic at all at the start. It's just normal rpg adventuring. I just think that certain things in the world view/characters/story seem like the writers had read OP and were borrowing ideas, which isn't a bad thing because OP is great.
Bebpo said:
Don't get me wrong. This is not the OP epic adventure rpg that everyone has been waiting for. Vesperia is totally not epic at all at the start. It's just normal rpg adventuring. I just think that certain things in the world view/characters/story seem like the writers had read OP and were borrowing ideas, which isn't a bad thing because OP is great.

Man if any game even comes closes to what that series sets up its worth checking out. Interests greatly rising now...


Bebpo said:
The secret missions by beating certain battles certain ways is pretty cool if your not an achievement crazed person who is going to try to get them all and instead you just get rewarded sometimes when you do something cool :)
Did you read the battle book? You get special items for finding the special missions too.


Teknoman said:
How was Legendia recieved in the Tales community? I've had it sitting in my backlog for awhile now. Havent touched it yet, but heard the soundtrack (which is amazing).

Also any extra area DLC planned for ToV?
It was decent. Not as good as Symphonia or Abyss but decent. The battle system could've used some work, but I liked the characters (Normaaa!), the music was great, and the character quests were a cool idea although maybe executed wrong. The story was a bit weak and again, the battle system felt sluggish to me.


Firestorm said:
It was decent. Not as good as Symphonia or Abyss but decent. The battle system could've used some work, but I liked the characters (Normaaa!), the music was great, and the character quests were a cool idea although maybe executed wrong. The story was a bit weak and again, the battle system felt sluggish to me.
Legendia is fairly divisive. There are people that think the above and there are people that think the battle system was the only redeeming quality of a completely shitty game. I, personally, fall into the second group. :D


I actually enjoyed Legendia's battle system more than most. It's a decent game, I would try it out, if just to get an interesting take on Tales.


Blackjack said:
Legendia is fairly divisive. There are people that think the above and there are people that think the battle system was the only redeeming quality of a completely shitty game. I, personally, fall into the second group. :D
Well throughout the entire game I couldn't figure out how to use those throws so maybe it was just my stupidity :(
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