Correct. You might be catching on. Consumers can choose to purchase something for reasons other than technical details. Beats are mostly purchased because people like the way they look. This reason is no more or less valid than buying headphones because they sound better.
Ah, now I see where your hang-up is.
We're in a thread about the iPhone 6. Specifically about the iPhone 6 being a perfect device, without any flaws in its execution or sale.
Dozens of people are in here attempting to point out those flaws. Some are pointing out the buggy iOS8, some are pointing out the low resolution screen, others are pointing out the limited RAM that impacts user experience, while others are pointing out the lack of expandable memory or replaceable batteries. Some of us are simply arguing that the massive mark-ups, asking consumers to pay hundreds of dollars more than what competitors are selling for the same (or better, in many cases) technology, is in itself a flaw.
You're confused, though. Because you think this is a conversation about whether Apple should legally be allowed to sell their phones or whether consumers should legally be allowed to buy them. You think I, and perhaps others, are arguing that Apple shouldn't be allowed to sell their devices with a massive brand-tax. Your fellow Apple brand-loyalist sack-riders are also suffering from this same confusion, which is why they seem to need to fight to the death to hand-wave away any flaw anyone has pointed out in the last 10 pages.
Companies make products more than they are worth to gain profit?
OH MY GOODNESS! My mind is blown.
Ahh, and now, after pages of the same Apple sack-riding fanatics fighting to the death against the notion that Apple charges a massive price mark-up for their devices in comparison to their competitors, now we get the classic "Ha! We knew that all along! We were just arguing because... uhhh... because you're dumb!"
The fact that it would come from a guy who admitted he paid $200 dollars for some extra storage place makes this especially ironic, lol