This was fun OP. I disagree with a lot but you did a great job.
This was fun OP. I disagree with a lot but you did a great job.
If you were to ask any JRPG fan, they would largely agree that the '90s was the "Golden Age" for the genre. Not only was it when the genre came to its own, but so many ground-breaking titles that have aged like fine wine were released then. Titles like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI and VII, Xenogears, Dragon Quest III and V, Secret of Mana 2, Earthbound, the list goes on and on. Not to mention if one were to include the dawn of the new millennium, then titles like Skies of Arcadia, Pokémon Silver, and Final Fantasy X would be included as well. After the early 2000s however, the genre began to slow down a bit.
Half life will be there I believe
I probably haven't played as many games as you, but I just can't see The Last of Us being in the 90s.
No doom![]()
yea it doesnt deserve to be in top 200 either
51| Final Fantasy VII
50| Gunstar Heroes
It's been close to a year since I started making this list. I never knew that I would ever put so much time or effort into it. Personally, I am just very relieved that it is finally finished. The reason why I made this list was that I saw it as a "good bye" to being a "gaming buff" so to speak. Don't get me wrong, I still play video games a lot, but the manner of which I play them is different. I feel that this is something a lot of hardcore gamers will understand that few others will. There are many who get into the hobby always wanting to try the "must play" releases. Whether it be the latest and greatest titles or classic games. For example, if you are in gaming today you have to play Ni-Oh and be pumped to play Horizon: Zero Dawn and The Legend of Zelda; Breath of the Wild. Similar to films, there are always these "groundbreaking" releases that one has to play in order to keep "up to date". This also goes for the classics. If you are into gaming you have to play Super Metroid as well as Final Fantasy VII, like many classic films, they are pretty much mandatory in anyones list.
However, despite playing game on a regular basis, I treat it more and more as leisure time and a competitive hobby. Today I mostly play fighting games, primarily Skullgirls, to have fun and compete with others. I occasionally still play single player games but it's seldom. As a matter of fact since starting this list I have only actively played four single player video games. That averages out to around a game a season. Personally, I enjoy this way of gaming much more than previously. However, I am still glad I did this list as some sort of end to that aspect of the hobby.
Games that Would Have Made the List if I Started it Today:
Dark Souls III - While not as memorable as the original, it is a much leaner experience with some of the best boss battles in the series. A fine end to the trilogy.
Guilty Gear Xrd [Revelator] - A huge step up from the vanilla release. I prefer this version far more to any other entry in the series.
Marvel vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes - I managed to give this game a second chance and it blew me away. "A happy accident" that resulted in lighting being struck in a bottle multiple times. I can think of another game where so many glitches and unexpected consequences managed to craft such a great competitive game. Fast and frantic, Marvel 2 is arguably the best fighting game Capcom has ever made.
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir - The original PS2 release was a game I fell in love with and was my first "hardcore" niche JRPG. But being that the game got so much bad mouth about it being all flash no substance and me not playing it in a decade, I decided to not include it. Revisiting the title for the PS4 made me realize that the game is just as good as I remembered it. Those who also complain about the title lacking in gameplay couldn't be more wrong. It could due to the updates for the PS4 version, but playing the game in Hard mode one sees that it has some of the deepiest combat in any action RPG. At times it even nears the territory of being a 2D hard action game like Devil May Cry.
Games that were "Missing" from the List and Why:
Half-Life - I replayed the game, and it has not aged well. Very boring.
Bioshock series - All style and no substance. And being honest the style isn't even good as everyone said.
Grand Theft Auto series - While I used to love these games, they kind of come off as a jack of all trade ordeal. You are able to do a lot of things, but any of them is surpassed by many other titles.
Uncharted series - Never really played any of these games. Don't seem to appeal to me.
Street Fighter IV - Very milquetoast entry.
Blizzard games - Outside of World of Warcraft, I couldnt' get into any of them. Even Overwatch doesn't interest me much.
Resident Evil 4 - While I remember enjoying this game a lot upon release, I haven't played it in over a decade. So I can't really judge its quality.
Poke'mon titles - While I adored these games as a kid, I eventually fell out of love with them and I never was able to rekindle it. Even with the new Gen X and Y releases.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - While this game is enjoyable, it simply has been surpassed by other action-adventure titles.
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne - This game was great when I played it as a teenager, but I haven't played the game in almost a decade. So I'm not sure how well it has held up.
Super Metroid - After playing the newer DS Castlevania games, it didn't seem to "wow" me as much as it should have.
Metroid Prime - Like many other games, I loved it when I played it, but that was back in high school. I'm not sure how well it held up.
Shenmue - I brought this game for my Dreamcast not long before starting on this list. I popped in the CD and after the first cutscene it stopped loading. My Dreamcast died. Decided to just wait for the inevitable HD re-release
08| Jet Set Radio
Released: October 30th, 2000
Definitive Version: PC; Also on: Xbox 360, PS3, PSVita, DC
Well, even though I don't like it, X is number 1 because everyone else likes it! Please like me and please support our advertisers!
No doom![]()
yea it doesnt deserve to be in top 200 either
Your opinion is terrible, and you should feel bad.
UC2 and 4 are better.You fucking tripping it should. That shit is motherfucking dope! I haven't so taken aback from a game a long ass time. Naughty Dog did their thing. They're professionals and it shows. I wish I could speak to some of those people and ask for advice design wise. I always want to learn from people who are good in their craft.
Nuu said:63l Super Mario 64
09lkid icarus: uprising
08ljet set radio,
07lfreedom planet,
06lys origin,
05lshin megami tensei IV,
04lxenoblade chronicles,
03lsin & punishment: star successor,
02lskullgirls: 2nd Encore,
01lHalf-Life 2 ep. 1 & 2
Doubt he can run itNo Crysis?
tsk tsk
Skullgirls at Number 3? I didn't that game would be on anyone's top ten.
I wouldn't rank it that high, but it's an excellent game and probably my favorite fighting game.
Too many fighting games for my taste.
Resident Evil 4 - While I remember enjoying this game a lot upon release, I haven't played it in over a decade. So I can't really judge its quality.
Too many fighting games for my taste.
That was fun. Thanks.
People disagreeing with rankings are's his list, go post your own.