markets recovering second day in a row!
There's no point worrying until September or earlier if Tory plans become clearer.
markets recovering second day in a row!
Let the libdem hate go, tactical voting is one of the things that brought the Tories down last time.
Lib Dems should have never got in bed with the Tories. They should have gone to Labour or suggest a new three way partnership but they wanted that power. I honestly would prefer a new party under a liberal/social banner, Lib Dems are almost dead to me after I voted for them and they did the unthinkable for a taste of power
If the EU invoked a50 on our behalf then that would be one of the greatest betrayals of sovereignty seen in the last 50 years.
It is not a legally binding referendum and we are trying to get a new government sorted.
I must admit, I'm not massively pleased with how Europe has reacted to this, although it is understandable that they are pissed off, we are a sovereign nation and contribute massively to the EU budget and run a large trade deficit with it.
some people are actually happy if the UK leaves the EU because UK was known for blocking some reformations and that they insisted on their "special deals". Having better deals than all of the other members but usually the only country to keep complaining.
Imho the public EU opinion about the #Brexit slowly changes from "shocked" to "¯\_(ツ_/¯" with all those news in the last days.
Lib Dems should have never got in bed with the Tories. They should have gone to Labour or suggest a new three way partnership but they wanted that power. I honestly would prefer a new party under a liberal/social banner, Lib Dems are almost dead to me after I voted for them and they did the unthinkable for a taste of power
markets recovering second day in a row!
That thought process is poison and one of the major reasons our political parties suck. It encourages bad political practice. I vote for people I want representing me in Parliament, not so a team wins or loses
markets recovering second day in a row!
Boris Johnson 100 Mp's
Teresa May 80 MP's
Sky News.
so it looks like it is between them two
Well, Labour can get fucked...
And outside of my brother's place there is a bunch of this:
Good god. I'd actually prefer Boris
Good god. I'd actually prefer Boris
I must admit, I'm not massively pleased with how Europe has reacted to this, although it is understandable that they are pissed off, we are a sovereign nation and contribute massively to the EU budget and run a large trade deficit with it.
The EU is being much more formal and germane than I thought it'd be.
They basically told the UK to sort their shit out before holding any talks. They want certainty and formality so they can work on the exit strategy like grown ups, which is a heck of a lot more than what the UK is currently offering.
Boris Johnson 100 Mp's
Teresa May 80 MP's
Sky News.
so it looks like it is between them two...
Sky News also saying that Boris is way ahead in members, so if he makes top two he will be new PM
Good god. I'd actually prefer Boris
Good god. I'd actually prefer Boris
Well, Labour can get fucked...
And outside of my brother's place there is a bunch of this:
And then there is UKIP sooooo...
I think the only sane choice left are my homies the libdems. It's a shame Nick Clegg is screwed over politically.
I got absolutely ripped for saying the LDs did well in government. They were holding this shitshow back for years and got absolutely zero credit.
Does my head in.
People are a bit harsh after he failed to impress at Chelsea but he's been great since he moved back to Athletico.
Prepare to hear about how great the exports are of delicious glutenous chocolate cake.
There was no way that Labour/LD would have worked though, it would still have been a minority government. LDs had a choice between a strong government in a time of financial crisis (even if it was a Tory one), and a government that would suffer a fight to pass every single piece of legislation, whether or not they were a part of it
Who the fuck wants Johnson as PM?
The man is a massive joke.
Who the fuck wants Johnson as PM?
The man is a massive joke.
Who the fuck wants Johnson as PM?
The man is a massive joke.
Theresa May is a good politician who has done the hardest job in politics for a number of years now.
I don't agree with her but she has had a tough brief and handled it well.
Who the fuck wants Johnson as PM?
The man is a massive joke.
They never should have let them in then, Tory austerity has been killing smaller communities, councils, local NHS services, employment. I'd rather they had another vote if nobody could form a government. It was a power grab pure and simple.
Yes they held a leash on the Tories somewhat. But that is like giving a small child the leash of a great dane and hoping for the best in my opinion
markets recovering second day in a row!
The last Cameron deal is gone, it is in the trash, that is the price for the referendum.
If the EU invoked a50 on our behalf then that would be one of the greatest betrayals of sovereignty seen in the last 50 years.
It is not a legally binding referendum and we are trying to get a new government sorted.
I must admit, I'm not massively pleased with how Europe has reacted to this, although it is understandable that they are pissed off, we are a sovereign nation and contribute massively to the EU budget and run a large trade deficit with it.
My "ideal" set up for the commons would consist of MPs from: Lib Dems, Greens, UKIP, NI and Scotish reps.
Tory and Labour can die out.
If the EU invoked a50 on our behalf then that would be one of the greatest betrayals of sovereignty seen in the last 50 years.
It is not a legally binding referendum and we are trying to get a new government sorted.
I must admit, I'm not massively pleased with how Europe has reacted to this, although it is understandable that they are pissed off, we are a sovereign nation and contribute massively to the EU budget and run a large trade deficit with it.
What I'm saying is, what realistic alternative was there?
Let careerist Boris fall on his own sword.
Deep down he's pro immigration & single market. Which is some slight comfort. The worrying thing is how much further he's willing to lie and deceive his way to power at the expense of what (he knows is) best for our country.
May is just pure evil. Anti human rights, anti immigration
A repeat of the vote in order for a party to collect a majority. If I had known the Lib Dems would have considered teaming up with the Tories I wouldn't have voted for them