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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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I got absolutely ripped for saying the LDs did well in government. They were holding this shitshow back for years and got absolutely zero credit.

Does my head in.

I see your point, but they were also the reason we ad a Tory government which does dampen my enthusiasm.



Most of the North voted leave.

It should be noted that it only takes a relatively small amount of "bad" immigration for social problems to arise.

No pretty much all of the pro leave areas had far lower levels of immigration compared to the pro remain areas. The only exception was Hull and some very isolated parts in the South.




I see your point, but they were also the reason we ad a Tory government which does dampen my enthusiasm.

They were a reason we had ANY government with the way the results ended up.

You might not like Tories but 2010 with a minority government or another election would have destroyed the country.


sputum-flecked apoplexy

Most of the North voted leave. The poorer migrants get encouraged to go where the cost of housing is less and councils struggling with this tend to bunch up large numbers them in the same areas. You then get strong resentment from the locals who feel that they are getting squeezed out which spreads across entire towns and cities.

It should be noted that it only takes a relatively small amount of "bad" immigration for social problems to arise.
It also takes only a small amount of bigotry and intolerance for social problems to arise, but apparently it's Bad and Wrong to point that out now.


Mum just texted me. I've successfully convinced her to change her holiday from Cornwall to Scotland 👌 #DoingMyPart
No pretty much all of the pro leave areas had far lower levels of immigration compared to the pro remain areas. The only exception was Hull and some very isolated parts in the South.



Doesn't matter, mainly because how its managed possibly. It only takes a few hundred to be moved into one area to cause problems.


No pretty much all of the pro leave areas had far lower levels of immigration compared to the pro remain areas. The only exception was Hull and some very isolated parts in the South.

To be honest, it's kind of hard to see from the maps that the pro leave areas had far lower levels of immigration than the pro remain ones. Are there any raw composites, maybe? Like, average level of immigration in pro leave vs same level in pro remain, just two numbers?
It also takes only a small amount of bigotry and intolerance for social problems to arise, but apparently it's Bad and Wrong to point that out now.

Its people like you who will happily hand wave problems you cannot have witnessed and have had to live with along with chucking in the odd blind insult that has led us to where we are now.


Doesn't matter, mainly because how its managed possibly. It only takes a few hundred to be moved into one area to cause problems.

Isn't this a bit like hearing hoof beats and looking for Zebras? It's far more logical to think that more exposure to immigrants makes them less scary than to think that the 'bad ones' are being sent to the areas that have low immigration.


Remember when we were all talking about sweets, biscuits, and irn bru in the voting topic. I miss that innocence we had before some cunts decided to, and continue to, fuck up this country.

i mean, why isn't there an alcoholic irn bru beverage?

Yeah, Cornwall and Wales can fuck off. No chance I will be spending any money there.

Hey, hey, wait just one second there. Come to Cardiff, weren't not all entirely imbeciles here.But yea, the rest of Wales are fucking idiots.


Its people like you who will happily hand wave problems you cannot have witnessed and have had to live with along with chucking in the odd blind insult that has led us to where we are now.
Do you approve of the recent raise of racism and right wing terrorism then? I haven't seen you make any effort to condone this behaviour?

In addition, are you suggesting immigrants are directly to blame for this behaviour, and frustration should be made towards them and not the government?


Remember when we were all talking about sweets, biscuits, and irn bru in the voting topic. I miss that innocence we had before some cunts decided to, and continue to, fuck up this country.

i mean, why isn't there an alcoholic irn bru beverage?

There is:


Doesn't matter, mainly because how its managed possibly. It only takes a few hundred to be moved into one area to cause problems.

Sincere question - if an entire constituency can be thrown into complete turmoil by "a few hundred" immigrants - to the point where it dominants conversation for over a decade - do you not think that area might have already had other severe problems to begin with?


Its people like you who will happily hand wave problems you cannot have witnessed and have had to live with along with chucking in the odd blind insult that has led us to where we are now.

Which has very little to do with the individuals and families moving to those areas and more to do with incompetent governmental handling of it.
Do you approve of the recent raise of racism and right wing terrorism then? I haven't seen you make any effort to condone this behaviour?

In addition, are you suggesting immigrants are directly to blame for this behaviour, and frustration should be made towards them and not the government?

No, but I can see where the resentment is coming from, not that I condone it.

Which has very little to do with the individuals and families moving to those areas and more to do with incompetent governmental handling of it.

Government, EU, whoever it seems to me it was a frustratingly simple problem to solve.


Stephen Crab

No need to wait to start taking about trade, that starts today! Immigration must be at the forefront and this will make free trade difficult, as such we must do the best deal possible that solves the immigration issues...
They are backing on single market access on our terms, good luck with that.

"We are under no illusions that this is incredibly hard, but nevertheless these are the pillars we will work on to achieve" or something along those lines.

Good luck with that.
I'm sure the other Tories will be echoing that when they throw in their hat, setting themselves up for failure if you ask me.


The lack of informal negotiations still has the UK in this feedback loop about the single market and immigration. Consistent messages from European leaders are being ignored.



Here we go, first question saying he is naive to say he can have both, immigration and free trade

His response

Immigration at the heart of all talks, it will be challenging, will get as closely as possible to achieve that

No General Election, they still have a mandate


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Mum just texted me. I've successfully convinced her to change her holiday from Cornwall to Scotland �� #DoingMyPart

You did a good thing anyway. Never been to Cornwall but Scotland is beautiful.

It should be noted that it only takes a relatively small amount of "bad" immigration for social problems to arise.

It should also be noted that even the best immigration can cause problems if the other people are racist scumbags.


the areas of the UK that voted 'Leave' correlate exactly to where there have been BSE outbreaks, not even joking, check the maps!

Just sayin.... ;)


not tag worthy
Dave and Boris . This is some Hydra level shit between them .

This has to be a conspiracy right?

Plunge the world markete into financial madness .

Let farrage hang himself.

Stall like crazy or just plain ignore this shit storm.

kill off labour.

Let the country realise what the EU do

"Hail Hydra"


Here we go, first question saying he is naive to say he can have both, immigration and free trade

His response

Immigration at the heart of all talks, it will be challenging, will get as closely as possible to achieve that

FWIW, I think it's a good response, that's really what they should be working on. Things are complex and tough, all breakages are, but there are definitely opportunities and there is certainly some win-win middle ground on trade between UK and EU (that's just math and common sense), and so the task is to find that middle ground.
the areas of the UK that voted 'Leave' correlate exactly to where there have been BSE outbreaks, not even joking, check the maps!

Just sayin.... ;)

Yeaaaaahhh that tweet that's gone around?

The BSE map is just a black and white version of the referendum map. Basically: bollocks.


Stephen Crab

No need to wait to start taking about trade, that starts today! Immigration must be at the forefront and this will make free trade difficult, as such we must do the best deal possible that solves the immigration issues...

Except the part where formal and informal talks cannot be had with the EU until Article 50.

Yeah but we can talk about fantasy stuff between ourselves, sure!


the areas of the UK that voted 'Leave' correlate exactly to where there have been BSE outbreaks, not even joking, check the maps!

Just sayin.... ;)

Are we saying they were angry about EU agricultural policy, or that they have Spongiform Encephalitis?
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