The baseline deal is not a standard EEA agreement, there is no baseline deal.
Yes, you were reasonable and I apologize if my reply sounds like I am unreasonably frustrated. Let me try again.
I *think* the UK has things to give to the EU. Mostly because the trading interest is mutual --- and so the UK can add trade barriers which will harm the EU - and, yes, the EU can do that to the UK as well, but since the interest is mutual, the number and size of barriers can be negotiated and the UK can agree to some barriers from the EU which wouldn't otherwise be there in exchange for no free movement, for example. Ie, the EU defended UK's interests against Germany and France on agriculture, that can be scaled back.
I know that's not concrete. I do not have a negotiation plan with all the details worked out, perhaps I should have emphasized that I *think* there are many ways to go rather than stating that there are many ways to go.