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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Labour (surprisingly) and LD both in calls for a General Election.

I understand why, especially after the Gordon Brown fiasco.

BUT.. we don't elect a prime minister at a general election, we elect an MP to take a government seat for our local constituencies. And a majority, or coalition, forms a government. Again, we do not elect a prime minister.

Also, David Cameron had already made it clear prior to last year's election that he would not be serving a third term - so we knew he had to be stepping down at some point during his second term regardless of this referendum result, to allow a successor to lead the party in the run-up to a general election in 2020. OK, we're 3-4 years earlier than that new leader would have likely taken place, but still, I don't think a general election is absolutely necessary. It'll just create more delays and uncertainty.


There is some delicious salt spewing out from Leadsom's campaign team:

"It is absolutely not the job of media commentators to ‘big up’ politicians, whether in this leadership contest or elsewhere in politics. But neither should it be their compulsion constantly to try to trip them up. Using spin and underhand tactics against decent people whose prime motivation is to serve has for too long undermined the confidence of the public in our politics. This need not be inevitable. It is this much needed fresh start to how we do our politics that was to be the centrepiece of Andrea’s campaign and which we must together progress whatever her role in the future."

Truly laughable, if it weren't for media commentators 'bigging up' Leadsom she would never have made it this far. She's an utterly unqualified cretin and her reaction to a straightforward newspaper story shows she doesn't have the character to be a top level politician.
Ugh get over it. If they want to drag some infighting into the public eye at the worst possible time (sounds like we're heading for a GE after all) then I think the Labour party are still accepting new members.

In regards to the renewed possibility of a GE: lol


Corbyn came up with an alternative vision. Corbyn/McDonnell's economic policies were basically sensible. Don't mistake your refusal to listen to them with their not existing.

But they wrapped those policies in basically a distilled super pure version of Ed's anti-austerity measure to the point where it basically glossed over any actual policy they had. Outside of perhaps the rail nationalisation, ask anyone about Labours current policies they couldn't give you specifics in almost all cases but they'd probably say anti-austerity, as to the layman the odd time they hear Corbyn it's all he ever bangs on about.

It was a failed message when Ed was delivering it, Corbyn is somehow less personable and less comfortable in the spotlight and it's no surprise the polling is dire. Ed's Labour was at 40% at this point in the cycle, Corbyn didn't even get a post election bump.


Hmm, somehow I doubt Angela Eagle has any more broad appeal to make it to number 10...

Why exactly? I found his logic rather weak. What is the basis for thinking that those other Corbyn, even if they might be elected, would effectively deal with de-industrialisation, outsourcing, etc., which have led to lessening of decent job opportunities for the working class?

We don't know. What we do know is he is polling at historic lows, with large numbers of labour voters unwilling to vote for him. That people trust him on the economy even less than Ed Miliband. The membership seems to forget sometimes that labours MPs have a democratic mandate of their own that's a lot broader than the labour leadership contest.
Hmm, somehow I doubt Angela Eagle has any more broad appeal to make it to number 10...

She'd do no worse than Milliband. If she gained maybe one or two seats back and the LDs managed a successful reclamation of a number of seats that should never have been lost in 2015 (Cambridge, Brecon and Radnorshire, many SW seats) which flipped to Tory, the Conservatives would be forced from power.

Bear in mind that the reason this government exists at all is because the LDs lost extremely badly to the Tories in their marginals, when they were expected to do relatively well in them. Much like the Leave surprise victory, the Tories hit on a nerve with their Labour-in-through-the-back-door fear campaign in the final week.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
The voters don't like Corbyn's "alternative vision". He polls worse on the economy than Miliband ever did.

Then another alternative needs to be found (or the messaging needs to be changed), but that's not the same as saying there was never one to begin with.


Labour (surprisingly) and LD both in calls for a General Election.

I understand why, especially after the Gordon Brown fiasco.

BUT.. we don't elect a prime minister at a general election, we elect an MP to take a government seat for our local constituencies. And a majority, or coalition, forms a government. Again, we do not elect a prime minister.

Also, David Cameron had already made it clear prior to last year's election that he would not be serving a third term - so we knew he had to be stepping down at some point during his second term regardless of this referendum result, to allow a successor to lead the party in the run-up to a general election in 2020. OK, we're 3-4 years earlier than that new leader would have likely taken place, but still, I don't think a general election is absolutely necessary. It'll just create more delays and uncertainty.

May today outlined something which is pretty much a 180 on the current Tory economic manifesto. While we vote for MP's, we vote for MP's standing for a particular party manifesto. No one voted for May's vision. If she was just offering a continuation of the Cameroon/Osborne policies then that's one thing, she's not though. She's actually making a pretty pronounced pitch for the centre.


Eagle vs Corbyn proves the Labour party have learned completely the wrong lessons from Blair. Blair won because he put forward radical ideas. Choosing between Eagle and Corbyn is basically a choice between early 2000s progressivism and 1980s progressivism.


Then another alternative needs to be found (or the messaging needs to be changed), but that's not the same as saying there was never one to begin with.

Sure, maybe if we get rid of Corbyn we can do that :)

To add to the discussion of Corbyn's economic policy, some polling from November:

Asked who they trust more to improve the economy, 40% of voters say the Conservatives, and only 23% say Labour. This 17-point lead is the Government’s greatest since Labour lost power more than five years ago.
On the deficit, the story is the same. The Conservative lead of 18 points (39% trust the Tories more, compared with 21% for Labour) is, once more, a post-2010 record.

Only on who would make the better Chancellor has Labour not slipped back. The 20% who name John McDonnell now is exactly the same as the 20% who named Ed Balls shortly before this year’s election. The number preferring Osborne is virtually unchanged (40% in March, 38% now). If anything, that comparison flatters McDonnell, for Balls’s 20% was his lowest figure; for much of the last parliament, Osborne’s lead over his Labour shadow was in single figures.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
To add to the discussion of Corbyn's economic policy, some polling from November:

I think this is a problem that Labour is going to have for some time anyway, since they let the Tories get away with sticking them for the economic meltdown of 2007. The idea that the Tories are a safe pair of hands compared with Labour--despite the piling of evidence to the contrary--is going to take more than a replacement leader to get rid of.


Queen is on holiday in Norfolk - presumably Sandringham. She will then go to Cambridge on Weds before going back to London later that day.

So at least two more days before May becomes PM.


Said this on Reddit but I'll repeat it here...

Angela Eagle has the charisma of a goldfish and the public speaking skills of a GCSE English student.


Are Corbynistas now saying charisma is a requirement for being leader of the Labour party?

I think this is a problem that Labour is going to have for some time anyway, since they let the Tories get away with sticking them for the economic meltdown of 2007. The idea that the Tories are a safe pair of hands compared with Labour--despite the piling of evidence to the contrary--is going to take more than a replacement leader to get rid of.

That's true and it's been an issue for Labour for most of the party's history. That doesn't change the fact that Corbyn is less credible than Miliband.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
At this point, I honestly would vote for Eagle for Labour leader just so that we can move on from this 18 month cycle of Labour dysfunctionality. I sincerely doubt that she could win an election, and I think that the PLP knows that too, but perhaps if they could take a few months out from thinking of ways to topple their leader they might actually have some time to think of an alternative to the Tory party that a) works and b) isn't just copying them.

Are Corbynistas now saying charisma is a requirement for being leader of the Labour party?

Surely no more hypocritical than a PLP who insisted that electability is key putting her forward as their replacement candidate.
Said this on Reddit but I'll repeat it here...

Angela Eagle has the charisma of a goldfish and the public speaking skills of a GCSE English student.


At this point, I honestly would vote for Eagle for Labour leader just so that we can move on from this 18 month cycle of Labour dysfunctionality. I sincerely doubt that she could win an election, and I think that the PLP knows that too, but perhaps if they could take a few months out from thinking of ways to topple their leader they might actually have some time to think of an alternative to the Tory party that a) works and b) isn't just copying them.

I honestly believe that Eagle is so bad that we'll just get a different flavour of dysfunction. I'll actually put money on her not lasting until the next GE (as long as an early one isn't called!) if she gets the nod.


My prediction for what will happen:

- Corbyn will win the leadership election

- At least 50 Labour MPs will either create a new party or join the LDs

- An election will be called between 2018-20

- Conservatives will win by an absolute landslide (100+ majority) because the LD and Labour votes will be split

- The Conservative government will have over 70% of the seats but around 30% of the votes

- There will be marches on London to introduce PR or another voting system

- The Conservatives will be forced to give in due to national unrest, strikes from unions etc, but it won't be full PR

- The UK will actually have a better political system that allows Corbynistas/UKIPers to exist without polluting the centre of UK politics like they have for the past 6 years.

Par Score

Dan Jarvis
David Miliband
Chuka Ummuna


David Miliband couldn't beat Ed, and we all saw how well Ed did (I love Ed, I think he'd have been a great PM, and we wouldn't be going through all this shit if he'd won, but come on).

Chuka couldn't hack ONE DAY of media scrutiny when he was in the running last time.

Jarvis has been AWOL for so long they might as well declare him MIA.

The saviours of the Labour "moderates" ladies and gentlemen.


ok, thank you for your input. I had no idea

I was just making the point that he would be the only choice I'd consider voting for in a leadership contest

I like the idea that being left wing makes someone a frothing lunatic polluting the political well.


David Miliband couldn't beat Ed, and we all saw how well Ed did.

Chuka couldn't hack ONE DAY of media scrutiny when he was in the running last time.

Jarvis has been AWOL for so long they might as well declare him MIA.

The saviours of the Labour "moderates" ladies and gentlemen.

David got stitched up, despite the fact he was clearly a better candidate

Chuka I agree with, such a shame

Jarvis, yeah, but he could unite our country, as the military worshippers would get behind him as he's a vet, but he has good policy ideas too. I think his wife dying and then his new family situation stalled his career a few years. Shame.


He wants one more round of "that's really for the next leadership to decide"

Or one more "For heaven’s sake man, go!"

"Oh, and one last thing from me... SNAP ELECTION"

*confetti and balloons fall from the sky as symbolic voting buckets are wheeled into the room"


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I have to say that the PLP putting forward Eagle as their candidate makes me rather certain of my earlier hunch that their lack of support for him had nothing to do with his electability and everything to do with his policies. To his credit, at least Blair admitted that fact.


I like the idea that being left wing makes someone a frothing lunatic polluting the political well.

Likewise, I'm personally pretty fond of the idea that being right wing is symptomatic of some sort of pathologic stupidy and xenophobia.
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