War Peaceman
You're a big guy.
I would disregard any polling about Owen Smith, he is a nobody. For better or worse.
I still think he won't last long, not due to a fuck up, he's just notorious for hating the amount of work involved.
The second referendum polling is telling. People seem to prefer the notion of deciding this at a General Election. But half of people (presumably Leavers) want no ballot at all.
EU-Canada still many many years to go. Lot of countries to deal with, some still rejected. There is no process for years so far.The EU-Canada deal will be in place before the UK can make one with Canada probably.
EU-Canada still many many years to go. Lot of countries to deal with, some still rejected. There is no process for years so far.
I'd say the 39% 'Don't Know' are the people that know who Owen Smith is.ComRes poll
How do 34% of people know who Owen Smith is?
I'm not expecting many people to be keen on a replay yet, it's just to soon and nothing has happened at all. A deal could be reached due to Scotland that makes everyone happy to a degree.
A bit silly for Smith to raise it at this point, Tories are for out, Libdems are for in, Labour should just concentrate on being in the real world for now.
(Reuters) - Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she would not rule out the possibility of Scotland remaining in the European Union as well as part of Britain, which backed Brexit overall in a referendum mainly due to voters in England and Wales.
"I don't think that should be ruled out at this stage," she said.
The Scotland thing intrigues me, another way to stall / never active A50. Scotland are essentially being given an unofficial veto.
I am hearing rumours of Merkel trying to make deals from within the EU to make sweeping changes and then ask us to vote again post reforms. They know we won't be the first to go if it does happen.
(These rumours are literally that, I am not connected to be clear).
The agreement is pretty much done. Being hand over to the countries for signing. Some want to vote on it still and we need to wait how that goes. Will take some time, but certainly the largest part is done.EU-Canada still many many years to go. Lot of countries to deal with, some still rejected. There is no process for years so far.
http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-16-2371_en.htmFollowing a decision by the Council, it will be possible to provisionally apply CETA. Its full entering into force will be subject to the conclusion by the EU, through a Council decision with the consent of the European Parliament, and by all Member States through the relevant national ratification procedures.
She has to play the 'exploring all possibilities' card until it is taken from her.
What do we want from Australia or New Zealand ..... Lamb?
It will be interesting to see the detail of these proposed free trade deals and how much they are actually worth
So the rest of the UK could get free trade with the EU by going via Scotland? Seems like a boon for Scotland - especially any shipping merchants.
Seems implausible in reality, though.
What do we want from Australia or New Zealand ..... Lamb?
It will be interesting to see the detail of these proposed free trade deals and how much they are actually worth
Wouldn't it just be the same as it is now for redistribution of non EU produced goods?
What do we want from Australia or New Zealand ..... Lamb?
Wouldn't that require border control between Scotland and UK? If they were in the EU and UK, then there'd be free movement and free trade between both. People could gain access to the UK via Scotland, the same goes for goods.
So the rest of the UK could get free trade with the EU by going via Scotland? Seems like a boon for Scotland - especially any shipping merchants.
Seems implausible in reality, though.
Labeling etc is going to stop it, you would have to move production wouldn't you?
Just as an example, Tesco have a portion of an aisle where they sell goods from the US. Tesco (or some other merchant) has paid the tax on those imported goods, and is free to sell them to someone else (i.e. me) without me being liable to any additional duties.
What's to stop merchants buying from the EU with zero duties, at which point it is the property of said merchant in Scotland (but more importantly, the property of merchant in the UK), then selling to someone in England? You might just end up with a bunch of warehouses popping up in Scotland owned by independent merchants and bigger retailers (where those don't already exist).
Some European Union citizens may not be allowed to stay in Britain after the U.K. leaves the bloc, the U.K. minister in charge of negotiating the divorce has said.
"We may have to say that the right to indefinite leave to remain protection only applies before a certain date," he said. "But you have to make those judgments on reality, not speculation."
Davis said he believes Britain will be able to retain access to the single market while opting out of the EU's right to free movement. EU leaders say that's impossible, that the free movement of people is a key right, but Davis said "everybody is taking starting positions."
lol. No way pre-referendum is the date. Legally that means nothing, we're still a member of the EU today.sensed this was going to happen, I expect them to say anyone pre referendum can stay but all others now have to leave/apply for visa
lol. No way pre-referendum is the date. Legally that means nothing, we're still a member of the EU today.
sensed this was going to happen, I expect them to say anyone pre referendum can stay but all others now have to leave/apply for visa
sensed this was going to happen, I expect them to say anyone pre referendum can stay but all others now have to leave/apply for visa
Ah David "well the EU is just going to have to bend over and take it" Davis. Negotiations should go well.
sensed this was going to happen, I expect them to say anyone pre referendum can stay but all others now have to leave/apply for visa
I like how some Leavers here are so quick to point out that the EU accounts not for a majority of trade, but merely 46%. And then get excited about some Australian trade deal when that's not even 2% of trade.
Sorta like reverse Greenland deal? But Greenland is autonomous and an island so there are no border problems. Seems rather unlikely.
I like how some Leavers here are so quick to point out that the EU accounts not for a majority of trade, but merely 46%. And then get excited about some Australian trade deal when that's not even 2% of trade.
I voted remain so that's fucked up your assumptions hasn't it. I'm just not sitting here hoping the country burns.
Davis is one those Ken Clarke referred to as genuine loonies who believe we will be economically better off outside of the single market.
The sheer calibre of the people entering into these talks with the EU are laughably poor. Even twats like Djisselboem will run rings around them. Not that it matters, the leverage the EU has here is immense.
There's no need to hope for it. Best case scenario now is we keep access, passport and become EU bitch boy. Which is the likely scenario.
Worst case is slow and steady regression, which would be well deserved for voting out of xenophobia, prejudice and unabashed ignorance.
Yeah, he's achieved nothing of note except winning a by-election where labour and the Libdems didn't stand. He gets credit for standing against civil liberty abuses* but I don't see the relevance for the job ahead.
* He didn't vote to repeal section 28 so it obviously only matters when it suits him.
Won't we have similar problems anyway with the common travel area and the Irish Republic.
The relevance comes from his ardent eurosceptiscm. A principled moron. It's a politically astute calculation from May. So none of the mentals can come back saying he didn't fight for them, he wasn't a true leaver etc. after the EU hands him his ass.
Yeah, reverse Greenland for Scotland, NI and Gibraltar at least seems like the best solution. Not sure how feasible it would be to include London in that.
The problem is that Davis is so freaking insane, he would actually leave Europe completely and not have access to the single market if needs be. It's utterly insane, but he also thinks we can have a dozen trade agreements ready to go for when we leave.
Either May will have to go along with his plan and we leave Europe *hard*, or she'll end up kicking him out of cabinet at some point.
Yeah, reverse Greenland for Scotland, NI and Gibraltar at least seems like the best solution. Not sure how feasible it would be to include London in that.
Would be nice to include London but I suspect it would be considerably harder for both political (would be a bit strange to have the English seat of power in the EU but the rest of the country outside) and practical (unlike Scotland and NI, London does not have a separate legal system nor a devolved parliament) reasons.