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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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This government needs to prove they can 'control' immigration from outside the EU before drawing imaginary lines.

Why does nobody talk about this, they can control immigration outside the EU if they want to but really they never did and we do have border control. It seems like they actually aren't bothered by it because it's mostly a good thing.

Now what is their real reason for getting out the EU and single market, that's the frightening part.


Why does nobody talk about this, they can control immigration outside the EU if they want to but really they never did and we do have border control. It seems like they actually aren't bothered by it because it's mostly a good thing.

Now what is their real reason for getting out the EU and single market, that's the frightening part.

1. Leave the EU
2. Get rid of the HRA
3. ???
4. Take over the world with your new Robot Army


Meanwhile...in Russia


Our future ministers looking out for our future getting all cosy in bed with Putin.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/31/vladimir-putin-eton-boys-private-audience-kremlin


not tag worthy
Well putin will control trump/USA and the UK .

Time to learn Russian I guess.

Someone Photoshop Corbyn into that rocky gif with May as the Photograph.

Why does nobody talk about this, they can control immigration outside the EU if they want to but really they never did and we do have border control. It seems like they actually aren't bothered by it because it's mostly a good thing.

Now what is their real reason for getting out the EU and single market, that's the frightening part.

Eh? There are many restrictions on immigrants from outside the EU, and I can assure that they do prevent people from coming here that otherwise would. So in that sense, yes immigration from outside the EU is being 'controlled'. That particular tap has been closed quite tightly, you only need to compare the figures to see that - essentially equal numbers coming in from inside the EU as from outside the EU, despite the former being a stock of 500m compared to a stock of ~6000m.


British Refugees Welcome!
We have Bratwurst and access to the single market!

You reeeeeeeaally need some new schtick.


Junior Member
But we have lots of .. Cake and won't buy your cars.

I think you'll find things are looking up for us.
We can't claim in other EU countries, we're likely going to jail or fine for not bring the passport then kick out.
We always could claim asylum on commonwealth. Canada here we go.


Junior Member
They are not allowed to claim asylum? That's a bit weird. I mean, it's hard to imagine how one would enforce that. Invade the foreign country that has taken British refugees and abduct them back?
No right to live and work or welfare if failed asylum.
And of course deportation.

Par Score

I'll believe it when May invokes a50.

But it does make me laugh each time she proclaims 'Brexit means Brexit', like there was some overwhelming pro-Brexit result. They won, but it was 51.9 to 48.1. It's almost as if she has to treat Leavers with kid-gloves and reassure them their little dream will happen.

'Brexit means Brexit' continues to be one of the most worthless platitudes ever uttered. It doesn't even rise to the level of tautology, because "Brexit" it is utterly without inherent meaning.


Immigration a 'red line' for Britain in Brexit deal, says this Guardian article. It is now believed that Britain will leave the single market entirely.

I will continue to believe it when I see it.


If Scotland doesn't go independent second time around, I'll be on the first plane over!

Count me in once my degree is finished, and I really like my country as well :( For the most part. Some nutters up here.

Still I'm young enough to uproot and leave this island if it really starts going up in flames.


Count me in once my degree is finished, and I really like my country as well :( For the most part. Some nutters up here.

Still I'm young enough to uproot and leave this island if it really starts going up in flames.

Same, I'm young enough and at the right stage in my career to do it. I finish uni next week, so the struggle is now to find a job (not that recent events have made that easier obviously >_>)

But it'll be Ireland, Germany or Canada for me if I move. Britain as a whole can rot for all I care.


I finish uni next week, the struggle is now to find a job (not that recent events have made that easier obviously >_>)

But it'll be Ireland, Germany or Canada for me if I move.

I think Canada has some dodgy political hierarchy going on but largely I'd say it seems awesome to move there. Have two friends who did (partners) and they are now loving living there and have a nice life set out for themselves.

I don't know enough about Germany other than German Football GAF are crazy lol.

As for Ireland no offence to the idea but I think going there would still be too close to home for me. If things go really bad in the coming years I'd rather create some distance between myself and "home".

Alex Salmond needs to be reigned in and instead someone like Mhairi Black given a job of convincing alongside Sturgeon. Girl power and all that jazz. In all seriousness though Salmond is like letting off a fireworks display every time he gets into public debate. I personally find it amusing and like his jibe at times, but many don't. As much as it pains me to say this a lot of this upcoming battle won't be about a battle of ideas, but public image and winning brownie points in the media. As usual in UK politics.


I think Canada has some dodgy political hierarchy going on but largely I'd say it seems awesome to move there. Have two friends who did (partners) and they are now loving living there and have a nice life set out for themselves.

I don't know enough about Germany other than German Football GAF are crazy lol.

As for Ireland no offence to the idea but I think going there would still be too close to home for me. If things go really bad in the coming years I'd rather create some distance between myself and "home".

Alex Salmond needs to be reigned in and instead someone like Mhairi Black given a job of convincing alongside Sturgeon. Girl power and all that jazz. In all seriousness though Salmond is like letting off a fireworks display every time he gets into public debate. I personally find it amusing and like his jibe at times, but many don't. As much as it pains me to say this a lot of this upcoming battle won't be about a battle of ideas, but public image and winning brownie points in the media. As usual in UK politics.

Salmond is more annoying now. His jibes were fun years ago at times and sometimes had something decent to say but he just drags the whole thing down and rubs people the wrong way.

I see May is backing Hunt all the way with the NHS contract. Not too surprising but she is getting worse as time goes on. A lot people were thinking strong and commanding but what she actually does is what we should care about and not looking good. The obesity thing was recent too.


Salmond is more annoying now. His jibes were fun years ago at times and sometimes had something decent to say but he just drags the whole thing down and rubs people the wrong way.

I see May is backing Hunt all the way with the NHS contract. Not too surprising but she is getting worse as time goes on. A lot people were thinking strong and commanding but what she actually does is what we should care about and not looking good. The obesity thing was recent too.

He can still tear down an opposing party with an edge. The guy isn't dumb or simply a walking timebomb, he is just obnoxious a lot of the time. I'll still take that than a lifeless and soul less politician. A lot of what Salmond stands for is what I stand for and he usually fights for the moral ground. A battle of good ideas is more important to me than a popularity contest so I won't just dismiss him as he rubs people the wrong way.

What I will say and have said previously is like it or not so much of the general public skim the top of politics and instead of actually looking into the reality of decisions and opinions they just vote for who they would like to share a pint with or a cup of tea with. Fuck that noise, being that "deep" with your political decision making is exactly why the country is in a mess.

That's the way it is though and that is why it is important for Sturgeon to play a bit of the popularity contest and make her forerunners for a potential indyref2 be likable and charming. Mhairi Black gets a lot of publicity for being the youngest and also making some damn good speeches. I would choose her to be of importance in the public appearance of an indyref2 campaign.

Salmond can be the attack dog that occasionally gets let off its leash when the crazy and obnoxious shite starts from BetterTogether or the Rupert Murdoch papers. There is a time to stick the sword in and wiggle it about because at this point in time most of the country let alone Scotland is fucking sick of lies, deceipt, false promises and bullying.

Although even I'm a bit worried the push the Salmond button for something crazy would unleash a Don Matrick like statement at this moment in time when the SNP are pissed at Brexit

"Scottish citizens we have a product for you if you are pro-Brexit and hate the SNP with a passion. It's called move to England you fuckwits".
So be it.

I've just come from a Mass Effect ending thread, and yeah... it looks like this is the Brexit ending we're picking.
No one wants the WWIII Destroy ending.
Control was advocated by the Illusive Mr. Gove but is clearly an attempt at mass indoctrination.
Boris wants Synthesis but that seems logically impossible.

The Markit/CIPS purchasing managers' index (PMI) for the sector rose to 53.3 in August from July's figure of 48.3. A figure above 50 indicates expansion.

The weakening of the pound following the Brexit vote boosted exports, the survey found.

However, it also indicated that the weak pound had pushed up firms' costs.

A weakening of the pound makes UK goods cheaper for overseas buyers, but increases the cost of goods imported into the UK.

Since the Brexit vote, the pound has fallen in value by more than 10% against both the US dollar and the euro.

Following the release of the latest PMI survey, the pound jumped by 1%, more than a cent, against the dollar, hitting $1.3267, before slipping back to $1.3247. Against the euro, the pound was 0.9% higher at €1.1877.
'Marked recovery'

Markit said the month-on-month increase in the PMI level was the joint largest in the survey's 25-year history.

A little bit of good news.


I cannot afford another recession while still trying to recover financially from the last one. I'm clinging on to any glimmer of good news I can.

You're 2.5-3 years away from leaving plus whatever time and money the Tories throw at avoiding complete meltdown.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Damn Brexit increased the price of my Snyder's pretzel pieces.

Bloody Northerners.


I just watched a feature on the news about this. I'm confident that despite our exit that we will still work with Europe and the rest of the world quite happily.

Yes, Britain is of course looking inward more much in the way that Trump proposes America does, but it's not like Britain seeks to become bloody North Korea, and I don't know that anyone has suggested it does.
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