I think it will be unique. The UK can't just use the Norway model, only Norway can use the Norway model due to their oil. I don't think the UK would be particularly fond of the Swiss model either. Many Swiss aren't particularly fond of the Swiss model themselves.
It will be a unique mish mash. As much as Juncker is shouting right now, Germany, France and Italy will lobby towards that unique solution. Maybe the UK will get freedom of movement light, which will make Joe from the Pub happy for no comprehensible reason whatsoever but it will come with something in return, like no Bank Passport or something like that.
Whatever the case, the UK will be far worse off than it was as a member of the EU.
I just don't see what the accession countries get out of the UK having freedom of movement light, most of them don't have any appreciable trade with the UK. Ok you can say EU solidarity payments, but most of the money for Eastern Europe comes from Norway so they're largely protected from the main budgetary concerns. If you're Lithuania the only thing you're getting out of the UK being in the EU is the ability of a part of your population to go to work there and send back currency.