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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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I am not at all, I am all for them to go, but they wont!...Angus Robertson moans every week in PMQ's about this and that, and how Scotland are getting screwed over. so if their life is so bad call a fucking referendum and shut the hell up
But if they call a referendum now they won't leave for "a generation"

call another referendum and lose and her party would be fucked for a generation.


When exactly did challenging the government become 'moaning'?

I see it everywhere now.

Because it is the same every week, Scotland did not vote for this, Scotland did not vote for that.....every single one of his issues will be resolved if they go independent.....it is that simple...

But of course they wont as they get far more traction and recognition and press exposure by being that annoying fly, I honestly can not see why the parties down south campaigned so hard to keep them, with the oil price crashing their economy would of been in the shits by now and would be coming back cap in hand for more money...

Lets be honest Scotland get a far better deal due to the Barnet Formula that in reality they should, and like the child who always threatens to leave home, at some point you need to say...' Ok Son of you go, see what the real world is like'

Grass is not always Greener


Because it is the same every week, Scotland did not vote for this, Scotland did not vote for that.....every single one of his issues will be resolved if they go independent.....it is that simple...

But of course they wont as they get far more traction and recognition and press exposure by being that annoying fly, I honestly can not see why the parties down south campaigned so hard to keep them, with the oil price crashing their economy would of been in the shits by now and would be coming back cap in hand for more money...

Lets be honest Scotland get a far better deal due to the Barnet Formula that in reality they should, and like the child who always threatens to leave home, at some point you need to say...' Ok Son of you go, see what the real world is like'

Grass is not always Greener
So they if they can't leave today they shouldn't complain?

I guess I can empathise. If it weren't for those bloody northerners complaining about their jobs for 3 decades we'd still be in the EU :)


Nah, since I came in the UK I just paid taxes. What an idiot eh? Should have just been at home and live the amazing dream of a wonderful life on benefits.

Exactly, and I have said it before, if the Polish PM had not been such a tool about insisting his citizens still got their benefits the vote to stay would of won IMO...

The moment Cameron lost blocking benefits he lost the vote....


Because it is the same every week, Scotland did not vote for this, Scotland did not vote for that.....every single one of his issues will be resolved if they go independent.....it is that simple...

But of course they wont as they get far more traction and recognition and press exposure by being that annoying fly, I honestly can not see why the parties down south campaigned so hard to keep them, with the oil price crashing their economy would of been in the shits by now and would be coming back cap in hand for more money...

Lets be honest Scotland get a far better deal due to the Barnet Formula that in reality they should, and like the child who always threatens to leave home, at some point you need to say...' Ok Son of you go, see what the real world is like'

Grass is not always Greener

Just like us and leaving the EU :D


So they if they can't leave today they shouldn't complain?

I guess I can empathise. If it weren't for those bloody northerners complaining about their jobs for 3 decades we'd still be in the EU :)

If they are so upset then call a referendum, that is all I am saying. As at some point they are going to have to accept we are going and make the best of it otherwise


Exactly, and I have said it before, if the Polish PM had not been such a tool about insisting his citizens still got their benefits the vote to stay would of won IMO...

The moment Cameron lost blocking benefits he lost the vote....

I think that's massively misreading the result. Whether or not the benefits were blocked would have made little to no difference to leave voters, given what we now know about their motivations and drivers behind voting (for the majority of leave voters). People weren't making rational decisions based on a pro's and cons benefits analysis here.


I think that's massively misreading the result. Whether or not the benefits were blocked would have made little to no difference to leave voters, given what we now know about their motivations and drivers behind voting (for the majority of leave voters). People weren't making rational decisions based on a pro's and cons benefits analysis here.

you may well be right, I just remember hm getting absolutely slaughtered in the press and media when he revealed the deal...

as you say he may of got that reaction anyway


I think Cameron could have come back with a 100% rebate and no benefits for any non British EU citizens and the papers would have still called it a bad deal


not tag worthy
Exactly, we snapped at the EU for years, and when we finally got our say we jumped...

History will judge if it is a good move or not, but at least we have the balls to do it
Balls is not the right term , it's bloody mindedness.

Yeah as for history let's wait ten years and see
So they if they can't leave today they shouldn't complain?

I guess I can empathise. If it weren't for those bloody northerners complaining about their jobs for 3 decades we'd still be in the EU :)
Yes those northern counties of Cornwall and Kent really screwed it for the south.


Yes those northern counties of Cornwall and Kent really screwed it for the south.
I don't remember Kent complaining about jobs for 30 years?

My (slightly facetious) argument is that "the north" "complained" for decades until it was possible to win a referendum, and only then called it. Tak3n is arguing that Scotland shouldn't do the same because yappy dogs or something.


I don't remember Kent complaining about jobs for 30 years?

My (slightly facetious) argument is that "the north" "complained" for decades until it was possible to win a referendum, and only then called it. Tak3n is arguing that Scotland shouldn't do the same because yappy dogs or something.

I sort of get your point, but the heart of Brexit in this country's has always been the south not the north. Look at Thanet for example - East Anglia in particular. The north was a more recent move thanks to the collapse of the traditional labour block vote as it shifted to UKIP.


I sort of get your point, but the heart of Brexit in this country's has always been the south not the north. Look at Thanet for example - East Anglia in particular. The north was a more recent move thanks to the collapse of the traditional labour block vote as it shifted to UKIP.
Yeah I should stop saying "the north". I was trying to exaggerate the parallels between UK/EU and Scotland/UK (and it's not like they needed exaggeration)


Because it is the same every week, Scotland did not vote for this, Scotland did not vote for that.....every single one of his issues will be resolved if they go independent.....it is that simple...

But of course they wont as they get far more traction and recognition and press exposure by being that annoying fly, I honestly can not see why the parties down south campaigned so hard to keep them, with the oil price crashing their economy would of been in the shits by now and would be coming back cap in hand for more money...

Lets be honest Scotland get a far better deal due to the Barnet Formula that in reality they should, and like the child who always threatens to leave home, at some point you need to say...' Ok Son of you go, see what the real world is like'

Grass is not always Greener

Wasn't that when our Oil and Gas saved the country from the IMF yoke in the 70's, or when the Maggie was squandering it on dismantling the industrial base.

If anything Scotland missed it's chance, thanks mainly to the a bunch of corrupt English MP's who suppressed the true value of the North Sea reserves at the time then concocted a democratic plebiscite where the dead voted against devolution.


The FTSE 100 & 250 are up £150 billion since brexit.

Many banks and now accountancy giant PwC have upgraded their forecasts, effectively admitting that their earlier doom-mongering was wrong.

EU loving cretin said:
But we haven't left yet!

Quiet, you.
The FTSE 100 & 250 are up £150 billion since brexit.

Many banks and now accountancy giant PwC have upgraded their forecasts, effectively admitting that their earlier doom-mongering was wrong.

Quiet, you.
Latest Krugman piece in NYT forecasts Brexit will have more of a longterm malaise effect than a shocking downturn.

Also seems to think we're now 'post-Brexit', however.


not tag worthy
this is like some kind of insane roller coaster, we are all crazy!! for every "we are fucked" there is a "no we are not"
just as soon as we get a clear idea of who wants us they turn round and say.. no back of the queue. then someone says actually I want you.

EU is going good cop/bad cop.

UK is going we are sorta staying, no wait fuck it lets go.



Yeah that PWC mainline forecast is all sunshine and roses.

UK economic growth had already slowed from around 3% in 2014 to around 2% before the EU referendum due to slower global growth, but the vote to leave the EU is likely to lead to a significant further slowdown.

In our main scenario, we now project UK growth to slow to around 1.6% in 2016 and 0.6% in 2017, largely due to the increased political and economic uncertainty following the ‘Brexit’ vote.

The UK would narrowly avoid a recession in this main scenario, although there are particularly large uncertainties around any such projections after the Brexit vote.

The main reason for the slowdown will be a decline in business investment, particularly from overseas in areas like commercial property. This is being driven by economic and political uncertainty in the short term, as well as concerns about the UK’s future trading relationships with the EU in the longer term.

Consumer spending growth is projected to hold up better, but will still slow from previous strong rates, dropping to around 1.3% in 2017 in our main scenario. This reflects the impact of a weaker pound in pushing up import prices and squeezing the real spending power of households, as well as lower consumer confidence levels and slower jobs growth.

Business and financial services sector growth will slow but should remain positive in 2016-17. But construction companies and capital goods manufacturers will suffer from lower investment levels, although some manufacturing exporters will benefit from the weaker pound.

Of course it some people should probably tattoo "we haven't actually left yet" to the inside of their eyelids.


not tag worthy
Yeah that PWC mainline forecast is all sunshine and roses.

Of course it some people should probably tattoo "we haven't actually left yet" to the inside of their eyelids.

This needs to be noted by the Media, we haven't left. yet.

if it carries on, we may be leaving around 2019/2020

Depending on when/if they invoke article 50.
Yes. Yes we did.

All leave voters can rejoice, we are definitely, absolutely out of the EU already. So let's forget about the entire thing and get on with Making Britain Great Again!

sure why not
don't listen to those experts, just know you have left.. gone.

ignore the EU people coming over. they are just saying hello and looking how great Britain is now we have left.


I knew we could do it ;_; the little island that could!

Looks like the Paralympics are unfolding like the Olympics did:

The UK trade deficit shrunk in July, from £5.6bn to £4.5bn. Please read the article before replying about the price of the pound.


Will do, the article says:
"However, it says this does not necessarily occur as the price of imported materials used to make UK goods rises as the pound falls."

In July companies were selling with a weak pound, using materials bought with a strong pound, making it the most ideal month for exports that can be imagined, precisely because of the 'price of the pound'.

So is this another thing you've failed to understand, even as you bleat in protest that others do their due diligence before posting?

Surely not, as that would you make you a cretin... and I would hate to see you have to call yourself names.

All the best with your future thinking efforts.


The UK trade deficit shrunk in July, from £5.6bn to £4.5bn. Please read the article before replying about the price of the pound.


Given some of the language aimed at brexit voters in this thread, I'd have thought 'cretin' was pretty restrained.

Why do you continue to post article after article when it's clear you have no interest in reading (or comprehending) the replies? Or the article itself, for that matter.

About a dozen people explained to you the last time you posted something similar that right now we're in a position where materials were bought with a strong pound, and goods manufactured are currently sold with a weak one.

You're doing the perception of Leave voters no favours.


The FTSE 100 & 250 are up £150 billion since brexit.

Many banks and now accountancy giant PwC have upgraded their forecasts, effectively admitting that their earlier doom-mongering was wrong.

Quiet, you.

If brexit is all hunky dory why did Boris and co backtrack?


not tag worthy

British universities have taken a tumble in the latest international rankings, as concern persists about the potential impact of Brexit on the country’s higher education sector.

The UK’s top-ranked university, Cambridge, has fallen out of the top three for the first time since the QS World University Rankings began 12 years ago, and the vast majority of the country’s other leading institutions similarly drop down the table.

waiting for a counter argument from another newspaper spinning it positively.
Boris and company. Literally the morning of the brexit "win" they backtracked on their immigration promises and they backtracked on the £350 million a week claim.

Haha, I know "co" means "company", I mean who is this company? Farage "backtracked" on the £350m figure but he'd never made it in the first place. I don't recall backtracking on the immigration promises either, but I may well have missed something.
Haha, I know "co" means "company", I mean who is this company? Farage "backtracked" on the £350m figure but he'd never made it in the first place. I don't recall backtracking on the immigration promises either, but I may well have missed something.

Dan Hammond backtracked on the immigration on day B+1 didn't he?
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