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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Well i would welcome back the DP for people like Ian Huntley etc.

Would rather the gov spent the money it costs to keep them inside on fixing shit like pot holes in roads instead.

It costs more to have someone killed than it does to keep them alive for the rest of their life, going by the US's system
Incredible. So May considers the brexit vote a mandate to go full daily mail/express then?

You don't end up saving money if the American system is anything to go by, unless you're happy with very swift killings and no appeal system.

They should have those chinese-style execution vans that they could bundle people into straight after the sentencing imo. Maybe they could save time by just having the driver be the judge too?
The last couple of pages look like a time lapse video of a bed-ridden patient being devoured by flesh-eating bacteria while the doctors cheer from the other side of the windows.

Stop altogether, UK. This is not the correct path.

I'm just hoping that someone finds footage of May throwing an asylum seeker's cat in a wheelie bin. Maybe then people would sit up and take notice of how terrible she is.

The biggest problem with May is she has no qualms about lying if it will save her skin today. She knows that few people care enough to fact-check. When she's called on her lies, she just reframes it as not her fault, because she is just another victim of some nefarious scapegoat that has thwarted her intentions. She's been a post-factual politician for a long time.


I remember when this economic policy made Ed Miliband a dangerous marxist..

wonder how many business leaders regret going hard to position ed miliband as a return to old labour in 2015 on some minor issues

it was a clearly vastly more pro-business manifesto than what we've got now.

if the loss of single market, ability to hire best foreign talent and passporting for our huge financial sector wasn't so damaging for everyone in this countries quality of life i would enjoy the schudenfreude


Blood and soil! Our enemies are everywhere, attacking our greatness. Together, we will rise again! Our political enemies are cowards and traitors! Only we have the will to do what must be done

Source - 2016 Tory Party conference.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
So the Tories have finally gone full Nazi Party.

What a time to be alive.

"You know what some people call them [Labour]: the nasty party."
The fuck? Labour aren't the ones that want to dispose of skilled workers based on their nationality and make Kristallnacht happen again through their "these companies employ foreigners" name and shame list etc...

Still, pot calling kettle black seems to be a Tory specialty.

Also she kind of missed the fact of how many of the British Nobel prize winners work for Universities outside of the UK. Don't let facts get in way of nationalist pride...

About the good point is while she even praised fucking Jeremy Hunt she did not praise the three Brexiteers.


This is really bad news.
Do you know what other countries do this?
Saudi Arabia,first they made the mobile and telecommunications jobs only for Saudis,now taxi services like uber is now exclusive to Saudis.
They are limiting every thing for foreigners.

I born here in Saudi Arabia and lived all my life and still didn't give me the Saudi nationality.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
this whole conference has made labour's 'our primary foregn policy focus is nuclear disarmament' seem even more out of touch than it did at the time, which is pretty impressive.


So the Tories have finally gone full Nazi Party.

What a time to be alive.


I know it's a bit harsh to criticise someones appearance as largely we have fleeting control over our genetics, but May genuinely looks evil. Like almost cartoon levels of evil face.

It doesn't help when she behaves like the caricature we can assume of her.

Funky Papa

I know it's a bit harsh to criticise someones appearance as largely we have fleeting control over our genetics, but May genuinely looks evil. Like almost cartoon levels of evil face.

It doesn't help when she behaves like the caricature we can assume of her.
She looks like an actual Sith.
Jesus christ, you're right. I dunno why I thought she was a leaver. Actually, I do - This shite. Woof.

I don't consider them "my" party in the way that, say, Maledict considers Labour his party that's being trashed by the left-left. That said, for people like me - young, "aspirational", faith in free markets but socially liberal and sexually very, very attracted to posh red head's with riding crops - there's no actual good party. The Orange Bookers were a good laugh but they had a pretty limited control of the Lib Dems and, at any rate, for every Nick Clegg there was a Vince Cable lurking in the background like a cross between a creepy uncle and a gay vampire. And under Cameron the Tories were far more like this. But I'm not tribal - if another party can better represent what I feel, I'll jump without a second look and do what I can to sneak into local Tory events for the poshos.

Hey, we might vote differently, but some things cross boundaries.


I know it's a bit harsh to criticise someones appearance as largely we have fleeting control over our genetics, but May genuinely looks evil. Like almost cartoon levels of evil face.

It doesn't help when she behaves like the caricature we can assume of her.
She might not have chosen her face but she definitely chose the coat.


this whole conference has made labour's 'our primary foregn policy focus is nuclear disarmament' seem even more out of touch than it did at the time, which is pretty impressive.

Labour are a bit busy simultaneously trying to argue that the NHS needs foreign doctors and the Tories have broken their immigration promises.


"You know what some people call them [Labour]: the nasty party."
The fuck? Labour aren't the ones that want to dispose of skilled workers based on their nationality and make Kristallnacht happen again through their "these companies employ foreigners" name and shame list etc...

its even worse when you actually watch her saying it (here)

the smug clapping from the crowd afterwards is disgusting too


The only thing "great" about all this is that history books (non British, of course) will call this "The Great Fire of England".


I don't even understand who wants this list except, I assume, Amber Rudd. Would anyone look at it anyway? If you go to Asda or Pret or Sports Direct and 75% of the people working there don't have English as their first language, you don't need a list to know that they employ lots of foreign workers. If you want to "shame" businesses that do that, you don't need a list. Yet people shop at those places because, due to the miracle of consumer capitalism, they're extraordinarily cheap (in no small part due to their low wages encouraged by such a large labour pool). So what does this list achieve except to alienate people?

As a (de facto if not de jure) Tory voter, this is disgusting. I really hope there's internal pressure to squash this and Rudd is shown the door asap. She was only put there as a bone to the Leavers, but she's proven already that she's unsuitable for the role.

I would assume David Davis would also be interested in such a list. After all, he was recently spinning notions about employers looking to ensure they offer employment to Britons over immigrants in a hypothetical future:

“For example, high skilled as you mention. I don’t see any restraint on high skilled at all in a UK-only immigration policy. At the low skill end it will vary I suspect but I am now speculating.

“It will vary I suspect between things like seasonal. If they go down a route of having work permits for example, typically the way work permits work in other countries, is you try to get a British citizen first and if you haven’t you have got to do that first. There will be tests like that."



The only thing "great" about all this is that history books (non British, of course) will call this "The Great Fire of England".

Imma write a book called "History an' Memez" and the "You played yourself" chapter will be full of gifs and pics of UK.


What the fuck are these guys doing? They don't have a mandate for this shite at all. Bring back George Osborne. Please.

Gordon Brown becomes PM and continues the same New Labour policies: "he has no democratic mandate"

The Conservatives undergo a massive shift in tone from the last general election after May takes over "we won't call an election"

...Not that Jeremy Corbyn has a chance in hell of doing anything other than losing even more seats, so I'm not too up in arms over it. If they called a General Election now the Conservatives probably wouldn't even need to bother campaigning


This is really bad news.
Do you know what other countries do this?
Saudi Arabia,first they made the mobile and telecommunications jobs only for Saudis,now taxi services like uber is now exclusive to Saudis.
They are limiting every thing for foreigners.

I born here in Saudi Arabia and lived all my life and still didn't give me the Saudi nationality.

You probably lucked out there ;-)
I say that as a Saudi (Who escaped the madness of the magic kingdom to London only to find the Brits going crazy too).


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Gordon Brown becomes PM and continues the same New Labour policies: "he has no democratic mandate"

The Conservatives undergo a massive shift in tone from the last general election after May takes over "we won't call an election"

...Not that Jeremy Corbyn has a chance in hell of doing anything other than losing even more seats, so I'm not too up in arms over it. If they called a General Election now the Conservatives probably wouldn't even need to bother campaigning

'do as i say not as i do' is the tory party's unofficial slogan


I'm legitimately surprised May didn't call a GE but then I think she suspects Labour might be even more self-destructive if she waits.


I'm legitimately surprised May didn't call a GE but then I think she suspects Labour might be even more self-destructive if she waits.

I would have, it would have been a lock-in for her, and would give her license to do whatever she likes with Brexit

I guess the fear was more from UKIP than Labour
I'm legitimately surprised May didn't call a GE but then I think she suspects Labour might be even more self-destructive if she waits.

Why would she want to call a general election? The Conservative Party is more united now than they've ever been, and even with a small majority, May is unlikely to have any problems getting whatever she wants through the Commons.

Now, this could change in the future (most likely from differing opinions on 'hard' and 'soft' Brexit strategies), but even then, the fact that May could call a general election at any time and vastly increase her majority reduces the leverage any potential rebels might have.


1 EUR = 0.880486 GBP

Keep talking May, you are only making my Christmas cheaper.

If she keeps talking the UK might be parity by Christmas.
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