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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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...Wow. Just wow.

Good luck trying to get big companies to invest and stay in the UK. Cost is one thing, but workforce is another thing.


I hope you are not intending on buying imported goods - because the price will likely go up as well.

Outside of isolated cases, that hasn't really happened yet, at least for consumer goods. Amazon's pricing has been pretty static despite everything so far. It's obviously something that'll have to give eventually, but it'll be painful for Brits since their wages are assuredly remaining the same. At least the really competitive marketplace will probably keep prices down for this Christmas.


Outside of isolated cases, that hasn't really happened yet, at least for consumer goods. Amazon's pricing has been pretty static despite everything so far. It's obviously something that'll have to give eventually, but it'll be painful for Brits since their wages are assuredly remaining the same. At least the really competitive marketplace will probably keep prices down for this Christmas.

A combination of currency hedging and pre-ordered stock. It'll start changing for newer items next month from what I've heard with some minimal effect on older items this side of Christmas.


The worst part of all of this is the majority of England supports the views expressed by Theresa May.

I know there's a lag for consumers to see the real effects of the fall in the pound but I hope retailers respond early and it's a cold winter this Christmas for little England and we wake up from this nightmare.


The worst part of all of this is the majority of England supports the views expressed by Theresa May.

I know there's a lag for consumers to see the real effects of the fall in the pound but I hope retailers respond early and it's a cold winter this Christmas for little England and we wake up from this nightmare.

A cold winter or two would probably remove the Brexit majority.


A combination of currency hedging and pre-ordered stock. It'll start changing for newer items next month from what I've heard with some minimal effect on older items this side of Christmas.

Many of our suppliers promised a freeze on prices until the new year. Though some British exporters, in a previous bid to incentivise sales to the Eurozone when the exchange rate was down to €1 = .70p, began selling goods in Euro, and I'm sure they're glad they did now for an entirely different reason. For Amazon, though, the pre-order price promise means this Christmas is already a lock for myself. Post-December, and into the hazy realms of post-March-Article-50-deadline? Only Tiresias can say.


Saint Titanfall
A cold winter or two would probably remove the Brexit majority.

That doesn't matter anymore though. May has gone full crazy, chances are we'll be long out before any such change in sentiment is actionable (let alone the pathetic opposition we have).

We are well and truly on the path of the worst case scenario.


The worst part of all of this is the majority of England supports the views expressed by Theresa May.

I know there's a lag for consumers to see the real effects of the fall in the pound but I hope retailers respond early and it's a cold winter this Christmas for little England and we wake up from this nightmare.
If only.

Unfortunately the idiots who voted for this will remain clueless and naive whatever happens.


The worst part of all of this is the majority of England supports the views expressed by Theresa May.

I know there's a lag for consumers to see the real effects of the fall in the pound but I hope retailers respond early and it's a cold winter this Christmas for little England and we wake up from this nightmare.

They would just be accused of taking advantage


Saint Titanfall
If only.

Unfortunately the idiots who voted for this will remain clueless and naive whatever happens.

I'd honestly doubt they care, sounds like they're getting exactly what they wanted xenophobia is powerful thing, self hurt to damage the other is a depressingly common human trait and one all too many people gladly choose.


If you're still in favor of Brexit for whatever reason, then I hope you are also willing to accept that it will definitely make us all poorer, considering the view of the value of the Pound recently.


Nigel Farage has declared himself the interim leader of Ukip following the resignation of Diane James after just 18 days in the post.



If you're still in favor of Brexit for whatever reason, then I hope you are also willing to accept that it will definitely make us all poorer, considering the view of the value of the Pound recently.

I don't think people will notice for a long time, the government is going to spend a lot of money to try and make it succeed.

What happens 5 years later when it's time to pay the bill is a different subject.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Obviously with all the big ticket xenophobia and such, its easy to let the smaller nuggets slip by:
It's like every dystopian future fan-fic come true. Shove me into a coffin and strip me of my human rights if old.


Obviously with all the big ticket xenophobia and such, its easy to let the smaller nuggets slip by:

It's like every dystopian future fan-fic come true. Shove me into a coffin and strip me of my human rights if old.

I don't know if it's even possible to make rooms in new build houses even smaller

The master bedroom in my 1950s house is the size of all the bedrooms in a new build "3 bedroom" home

Maybe the Tories are envisioning first time buyers getting mortgages on Tokyo-style pod rooms where you have to crawl in your front door?


Obviously with all the big ticket xenophobia and such, its easy to let the smaller nuggets slip by:

It's like every dystopian future fan-fic come true. Shove me into a coffin and strip me of my human rights if old.

Wow, no shame. Did they get tips from people smugglers.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Maybe the compromise for letting "foreigners" stay here is that they're not allowed homes of their own and reside at their place of work with special shock collars on to ensure they don't leave and frighten British folk out in the streets.


Obviously with all the big ticket xenophobia and such, its easy to let the smaller nuggets slip by:

It's like every dystopian future fan-fic come true. Shove me into a coffin and strip me of my human rights if old.

Great, our homes are already spec built to some of the smallest sizes in Europe. Fuck quality of life, right? (and means we don't have to build as much in Tory NIMBY areas).


Funky Papa

Nigel Farage is a resilient, unsightly turd that refuses to be flushed but persists to pop its headup and make a stink
Like that ninja shit that seemingly exits your butt without leaving a trace on the tp, only to discover a nasty skidmark a few hours later.
This fucking country. The god damn knuckle draggers that voted for this shit and cheer it on should be beaten in the streets. But I think seeing this country in ashes should be enough, or rather it'll be the only thing that will make them realise what a colossal fuck up they've visited on this nation.

Funky Papa

It's almost tragicomic to see the isolationist/antiEU left defending this whole mess and claiming that his words are being twisted by the globalist mass media.

Stay irrelevant, you malodorous nitwits.


So I was thinking of making a spin-off thread. Does this seem like a reasonable OP collection of recent quotes, or is there important stuff I'm missing?

Title: The UK seems to have went off the deep end today

So I was looking at the Brexit thread, and after talking to Kabouter, we thought that people not following that might appreciate seeing some of this.

Feel free to share more.



Liam Fox: EU nationals in UK one of 'main cards' in Brexit negotiations

International trade secretary under fire for remarks suggesting uncertainty about EU citizens’ future is tactical

Liam Fox reiterated at a fringe event that there would be no commitment on the rights of the 2 million EU citizens.

The uncertain status of EU nationals living in the UK is “one of our main cards” in the Brexit negotiations with the bloc, Liam Fox has said.

Speaking at the Conservative party conference in Birmingham, the international trade secretary reiterated that no commitment would be given on the rights of 2 million EU citizens to remain in the UK until reciprocal rights were agreed for British citizens in Europe.

Fox, who was speaking at a fringe event, said the government would “like to be able to give a reassurance to EU nationals in the UK, but that depends on reciprocation by other countries”.

He said any other strategy “would be to hand over one of our main cards in the negotiations and doesn’t necessarily make sense at this point”.

Hinting that a scenario could emerge where EU nationals currently in the UK were not given automatic leave to remain, Fox said: “If we do [negotiations] from the premise that the EU ‘ever closer union’ project is more important than the people, and those who go against it must be punished, we will not get such a good outcome.

“That’s what the skill of our government will be tested on, if we can get the former, and not lead Europe into the latter.”




Saint Titanfall
So I was thinking of making a spin-off thread. Does this seem like a reasonable OP collection of recent quotes, or is there important stuff I'm missing?

Jesus Christ at the last one. We've gone full blown xenophobic rhetoric, there's no turning back now I fear.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
So I was thinking of making a spin-off thread. Does this seem like a reasonable OP collection of recent quotes, or is there important stuff I'm missing?

All the Hunt stuff as well demonising "foreign doctors" and all the home grown nonsense. Really underlines all the rest of it so you have a Tory party conference where they attack doctors and human rights advocates. (Ah I think you added it but try and get The Cunts name in there somehow)

Did everyone miss this classic:

Funky Papa

So I was thinking of making a spin-off thread. Does this seem like a reasonable OP collection of recent quotes, or is there important stuff I'm missing?
Seems fine to me.

The only reason I didn't make it already it's because I'm on mobile and my internet sucks.


So I was thinking of making a spin-off thread. Does this seem like a reasonable OP collection of recent quotes, or is there important stuff I'm missing?
A little pedantic but I'd go for "The UK seems to have seems to have gone off the deep end"

... and I'd probably skip the "today" - a bunch of it was said yesterday and I'm sure you'll have more awfulness to add to it by tomorrow.


Saint Titanfall
All the Hunt stuff as well demonising "foreign doctors" and all the home grown nonsense. Really underlines all the rest of it so you have a Tory party conference where they attack doctors and human rights advocates. (Ah I think you added it but try and get The Cunts name in there somehow)

Home grown doctors don't even want to work in the UK, it's a stupid xenophobic plan that show's the government's true colours which is xenophobia at all costs. I never thought I'd say this but I miss David Cameron that massively incompetent fuck


The worst thing is at surface level, people will lap up what their saying, May sounds strong, more jobs and houses, protect the troops etc. but if you think about it for a second it's horrible stuff, unfortunately people don't think that much.

May said something like if you consider yourself a citizen of the world you're nowhere. That's basically with us or against us.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Home grown doctors don't even want to work in the UK, it's a stupid xenophobic plan that show's the government's true colours which is xenophobia at all costs. I never thought I'd say this but I miss David Cameron that massively incompetent fuck

Old Hamface was always intended to put a more centrist slick-rick mask over the old evil. It was always May, Osborne, Gove, and Iain Duncan Smith that were the true dark council and I guess with UKIP and the general public revealing its 51% xenophobic its time for the true Season of Evil to begin.
The worst thing is at surface level, people will lap up what their saying, May sounds strong, more jobs and houses, protect the troops etc. but if you think about it for a second it's horrible stuff, unfortunately people don't think that much.

May said something like if you consider yourself a citizen of the world you're nowhere. That's basically with us or against us.

Loath as I am to bring up easily twistable comparisons, but late Stalin said similarly. Far worse results, of course, but there's a real ugliness to it.


"But German cars," part 142:

Angela Merkel takes significantly tougher Brexit stance

Choice quotes:

Angela Merkel has significantly stiffened her stance on Brexit, telling an audience of German business leaders that any exception to the EU’s single market rules would represent “a systemic challenge for the entire European Union”.


Merkel appealed to German firms to show a united front with EU governments in negotiations over Britain’s departure from the bloc, urging them to support the principle of “full access to the single market only in exchange for signing up to the four freedoms”.


The applause for Merkel’s comments put a further question mark over the argument of British pro-Brexit politicians that German businesses will inevitably pressure their government to preserve their trade links with the UK and resist tariffs.
I'm not sure how this is a tougher stance. She is just saying what has always been said by EU representatives - four freedoms or no single market.


I'm not sure how this is a tougher stance. She is just saying what has always been said by EU representatives - four freedoms or no single market.

She was one of the only leaders who wanted to grant the UK the necessary time while others wanted Art. 50 to be triggered immediately. The interpretation back then was she was softer towards the UK than others because of the business between Germany and the UK. Truth is she knew UK can't be pressured into Art. 50 so in the end she won again while Juncker/Schultz lost. She's a clever girl after all.


You probably lucked out there ;-)
I say that as a Saudi (Who escaped the madness of the magic kingdom to London only to find the Brits going crazy too).

lol,this really sucks
but still not bad as my situation,i am syrian and there is no place to go,every other county refuse syrian.
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