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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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A 1.9% majority in a non-binding referendum had their say. There's no room for opposition, debate, or consideration for varying contexts. Brexit Means Brexit, And We're Going To Make A Success Of It™.

+ that majority all wanted the same thing. All of them. The exact same thing. A+B=C, doncha know?

I keep banging this drum because it just makes no sense to me.
A 1.9% majority in a non-binding referendum had their say. There's no room for opposition, debate, or consideration for varying contexts. Brexit Means Brexit, And We're Going To Make A Success Of It™.
There is lots of room for opposition with no opposition to fill it. With Corbyn in charge of labour the best hope you have will probably come from within the Tory party itself,such is the slim majority.
Okay, I thought I had gotten over this Brexit stuff, but this is legit terrifying.

Starting to feel really unsafe as an EU national in the UK now, even though I reckon that I should be safe as a programmer...
You'll be in a save country when May will imply to use Trident against the continent to get her way.

I'm just joking, but shaming companies for employing not-British people really is deeply concerning.
I don't even understand who wants this list except, I assume, Amber Rudd. Would anyone look at it anyway? If you go to Asda or Pret or Sports Direct and 75% of the people working there don't have English as their first language, you don't need a list to know that they employ lots of foreign workers. If you want to "shame" businesses that do that, you don't need a list. Yet people shop at those places because, due to the miracle of consumer capitalism, they're extraordinarily cheap (in no small part due to their low wages encouraged by such a large labour pool). So what does this list achieve except to alienate people?

As a (de facto if not de jure) Tory voter, this is disgusting. I really hope there's internal pressure to squash this and Rudd is shown the door asap. She was only put there as a bone to the Leavers, but she's proven already that she's unsuitable for the role.


I don't even understand who wants this list except, I assume, Amber Rudd. Would anyone look at it anyway? If you go to Asda or Pret or Sports Direct and 75% of the people working there don't have English as their first language, you don't need a list to know that they employ lots of foreign workers. If you want to "shame" businesses that do that, you don't need a list. Yet people shop at those places because, due to the miracle of consumer capitalism, they're extraordinarily cheap (in no small part due to their low wages encouraged by such a large labour pool). So what does this list achieve except to alienate people?

As a (de facto if not de jure) Tory voter, this is disgusting. I really hope there's internal pressure to squash this and Rudd is shown the door asap. She was only put there as a bone to the Leavers, but she's proven already that she's unsuitable for the role.

That kind of feels like what it is intended to do. To encourage people to hate non-Britons and come to view them as the 'other'. Like you note, there doesn't seem to be an actual reason to do it otherwise.
Anyway I thought Britain was supposed to be open for business and us for want everyone to come here?

But not you or you get out you foreign scum

Ah well, seeing as they're still insisting they can cut migration by two thirds (good fucking luck) maybe this is just all 'scare everyone off regardless of value', cool stuff


That kind of feels like what it is intended to do. To encourage people to hate non-Britons and come to view them as the 'other'. Like you note, there doesn't seem to be an actual reason to do it otherwise.

When you know hard times are incoming, better conjure up a scapegoat. The Brexiters (all 52% of them) will hardly blame themselves will they? The EU will get some blame for being 'unreasonable' (i.e not giving them the cake and letting them gorge themselves) but once we're out that fades, so they'll set up the remaining immigrants to take the brunt of the Brexiteers ire when their sunny uplands end up a wet weekend in Bognor Regis.

Once that's done, it'll be the blacks, the gays, the jews and the catholics. In whatever order you'd like. Taking back control doesn't mean taking back responsibility.


Yeah let's keep a list of all the foreign workers. Great idea.Then after that they should keep a list of all of all foreigners in general.

They all need a symbol they can be identified with out in public too. A star perhaps.


Anyway I thought Britain was supposed to be open for business and us for want everyone to come here?

But not you or you get out you foreign scum

Ah well, seeing as they're still insisting they can cut migration by two thirds (good fucking luck) maybe this is just all 'scare everyone off regardless of value', cool stuff

It is slightly amusing if you compare the Tory rhetoric of free trade and open for business compared to leaving the single market - you know, the closest thing you can get to actual free trade atm - and placing heavy restrictions on the movement of labour.
Remember when the public hated the rich after the crash? What policies were enacted then? Now the public hates immigrants ... "lets make a list of where they work, kick them out if we can, replace them where we can, drive a van around and round them all up and send them home, it's what the public want."


I'm wondering how many Brits are in "either Scotland gets its shit together or I'm off this island" mode.

This is me right now.

I've just graduated from uni and desperately hunting for a job, so the thought of emigrating (Canada or Ireland are on the table for me, I can't speak another language) is a strong one.

Remember when the public hated the rich after the crash? What policies were enacted then? Now the public hates immigrants ... "lets make a list of where they work, kick them out if we can, replace them where we can, drive a van around and round them all up and send them home, it's what the public want."

This is what genuinely baffles me about politics today.

After the financial crash and subsequent years of austerity, you'd think that surely the tories would have less power not fucking more!!


I don't even understand who wants this list except, I assume, Amber Rudd. Would anyone look at it anyway? If you go to Asda or Pret or Sports Direct and 75% of the people working there don't have English as their first language, you don't need a list to know that they employ lots of foreign workers. If you want to "shame" businesses that do that, you don't need a list. Yet people shop at those places because, due to the miracle of consumer capitalism, they're extraordinarily cheap (in no small part due to their low wages encouraged by such a large labour pool). So what does this list achieve except to alienate people?

As a (de facto if not de jure) Tory voter, this is disgusting. I really hope there's internal pressure to squash this and Rudd is shown the door asap. She was only put there as a bone to the Leavers, but she's proven already that she's unsuitable for the role.

Thing is - Rudd was a remain campaigner. She wasn't a sop to the leave campaign, she was on the sane side! It just shows to what extent the entire Tory party barring Ken Clarke has embraced far right lunacy in this pathetic vote grabbing event.

The entire political establishment has made a decision that the only votes worth chasing are brexiters. Nothing else matters anymore.


Thing is - Rudd was a remain campaigner. She wasn't a sop to the leave campaign, she was on the sane side! It just shows to what extent the entire Tory party barring Ken Clarke has embraced far right lunacy in this pathetic vote grabbing event.

The entire political establishment has made a decision that the only votes worth chasing are brexiters. Nothing else matters anymore.

That is one if the messages coming out of conference, Cameron's liberal experiment is over, this is UKIP'y conservatism from now on.

Hopefully it is sowing the seeds of the party's eventual defeat and at least a Libdem resurgence of some kind.


Despite my differences, I have sympathies for Cyclops and a lot of (mainly young) Conservative voters who voted for Cameron's party and are watching through their fingers at what it's become. I mean, I still thinking voting Conservative at the last election was the wrong decision, unequivocally, but I can at least understand the reasoning as to why one would believe in that vision.

May's cabinet has none of that, and the British left - not just Labour, and not just the people in charge now - should be thoroughly ashamed of how badly they dropped the ball in the last Parliament, because it's quite clear that was an opportunity to shift the Overton window and their capitulation to UKIP to win votes has proven utterly self-destructive.


Listening to Mays speech

no way we are staying in the single market, she just said about how people feel if they are low skilled they feel their life chances have gone due to low skilled immigration and change is coming


Bizarre to see May talking about how great the BBC, NHS, the City, British universities etc when she everything she is doing is a total assault on them.


Yeah let's keep a list of all the foreign workers. Great idea.Then after that they should keep a list of all of all foreigners in general.

They all need a symbol they can be identified with out in public too. A star perhaps.
First things first. I'm (very much not) looking forward to stores being vandalised with "foreigners go home" and the like if that law comes to pass. It would paint a gargantuan target on many companies, and the lunatics would dutifully crawl out of their holes and comply. The nice little sew on badges etc would come later. Gotta ease the populace into the mindset, step by step.

Görings quote about war seems so terrifyingly fitting to this whole clusterfuck.
Göring: Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.

Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.

Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.
Sure, the quote is about war, but you can substitute anything, really.


no way we are staying in the single market, she just said about how people feel if they are low skilled they feel their life chances have gone due to low skilled immigration and change is coming

You have to be a fucking idiot to think things would change if overnight we removed every immigrant in a low skilled job. They are going to increase the wage out of the goodness of their hearts. I realise I'm preaching to the choir but people seem to genuinely think this. :/


Not like everyone is opposed to May's plans, right? Isn't the second biggest Scottish party against Independence and the EU too?

Still don't get your point - are you conservative? I don't see what major impact Scotland has on the UK government except the independence issue.

What does 'scotland getting their shit together or i'm off this island' mode mean?


Still don't get your point - are you conservative? I don't see what major impact Scotland has on the UK government except the independence issue.

What does 'scotland getting their shit together or i'm off this island' mode mean?

Ah, now I see what you mean. 😄
I get the feeling many are just waiting to see if Scotland becomes independent so they don't have to leave the island altogether. But many Scotts are opposed to Independence so who knows what'll happen.


Ah, now I see what you mean. ��
I get the feeling many are just waiting to see if Scotland becomes independent so they don't have to leave the island altogether. But many Scotts are opposed to Independence so who knows what'll happen.

Thing is - Rudd was a remain campaigner. She wasn't a sop to the leave campaign, she was on the sane side! It just shows to what extent the entire Tory party barring Ken Clarke has embraced far right lunacy in this pathetic vote grabbing event.

The entire political establishment has made a decision that the only votes worth chasing are brexiters. Nothing else matters anymore.

Thing is - Rudd was a remain campaigner. She wasn't a sop to the leave campaign, she was on the sane side! It just shows to what extent the entire Tory party barring Ken Clarke has embraced far right lunacy in this pathetic vote grabbing event.

The entire political establishment has made a decision that the only votes worth chasing are brexiters. Nothing else matters anymore.

Jesus christ, you're right. I dunno why I thought she was a leaver. Actually, I do - This shite. Woof.

Despite my differences, I have sympathies for Cyclops and a lot of (mainly young) Conservative voters who voted for Cameron's party and are watching through their fingers at what it's become. I mean, I still thinking voting Conservative at the last election was the wrong decision, unequivocally, but I can at least understand the reasoning as to why one would believe in that vision.

May's cabinet has none of that, and the British left - not just Labour, and not just the people in charge now - should be thoroughly ashamed of how badly they dropped the ball in the last Parliament, because it's quite clear that was an opportunity to shift the Overton window and their capitulation to UKIP to win votes has proven utterly self-destructive.

I don't consider them "my" party in the way that, say, Maledict considers Labour his party that's being trashed by the left-left. That said, for people like me - young, "aspirational", faith in free markets but socially liberal and sexually very, very attracted to posh red head's with riding crops - there's no actual good party. The Orange Bookers were a good laugh but they had a pretty limited control of the Lib Dems and, at any rate, for every Nick Clegg there was a Vince Cable lurking in the background like a cross between a creepy uncle and a gay vampire. And under Cameron the Tories were far more like this. But I'm not tribal - if another party can better represent what I feel, I'll jump without a second look and do what I can to sneak into local Tory events for the poshos.
You have to be a fucking idiot to think things would change if overnight we removed every immigrant in a low skilled job. They are going to increase the wage out of the goodness of their hearts. I realise I'm preaching to the choir but people seem to genuinely think this. :/

Obviously not out of the goodness of their own hearts, but if they can't find anyone to pick strawberries (or whatever) for minimum wage, then they have to raise the wage until they can find people who will do it.

Of course it's moot because we're at the lofty rhetoric stage now. If/when these measures come to bear, there will inevitably be exceptions for farmers to employ Eastern European strawberry pickers on temporary work visas, similar to what the US does.


Well i would welcome back the DP for people like Ian Huntley etc.

Would rather the gov spent the money it costs to keep them inside on fixing shit like pot holes in roads instead.

You don't end up saving money if the American system is anything to go by, unless you're happy with very swift killings and no appeal system.


Obviously not out of the goodness of their own hearts, but if they can't find anyone to pick strawberries (or whatever) for minimum wage, then they have to raise the wage until they can find people who will do it.

Of course it's moot because we're at the lofty rhetoric stage now. If/when these measures come to bear, there will inevitably be exceptions for farmers to employ Eastern European strawberry pickers on temporary work visas, similar to what the US does.

Farmers seem to be talking about moving farms to eastern Europe to keep costs down, global market etc.

Funky Papa

The last couple of pages look like a time lapse video of a bed-ridden patient being devoured by flesh-eating bacteria while the doctors cheer from the other side of the windows.

Stop altogether, UK. This is not the correct path.
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