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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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I hope the EU don't stoop down to their level, just play nice and firm but never tit for tat.

Nah let them replace EU Doctors and Nurses with Ted "didn't bother to pick up the Language" Pensioner and his arthritic hip from the Costa del Sol.


I see this is going swimmingly then. I thought I had become immune to the festering excrement eliminating from the vermin that infest half this country but even I am somewhat surprised, and I have always expected the worst in people. The clown car is fully engaged and we are going over the cliff and May was in fact a swivel eyed loon all along.

I guess this is what it must feel like for someone to realise they live in what is effectively deep Red State USA. I mean they must of gotten the same racist haterade from somewhere, turns out it was from the homeland of the colonials in the first place. Quelle surprise. I have nothing in common with these people and I never will. It is not a demographic I have any interest in catering for since it is impossible to cater to racists.

So ashamed of this country and so ashamed to be British, we're all tarred by the same brush. Well at least there's one positive, this whole affair finally removed the last vestiges of nationalism from me.




The Government could torch the city of London and 96% of people would feel they had it coming...

Like it or not the bankers can bluster all they like about how they are essential, you would be hard pressed to find anyone outside of London who gave a fuck if everyone of them drowned in the ocean
I give a fuck because our main economic driver since the 80s have been financial services and we've done nothing since to diversify away from it.

Them individually? Fuck em, collectively? Then I'm fucking myself.


actually one of the most common complaints amongst older people is they can not understand what the doctors say...well I have no evidence to that other than what I hear them moan about whenever my father is up at the hospital

How does that justify kicking everyone who saved your life out of your country?
The thing about the home grown NHS staff is it is a lot like the budget defect. Remember how that was meant to be 0 about a year ago? While now it is a maybe by 2022 if Brexit doesn't completely fuck things up.

Even today on Radio 4 they were talking immigration and the presenter kept pressing when exactly this target of tens of thousands (that apparently is still too many for some communities because that is how immigration works 100% of them all descend on one village and also I thought they scrapped it because it was you know, impossible and it was Dave's idea) was being achieved and they were like "I dunno" to which the presenter said "then it is an aspiration; not a target".

Some would say the Tories are playing tough seeing that UKIP is falling apart (their leader has resigned and Farage refuses to come back) and want to get their far right vote back. Though maybe that is me hoping that is what happens so the real negotiations are handled a bit better or just left to you know, experts :p


mad how the only brexit goal is reducing immgration as much as possible

i really did not think they'd risk losing passporting for banks, gutting the finances of our universities by hitting foreign students, strangling the nhs' access to staff and alienating business at a time when everyone is re-assessing their uk investments. how does this all add up, it will be chaos.

and the thing is there's not even a majority for the immigration drive. if you take the 48% of remainers and add the leavers who were free market brexiteers & ppl who just wanted less money spent on bureaucrats and more on the nhs, you have a majority for remaining in the single market with single market rules.






FFS. The nasty party indeed.

I think I am going to be genuinely furious about the referendum for the rest of my life lol

Worth remembering, of course, that if we had a PR system at the last election we'd now have a Tory-UKIP coalition government. Much better!

I think thats a bit simplistic.

If we had PR, there would be much less tactical (and to a lesser extent, protest) voting, so the vote shares would be entirely different. I also think Cameron would have been much less inclined to make the gamble of the referendum in the first place had he known he was certainly going to be in a coalition government with UKIP

Plus given that it seems the Tories have decided to absorb a lot of the UKIP rubbish over the last couple of days, it doesn't seem like what we are getting now is exactly hugely different to a Tory-UKIP coalition anyway! At least with PR, there might be a chance of Labour/Lib Dem/SNP unifying to provide decent opposition too


so either May is a wolf in sheeps clothing, or this is pandering to the media... she won her election by acting 'normal' even got Farage claiming he could sense she was not going to do what she promised...

Now suddenly she seems really far right
The fact that 48% of the population has disappeared into a black hole apparently is worrying.

We're not ordinary people. That's the message now. And any Brexiters who weren't anti-immigration (despite some Remain shtick, they did exist!) are also essentially being ignored. As is anyone who thinks throwing the baby out with the bath water is actually, y'know, dumb. A terribly blunt referendum question, treated as a mandate when advisory, treated as a referendum on immigration more than anything else. Possibly no recourse to parliament. Democracy roolz.

I really hope this is just rhetoric...


so either May is a wolf in sheeps clothing, or this is pandering to the media... she won her election by acting 'normal' even got Farage claiming he could sense she was not going to do what she promised...

Now suddenly she seems really far right

They all go like that with a bit of ultimate power. Where there is discord may we increase it.

Funky Papa

Ukip leader Diane James resigns after 18 days in charge

Diane James will not formalise her nomination as Ukip leader just 18 days after she was declared Nigel Farage's successor.

The shock twist was confirmed after MEP Ms James released a statement saying she was quitting because she did not have "sufficient authority" to make the changes she thought necessary.

Her departure has led to immediate speculation that Nigel Farage could come back to lead the party for a third time in his political career.


"Since that time, I have been in discussion with party officers about the role. It has become clear that I do not have sufficient authority, nor the full support of all my MEP colleagues and party officers to implement changes I believe necessary and upon which I based my campaign.

Nigel Farage would be willing to return to help the party, says Ukip chairman

The chairman of the party Paul Oakden said he had spoken to Mr Farage and that it was "not impossible" that he could make yet another comeback, even though Mr Farage himself has ruled it out.

The scene was set for Mr Farage's potential return to the top job, after Ms James quit last night claiming she did not have "sufficient authority" to make the changes she thought necessary.

What the fuck is going on?


Edit: ^^ Oh my. UKIP already disintegrating? This may be the ray of sunshine I needed today.


Those newspaper front pages, yikes...

If this is not just rhetoric, we'd better prepare for some rough times, inside and outside of the UK.

Quo vadis, UK. Quo vadis.

Funky Papa

Spain's foreign minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, ever the bastard, is willing to take the UK's invitation to play hardball with expats:

If the words of foreign minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo are anything to go by, Spain intends to levy all the pressure it can during negotiations to secure itself a favourable outcome.

Speaking at a conference in Alicante, where he described euro-scepticism as “regressive”, Margallo said that Britain would have to pay for all the healthcare costs of its citizens living in Spain. He also poured cold water on the idea that Britain might secure a Canada-style waiver scheme absolving it of 99 per cent of healthcare tariffs.

Margallo has also proposed joint sovereignty over Gibraltar, whatever that means.

For the record, most Spaniards don't give the most minute of the fucks about Gibraltar, but the rock seems to be something deeply buried in the conservative psyche.


Spain's foreign minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, ever the bastard, is willing to take the UK's invitation to play hardball with expats:

Margallo has also proposed joint sovereignty over Gibraltar, whatever that means.

For the record, most Spaniards don't give the most minute of the fucks about Gibraltar, but the rock seems to be something deeply buried in the conservative psyche.

Its October... Thats what happens to a political class when it has 211 years of salty feel behind it. ;)


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Isn't Liam Fox's master plan a bit transparent?; the Tories have already said their plan is to kick out foreign doctors as soon as they're able. If they're willing to do that to doctors they surely must be willing to do it for the rest.


Isn't Liam Fox's master plan a bit transparent?; the Tories have already said their plan is to kick out foreign doctors as soon as they're able. If they're willing to do that to doctors they surely must be willing to do it for the rest.

I'm all for control on migration but kicking out foreign doctors, what the hell is going on? I thought they just wanted to control the amount of low skilled workers coming in and keep a healthy flow of skilled migrants coming in?.


For the record, most Spaniards don't give the most minute of the fucks about Gibraltar, but the rock seems to be something deeply buried in the conservative psyche.

Maybe your conservatives just don't like border gore.

Although I suppose if that was the case, they should probably give Ceuta and Melilla to Morocco.


I'm all for control on migration but kicking out foreign doctors, what the hell is going on? I thought they just wanted to control the amount of low skilled workers coming in and keep a healthy flow of skilled migrants coming in?.

May I be the first to welcome you to Brexit Britain.
Last 5 minutes of the today program are quite interesting listening (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07z39tn#play). Conservative party members feel they got their party back from Cameron who was erm...too posh, too liberal and...didn't really like them? Brexit divisions still plague the conservative party on the inside and remainers feel a tad intimidated and the fringes have been toned down as the party wants a clear message in the media.

I think this will backfire spectacularly when the NHS tops that list.

Isn't Liam Fox's master plan a bit transparent?; the Tories have already said their plan is to kick out foreign doctors as soon as they're able. If they're willing to do that to doctors they surely must be willing to do it for the rest.
There are 37.5k foreign doctors in the NHS. The Government plans to train 1500 more doctors a year from 2018. So starting 2024 the effect will be seen. Assuming 100% pass rate, no additional foreign doctors, NHS requires no additional jobs (and also loses none) and these extra positions are solely to remove foreigners then by 2049 the NHS will be foreigner free...

That is an unusually long term policy for a politician.

There is also the training costs which they're planning to get by charging foreign students more...while giving them shittier visa options. My sister in law (who is now a British citizen) would have never bothered with this country under the visas of basically kicking you out the minute your studies end.


Okay, I thought I had gotten over this Brexit stuff, but this is legit terrifying.

Starting to feel really unsafe as an EU national in the UK now, even though I reckon that I should be safe as a programmer...

Lets put it this way, this probably wont happen but it'll pander to those Labour Leave voters who are thinking about voting UKIP. They'll lap this up.

It seems to be part of the masterplan to turn Red votes Blue.
Lets put it this way, this probably wont happen but it'll pander to those Labour Leave voters who are thinking about voting UKIP. They'll lap this up.

It seems to be part of the masterplan to turn Red votes Blue.

Probably: they know Corbyn's weakness(es), and a major one is presenting a Labour that appeals (because it could, I believe) to more than what is a minority of voters, that is, social democrats and anyone to the left barring the most radical hardcore.
Well, this is terrifying. And to make it worse, where's the opposition?

I feel ashamed to be part of a first world western nation that elected this bunch of right wing assholes into power. I'm so sick of the insular racist flag-waving bullshit.


Well, this is terrifying. And to make it worse, where's the opposition?

A 1.9% majority in a non-binding referendum had their say. There's no room for opposition, debate, or consideration for varying contexts. Brexit Means Brexit, And We're Going To Make A Success Of It™.
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