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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Even the correction is wrong, as The Sun doesn't have high editorial standards.


According to the Daily Mail, Brexit will cost us £5.2billion but will cost the EU £13billion. Hahaha who's laughing now EU? Cos £5.2billion < £13billion.

The Daily Mail 1 EU 0
Adding to this, what a great thing that companies from 27 countries will have additional costs about three times as high as companies from a single country.


Some tweet info from the Downing Street meeting

Sturgeon asked if she's "undermining" government's EU position. Answer; "You can't undermine something that doesn't exist."

I don’t mind admitting that parts of the meeting were deeply frustrating. I don’t know anymore now about the UK government’s approach to the EU negotiations than I did before I went in.

Sturgeon: meeting was "frustrating" and "I got a strong sense the UK govt doesn't yet know what its position is" on Brexit.

Going well then.
Adding to this, what a great thing that companies from 27 countries will have additional costs about three times as high as companies from a single country.

Also I'd bet this completely ignores any companies moving from the UK to EU regions, but I don't dare give the daily mail a click to find out.
Some tweet info from the Downing Street meeting

Sturgeon asked if she's "undermining" government's EU position. Answer; "You can't undermine something that doesn't exist."

I don’t mind admitting that parts of the meeting were deeply frustrating. I don’t know anymore now about the UK government’s approach to the EU negotiations than I did before I went in.

Sturgeon: meeting was "frustrating" and "I got a strong sense the UK govt doesn't yet know what its position is" on Brexit.

Going well then.


I'm learning a lot of valuable lessons recently, chiefly that if someone disagrees with your position then it's ok to just ignore them and shout louder, or even better just call them names.
Why can't people *debate* anymore?
I'm learning a lot of valuable lessons recently, chiefly that if someone disagrees with your position then it's ok to just ignore them and shout louder, or even better just call them names.
Why can't people *debate* anymore?

Because simplified rhetoric has proven unfortunately quite effective for several years now. And don't expect good debate skills to emerge among younger generations when the only subjects where ethical debates are even related to the curriculum are optional, whether for the school to include or for students to pick up. Lemme tell ya, philosophy and ethics wasn't the most popular subject during my A-Levels.

El Topo

I'm learning a lot of valuable lessons recently, chiefly that if someone disagrees with your position then it's ok to just ignore them and shout louder, or even better just call them names.
Why can't people *debate* anymore?

You don't need to have better arguments to win a debate, you need to get other people to agree with you. They're doing what works best for them (at least regarding their target audience).


According to the Daily Mail, Brexit will cost us £5.2billion but will cost the EU £13billion. Hahaha who's laughing now EU? Cos £5.2billion < £13billion.

The Daily Mail 1 EU 0

So each EU country will have an average loss of £500 million. The UK on its own will have a loss of £5.2 billion. But the UK will have the better position in negotations because they are the onces who don't have as much to lose.

Math! How does it work?


So each EU country will have an average loss of £500 million. The UK on its own will have a loss of £5.2 billion. But the UK will have the better position in negotations because they are the onces who don't have as much to lose.

Math! How does it work?

Mathematics is a tool used by European bureaucrats to force red tape on the UK

It should only ever be used in exceptional cases, for instance to count the number of immigrants a business employs, or to source big numbers to paint on the side of a bus


Golden tweet by an pro-Brexit MP. He stopped buying The Economist because of their 'liberal smugness'. And that 'UK patriots' should also stop buying it. Lol.


This isn't the first time this particular cretin has outed himself as a complete tool on Twitter. Plus, the guy voted against same sex marriage and equal pay transparency, which I think amply demonstrates the type of person he is..


not tag worthy
Being positive about this (I'm a remainder) I spoke to a parent at my sons' school. Hey are all from France. Did the usual brexit chat asked him if he was worried? His response was it doesn't affect him or his family they do want to get British passports for the kids (all born here) for study at a later date.

French guy at my work is staying in the UK with his family and not moving this is his home.

My French wife seems rather less worried than me. Must be a complexion of the British character to worry all the time.

Everyone from the EU at my work is like well let's see but on the whole remain positive.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Why are there still people (and I don't mean on GAF) thinking the EU is suddenly going to roll over?

Like, I can accept that some people want Brexit and are willing to deal with the economic consequences. I can even understand it to an extent. What I cannot accept is people thinking that the EU will bend on their "four freedoms" and they have every right not to bend on them.

How can a coherent strategy be developed when people still don't understand that there will either have to be a hard Brexit and severe economic consequences, or a soft Brexit which is actually a worse deal since it was the UK's representation in the EU parliament that led to the EU conceding an awful lot outside of the "four freedoms." The pro-Brexit camp needs to accept that the EU is done conceding. All those concessions like a permanent out from further EU integration and every joining Schengen ever were the concessions (or in some cases grandfather clauses) that the EU was willing to do. It will have to be a hard exit from the market if immigration controls are brought back to Westminster, there's no way around it. Otherwise, a soft Brexit or no Brexit at all are the only options. And really, sitting on Article 50 for all eternity while simultaneously disagreeing with Continental Europe to no end and making meetings more entertaining in the process is the most patriotically British thing I can possibly imagine, as is keeping the union with Scotland.

There are three options, and there are clear consequences to each path. I understand that it is not an easy decision for any leader to make, some people will be upset no matter what you do. But do not pretend like there's a fourth option when there's not.


Combination of pride and that stubborn human failing where we double down on mistakes because we would rather be seen to be committed to something than admit a mistake.

I do think some people (like Boris Johnson) expected a leave vote to result in Europe promising us stuff to keep us in, and to hold a second referendum. He even said beforehand a no vote would do that. Clearly Europe turned out to have a stronger backbone than they thought, but they can't be seen to back Dow ...


Some tweet info from the Downing Street meeting

Sturgeon asked if she's "undermining" government's EU position. Answer; "You can't undermine something that doesn't exist."

Lol no lies detected.

Sturgeon has grown on me a lot, and I say this as an Englishman who doesn't want Scotland to leave the UK (nor the UK to leave the EU)


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Loving the mental gymnastics required by the Brexiteers who are scoffing at Scotland's desire for independence because it would be damaging for their economy, because we're "stronger together" and think Westminster should hardball negotiations.

Uh huh, uh huh. Tell me more.


I do think some people (like Boris Johnson) expected a leave vote to result in Europe promising us stuff to keep us in, and to hold a second referendum. He even said beforehand a no vote would do that. Clearly Europe turned out to have a stronger backbone than they thought, but they can't be seen to back Dow ...

Frankly, I think in private the UK govt is bricking it, while EU politicians are secrely glad to see the back of us and all our special opt-outs/constant moaning about the EU project
Loving the mental gymnastics required by the Brexiteers who are scoffing at Scotland's desire for independence because it would be damaging for their economy, because we're "stronger together" and think Westminster should hardball negotiations.

Uh huh, uh huh. Tell me more.

It does often seem to be the hardcore empire nostalgists who hold this view in particular. Often see them slapping down Scottish Indy ideas and damning the EU for being stubborn.


Frankly, I think in private the UK govt is bricking it, while EU politicians are secrely glad to see the back of us and all our special opt-outs/constant moaning about the EU project

Both are invariably true, but whilst the EU27 hold a lot of the cards there is a great deal of apprehension and nervousness amongst them all. I agree with those saying hard Brexit is almost inevitable on the current course but the UK is (ironically) not an island - if the UK suffers hard, there will be political and economical consequences across the continent, some measurable and some I imagine not.

Nothing is in isolation in today's world, no matter how much the Brexiters or EU Leaders proceed. We all lose.


We're going to trigger a.50 before the currency change really hits consumers. So the majority of people are only going to realise they're in the shit when there is no going back.

This Christmas is going to pass like nothing happened. If we had 22&#8453; price hikes across the country this winter, the country would quickly change its tune.


Lol no lies detected.

Sturgeon has grown on me a lot, and I say this as an Englishman who doesn't want Scotland to leave the UK (nor the UK to leave the EU)

I totally agree.

Fucking May's delivery and posture doesn't convince me one bit that:

a) She's up to the job in times of equanimity (let alone now)
b) She has a scooby on what to do and, even if she did, the complexity of doing it

It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times!

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe

Just one poll, mind, but the migrant crisis of unattached adult men (because that's who is most mobile) caused this. There were people (not from Syria I might add) camped in Calais until yesterday (when the camp was removed) that were there demanding entry into the UK. That's an economic migrant, not a refugee, and there's no other reason for there to be that many people seeking refuge in Calais regardless, it's a port town in the far North, not an urban centre. Those are economic migrants looking to choose which safe country to live in. The situation has been distorted by everybody involved on every side and is a nightmare. Nothing but namecalling or misrepresentation everywhere.

What a mess...


not tag worthy
I like going on my exchange rate app and watching it change every ten mins


Just one poll, mind, but the migrant crisis of mostly unattached men caused this. There were people (not from Syria I might add) camped in Calais until yesterday that were there at Calais demanding entry into the UK.

Wait until they get hit in things they care about such as the football teams not being able to afford big names player or holidays to Spain costing more or beer costing mor e. Some of these Brexiters are not the sharpest tools in the shed just the Ones who have no qualms about screaming the loudest.


Wait until they get hit in things they care about such as the football teams not being able to afford big names player or holidays to Spain costing more or beer costing mor e. Some of these Brexiters are not the sharpest tools in the shed just the Ines who have no qualms about screaming the loudest.

100% this.


The immigration issue is an odd one because a lot of it has nothing to do with the EU. UK isn't part of the Schengen area, we have full control of the borders and maybe if the UK government funded the border agency better that would help stem people sneaking in. Also, help school kids, young adults into skilled jobs with apprenticeships. Make sure companies are paying minimum wage and more living wage jobs, build bloody houses. Don't bend over backwards for China ruining our steel industry that the EU wanted to help. Stop blaming the EU for everything, it's not perfect but our major problems are a result of the UK government passing the buck and not doing anything worthwhile. Leaving the EU won't solve our problems because they are UK problems. The EU hasn't handcuffed the UK.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Yes, but the economic migrants from outside the EU are scaring people when labels are thrown at anyone who notes that this is a problem:

^Photo from the Calais Jungle, where migrants stockpiled to try to get to the UK.

The EU enabling this behaviour is encouraging fears, as is the leading French presidential candidate ignoring that the UK is outside Schengen with his claims these migrants should be in Kent as opposed to Calais.

It's extremely easy to feel alienated and polarised right now.


Yeah, people are scared but you know the government could actually say something positive, we have borders, they can't just walk across and get in, our Border agency has the best funding and manpower to catch anyone coming here illegally. Don't fear it.

Leaving the EU doesn't make that queue disappear or the numbers coming in less.
Look, the problem isn't just economic migrants from outside the EU, it's that Britons don't like economic migrants from inside the EU.

Because, not liking economic migrants? Fairly common, sad as that might be. The problem is that the people Britons don't like actually have some say in the matter.


Yeah, people are scared but you know the government could actually say something positive, we have borders, they can't just walk across and get in, our Border agency has the best funding and manpower to catch anyone coming here illegally. Don't fear it.

Leaving the EU doesn't make that queue disappear or the numbers coming in less.
It's easy to pin all of society's failures on one aspect rather than admit we have some problems that are deeply rooted in our culture.
UK doesn't also like foreigners who work hard for their money and are better educated than the native population.

Also the UK doesn't need to accept economic migrants - no country in the EU does.


not tag worthy
A majority of Scared people not getting a wider knowledge of how things actually work vote without thinking , now it's going to hit the the fan they are going to call in the ones who didn't want to leave to help solve this.

as I said above it's only the ones who scream loudest who get all the attention.
This country on the whole isn't stupid or dumb, it's just momentarily the maniacs have taken over and now running the ship towards the rocks while laughing and daring themselves to do it, while shouting how great an idea it is.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Internal EU migrants were never a problem to me, or I suspect anyone here. They have a right to free movement in exchange for the EU common market access. It's all part of the deal. The vast majority of people on this earth have no right to such an arrangement, however.

A good compromise would be to perhaps commit to blocking all illegal immigration and not bringing the migrant crisis across the Channel, which means stepping up enforcement. A lot of Brexit fears were not over the internal EU arrangement, but avoiding situations like Calais that the EU has enabled. There's some immigration control that you promised. Now soft Brexi, or better yet, sit on Article 50 for all eternity and make sure the sweetheart deal with permanent opt-outs continues.


not tag worthy
A good idea would be you know for the UK to go well by leaving shit is going to get hard for us and the EU. why don't we all compromise and nip this anti immigrant feeling in the bud all across Europe less it bite us in the ass..

I still think secretly May is going to compromise on free market access and movement but ask for a limit or brakes on numbers plus the ability to trade elsewhere and our new law making abilities will be touted to the masses.


Wait until they get hit in things they care about such as the football teams not being able to afford big names player or holidays to Spain costing more or beer costing mor e. Some of these Brexiters are not the sharpest tools in the shed just the Ones who have no qualms about screaming the loudest.
Pretty much.

Shit needs to hit the fan for things to get better, unfortunately.

That said I do doubt their ability to comprehend their actions, even if things do get dramatically worse.


not tag worthy
Pretty much.

Shit needs to hit the fan for things to get better, unfortunately.

That said I do doubt their ability to comprehend their actions, even if things do get dramatically worse.

Yes I hope May is playing poker and wants to remain but bluffing about leaving and just as we about to fuck ourselves up she goes , psych we staying bitches

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I for one, am going to miss things looking pretty good. UKIP were not good people, but the EU parliament will surely miss them.

In all seriousness though, the UK deal in the EU is really a work of art, between grandfather clauses and permanent opt-outs. Pretty much everything but the kitchen sink (the four freedoms) was conceded. It's really quite an extraordinary shame if a soft Brexit happens. A facesaving measure for none of the representation and given every EU nation will have to agree to the trade deal....I think the concessions of the past would be dialed back.

Sitting on Article 50 would be the perfect troll move and the most patriotically British thing I can imagine. Scotland won't leave the UK, EU leaders will be annoyed for years but won't be able to do anything, and the great deal built up over the decades will remain.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Yes I hope May is playing poker and wants to remain but bluffing about leaving and just as we about to fuck ourselves up she goes , psych we staying bitches

She's being so rigid on her stance, but with so little detail, and seemingly zero willingness to even acknowledge the issues of hard Brexit, that I believe that is a plausible scenario.
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