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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Because adopting the same stance as the tories who are in power gives people no incentive to switch. Conversely, he could position Labour as the party that respects the will of the people in still delivering Brexit, whilst not completely forgetting the 48% remain voters. It could demonstrate a sensible head for economics. It could account for shifting public opinion if people gradually find themselves worse off.

Simply put, it's SOMETHING. Meekly agreeing with the PM does nothing to move the needle positively amongst Brexiteers or Remain voters.

Oh it does move the needle for Remain voters, to 3rd parties.


Because adopting the same stance as the tories who are in power gives people no incentive to switch. Conversely, he could position Labour as the party that respects the will of the people in still delivering Brexit, whilst not completely forgetting the 48% remain voters. It could demonstrate a sensible head for economics. It could account for shifting public opinion if people gradually find themselves worse off.

Simply put, it's SOMETHING. Meekly agreeing with the PM does nothing to move the needle positively amongst Brexiteers or Remain voters.

He's said today that prioritising single market access is essential, said he'd guarantee the rights of EU citizens already here and would rather stop abuses of migrant workers here than promise to cut immigration figures by some large figure.

I'd argue that's a bit of a difference from May.

Mr. Sam

What's happened is obvious: Labour's tried to head off UKIP by also having Legitimate Concerns about Uncontrolled Immigration and Jeremy's fallen at the first hurdle because he simply doesn't believe in it, which is why there's such a disparity between the speech he's had written for him and the answers he's given in interviews and we're left with this weird, meaningless fudge.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
What's happened is obvious: Labour's tried to head off UKIP by also having Legitimate Concerns about Uncontrolled Immigration and Jeremy's fallen at the first hurdle because he simply doesn't believe in it, which is why there's such a disparity between the speech he's had written for him and the answers he's given in interviews and we're left with this weird, meaningless fudge.

At least Corbyn is honest unlike regular politicians.


He's said today that prioritising single market access is essential, said he'd guarantee the rights of EU citizens already here and would rather stop abuses of migrant workers here than promise to cut immigration figures by some large figure.

I'd argue that's a bit of a difference from May.

That's fair enough, but all of the media coverage (fairly or not) is reporting about how his message is hazy and confused, and mostly focused on the salary cap subject.

For whatever the reason, once again, Corbyn's message on key issues comes across as unclear and rather flim flam. It's not good enough, and that's coming from someone who's desperate for the opposition to actually BE an opposition again.



The government is seriously considering imposing a £1,000-a-year levy on every European Union skilled worker recruited by British employers after Brexit, the immigration minister has disclosed.

The immigration minister also gave a strong indication that a seasonal agricultural workers scheme, under which tens of thousands of people could work in Britain in low-skilled roles for less than six months, could be introduced after Brexit without counting towards the government's net migration target.

”It would be helpful to the British economy and to British workers who feel they are overlooked because of other people coming into the country getting jobs they would themselves like to get," he said.

So skilled migrants are going to suffer just so the leavers feel better about "being overlooked" for a job they are probably not skilled enough to get in the first place

Plus, the Tories are just going to cut low skilled migration out of their migration figures, without really doing much about it.





So skilled migrants are going to suffer just so the leavers feel better about "being overlooked" for a job they are probably not skilled enough to get in the first place

Plus, the Tories are just going to cut low skilled migration out of their migration figures, without really doing much about it.


Imagine if the NHS was included in this.


Mark Carney has made a statement to say he now believes Brexit is a greater risk to the EU rather than UK! (Financially)

I know he is well liked here on Neogaf, and it is certainly a surprising shift in rhetoric...

Brexit may hold risks for Britain - the economy and the supremacy of London as Europe's financial capital being two of them.
But the rest of the European Union also faces risks.
And, according to the governor, those risks are greater for the continent.

First, the UK's financial services sector provides 75% of foreign exchange trading for the EU, 75% of all hedging products (which help businesses insure against risk when making investments or buying products) and supports half of all lending.
As he said in November, the UK is Europe's "investment banker".
A sharp break in that liquidity and capacity support could be detrimental to financial stability in the EU.
Alex Brazier, the executive director for financial stability at the Bank, said that the UK exports £26bn of financial services to the EU, and imports just £3bn.
Which, he said, makes the point.



I suppose that really depends on what happens to the financial services sector here, but I'm the first to admit I'm pretty ignorant on that. Not something I'd expect to hear from Carney

It's going to be an interesting year for sure.


We're back to listening to experts now are we? Some good news at least.


Cambridge University has had a 14% drop in applications this year from EU students. Reasons given by students turning down places were fears over an "anti-immigrant sentiment" and "uncertainty over the future of the UK's involvement in international research".

Prof Barnard warned that talented mathematicians at Cambridge from countries such as Hungary, Poland and Romania would take their sought-after skills elsewhere.
The committee of MPs heard warnings that in some elite research institutions in the UK, vital to the national infrastructure, as many as two thirds of the staff were EU nationals from outside the UK.

Oxford has been ranked as the world's top university, but Prof Buchan said that in 1970s the UK's universities did not have that top status. This had been built through the EU years and growing networks of international partnerships.

If the UK is to stay ahead in research, Dr Anne Corbett of the LSE said the UK government had to be ready for some "serious funding".

Professor Stephanie Haywood, president of the Engineering Professors' Council, warned that losing access to EU students would make skills shortages in engineering even worse.

Funky Papa

On German cars and similar stuff.

The Institute of the German Economy Cologne (IW) surveyed 2,900 German companies on how they assess the effects of Brexit on their business. The results published today show that only two to three percent of companies fear negative effects on production, investment and employment figures. On the other hand, more than 90 percent of them expect little or no effect.

The silver lining (if that exists) is that around 60% of the companies believe that it will be a soft Brexit.



Sky News reporting that May will indicate that the UK is prepared to leave the Single Market, Customs Union and European Court of Justice if freedom of movement is non-negotiable in Brexit meetings.

(I put emphasis on 'prepared' as this is clearly brinksmanship at play)

lol... wtf. You dont even threaten that without really meaning it if you want future investments from global corps. Thats just insane.



Sky News reporting that May will indicate that the UK is prepared to leave the Single Market, Customs Union and European Court of Justice if freedom of movement is non-negotiable in Brexit meetings.

(I put emphasis on 'prepared' as this is clearly brinksmanship at play)

Merkel during her new year's speech: Don't be fooled, Germany can not thrive alone. It needs Europe.

May: What up bitches WE OUT!



Sky News reporting that May will indicate that the UK is prepared to leave the Single Market, Customs Union and European Court of Justice if freedom of movement is non-negotiable in Brexit meetings.

(I put emphasis on 'prepared' as this is clearly brinksmanship at play)

Ah, the 'burn it all down' play. It's a bold strategy, let's see how it plays out for them.

The lunatics are well and truly running the asylum.



Sky News reporting that May will indicate that the UK is prepared to leave the Single Market, Customs Union and European Court of Justice if freedom of movement is non-negotiable in Brexit meetings.

(I put emphasis on 'prepared' as this is clearly brinksmanship at play)

So essentially a Hard Brexit. Fine. It's her funeral, and it's a stupid idea to go for the Nuclear option essentially.



Sky News reporting that May will indicate that the UK is prepared to leave the Single Market, Customs Union and European Court of Justice if freedom of movement is non-negotiable in Brexit meetings.

(I put emphasis on 'prepared' as this is clearly brinksmanship at play)

"If you don't give us everything we want to the detriment of your own best interests, we'll ruin our own economy! Don't think we won't do it! We'll import our potatoes from China!"


So that's Hammond threatening the EU with the UK becoming a tax haven.

The chancellor, Philip Hammond, has said Britain could transform its economic model into that of a corporate tax haven if the EU fails to provide it with an agreement on market access after Brexit.

In an interview with the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, Hammond commented that if Britain was left closed off from European markets after leaving the EU, it would consider leaving behind a European-style social model, with ”European-style taxation systems, European-style regulation systems" and ”become something different".

Asked to clarify his remark, the chancellor told his German interviewers: ”We could be forced to change our economic model and we will have to change our model to regain competitiveness. And you can be sure we will do whatever we have to do. The British people are not going to lie down and say, too bad, we've been wounded. We will change our model, and we will come back, and we will be competitively engaged."

European-stype regulation systems is code for workers rights. Thanks Leavers, you bunch of utter fuckwits.
So that's Hammond threatening the EU with the UK becoming a tax haven.

European-stype regulation systems is code for workers rights. Thanks Leavers, you bunch of utter fuckwits.
Lets make this country a multinational heaven with low low tax and no workers rights.
It's a Tory wet dream.


I wonder how long it will take to get rid of maternity pay, or sick pay, or workers rights in general?

I wonder how easily the UK public will accept these changes? I assume if we blame brown people and blame the EU if they will in fact applaud it?
Also seems like it would just further screw over the rural/northern leavers, because jobs gained would mostly be in business administration, right? Y'know, the kind of thing that clusters in the South East already?


'Give us what we want or we'll fuck over our own people to the 9th generation just to hurt you. And you know we can do it, because our own people are that fucking stupid'.


Not going to speculate on the rate, but I'm sure that consumers will be buying at <1.0 in high street forex shops very soon.
That has already been the case in airports. It won't be long in high street though if you're in the country your bank will give you much better rates anyway.
Full interview: Brexit: Philip Hammond issues threat to EU partners - WELT

This strategy will backfire. UK cannot credibly threaten to become the Cayman Islands.

If we have no access to the European market, if we are closed off, if Britain were to leave the European Union without an agreement on market access, then we could suffer from economic damage at least in the short-term. In this case, we could be forced to change our economic model and we will have to change our model to regain competitiveness. And you can be sure we will do whatever we have to do.

This very much hints that if we don't get a good deal, and our economy suffers, then screw workers rights. Let's get 'competitive'. I read that as a race to the bottom.

That has already been the case in airports. It won't be long in high street though if you're in the country your bank will give you much better rates anyway.

Yeah that's why I specifically mentioned high street. Airport rates are always terrible anyway. Actually find Thomas Cook gives better rates than my bank most of the time.


'Give us what we want or we'll fuck over our own people to the 9th generation just to hurt you. And you know we can do it, because our own people are that fucking stupid'.

Hahaha, significant pay rise for me then to stay in London. Well done you utter dipshits.
I'm guessing May is counting on a Trump administration to shit on the EU?

Do they really think they make trade deals with everyone except the EU in no time? HAHAHA.

Here's the summary of the Telegraph article:

In her speech, Mrs May is expected to say that Britain must

Be prepared to leave the customs union to secure free trade deals across the world
Regain full control of its borders even if that means ending single market membership
No longer be bound by European Court of Justice rulings after Brexit, despite claims to the contrary
Unite after the “division” of the referendum by ditching the terms “Leaver” and “Remainer”



I'm guessing May is counting on a Trump administration to shit on the EU?

Do they really think they make trade deals with everyone except the EU in no time? HAHAHA.

Here's the summary of the Telegraph article:


She would sell our own spies out to the Russian puppet if she and her government thought it would help their hopeless Brexit negotiating position.

Traitors the lot of the them.
I'm guessing May is counting on a Trump administration to shit on the EU?

Do they really think they make trade deals with everyone except the EU in no time? HAHAHA.

Here's the summary of the Telegraph article:


So she expects to get Remain voters to reconcile while seemingly doing nothing to address their own concerns?

Good fucking luck.
I don't see how this works as per the way the referendum works, theoretically and in practise. It's taking one solution as if it were voted on at a general election, with a majority of the electorate supporting - right down to, basically, 'get over it remainers.'

Not an advisory minority victory.

Not contesting its legitimacy as per the rules, more how this playa with our self identification as a free, fair, democratic society.
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