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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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IIRC it was Livingstone, but I wouldn't put the blame on him.

New Labour were just as bad as the Tories with civil liberties, but with May at the helm of the Tories I feel things are going to get much worse.

And really the mistake was thinking the Orwellian motif was just a funky stylistic choice, when really it makes a fairly innocuous idea (I think the vast majority of people want CCTV on buses and trains) look like some weird authoritarian nightmare.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
And really the mistake was thinking the Orwellian motif was just a funky stylistic choice, when really it makes a fairly innocuous idea (I think the vast majority of people want CCTV on buses and trains) look like some weird authoritarian nightmare.

That whole imagery is just some graphic designer getting funky with their brief. It really should have been noticed prior to implementation, but it doesn't really reflect on any particular politician.

May is very authoritarian though.


Gove and May are literally the worst case scenario


I can't fucking believe this is happening

Scottish independence again please god or I swear I will leave this country
Especially given the context - ie, the alternatives - all the hate Gove gets really baffles me. Yeah, we all have friends on Facebook who are teachers, but he was basically executing the Tory education policy as per their manifesto.

Gove and May are literally the worst case scenario


I can't fucking believe this is happening

Scottish independence again please god or I swear I will leave this country

Given that he's Scottish, we could just kick Gove back to Scotland if they became independent...


Can you expand on that, apart from the snoopers charter, I don't know much about May, what makes her the best woman for the job.

It's probably worth explaining something to our American and European friends who are reading this and getting a taste of UK politics (by the way, welcome! Great to see so many getting involved :D).

The position of Home Secretary is the hardest position in UK politics. You have a very wide range of responsibilities to take care of, from domestic security, to immigration, to liaising with emergency service unions.

The Home Secretary basically takes responsibility, in a way, for everything that isn't related to the economy or foreign policy. Sounds good?

Not really. Basically if there is a terror attack, mass strikes, power cuts, too much immigration, deaths in custody, police corruption, the Home Secretary gets blamed, takes the fall and resigns.

The position of Home Secretary has an average lifespan of about 22 minutes. It is incredibly difficult.

At a time of economic uncertainty, with ISIS growing in stature across Europe and with the world changing very quickly, she has remained in her post for 6 years, the longest term in the job for over 100 years.

She is also not as propped up by vested interests as other candidates.

In politics, she is well known as not really being a schmoozer, more a getting on with it type of thing, and she has taken on some very powerful organisations and won, for example the US government on the McKinnon case and the police unions on racism/Hillsborough.

Here is a speech she gave to the police federation. Please note, this is a room full of police officers (institutionally racist) that she is saying it to. This takes some fucking cajones.


She is the right woman for the job.


Not surprised that Boris bottled it the moment he realised he'd have to fight for the leadership and he wouldn't just be given it.

He'll definitely be back by next election though, the Tory leadership right now it a suicidal job whoever gets it (May seems safe) will come out of it either having crippled the economy, not restricted immigration "enough" or more likely both.

But then again, if the Labour implosion continues long enough the Tories will probably remain in power regardless of how fucked the country is, it's not like the Lib Dems are in any position to claw back seats. Losing their Third Party status has caused them to fade completely into irrelevance.


So Boris plan is to let May come in, do all the hard unpopular work and when people are sick of her in 3 or 4yrs time, he will swoop in and become Prime Minister. Good idea but his reputation now is destroyed.


So Goves was that guy that was featured on John Oliver saying something along the lines of "it is time to stop listening to experts". Does that sum him up very well?

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Especially given the context - ie, the alternatives - all the hate Gove gets really baffles me. Yeah, we all have friends on Facebook who are teachers, but he was basically executing the Tory education policy as per their manifesto.

Given that he's Scottish, we could just kick Gove back to Scotland if they became independent...

Everyone dislikes him because he is repulsive. That may or may not be fair, but that is how he comes across. He's weird as hell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnXoQeGnT4Q .


It's probably worth explaining something to our American and European friends who are reading this and getting a taste of UK politics (by the way, welcome! Great to see so many getting involved :D).

The position of Home Secretary is the hardest position in UK politics. You have a very wide range of responsibilities to take care of, from domestic security, to immigration, to liaising with emergency service unions.

The Home Secretary basically takes responsibility, in a way, for everything that isn't related to the economy or foreign policy. Sounds good?

Not really. Basically if there is a terror attack, mass strikes, power cuts, too much immigration, deaths in custody, police corruption, the Home Secretary gets blamed, takes the fall and resigns.

The position of Home Secretary has an average lifespan of about 22 minutes. It is incredibly difficult.

At a time of economic uncertainty, with ISIS growing in stature across Europe and with the world changing very quickly, she has remained in her post for 6 years, the longest term in the job for over 100 years.

She is also not as propped up by vested interests as other candidates.

In politics, she is well known as not really being a schmoozer, more a getting on with it type of thing, and she has taken on some very powerful organisations and won, for example the US government on the McKinnon case and the police unions on racism/Hillsborough.

Here is a speech she gave to the police federation. Please note, this is a room full of police officers (institutionally racist) that she is saying it to. This takes some fucking cajones.


She is the right woman for the job.

Thanks, ok, she has balls, but what does she stand for?


Damn bots on Twiter. Looks like this one goes off if you mention single market:

Say NO to Single Market, which is EU lite, and YES to Free Trade

I don't think they know what free trade entails... Whoops.


Especially given the context - ie, the alternatives - all the hate Gove gets really baffles me. Yeah, we all have friends on Facebook who are teachers, but he was basically executing the Tory education policy as per their manifesto.

That's the thing - Gove is problematic because he's a drip who has shown no autonomy or decision making capability, while May is an ideologue with conviction who would happily become Big Sister 'for the benefit of the country'.

Given that he's Scottish, we could just kick Gove back to Scotland if they became independent...

He'd be hung from the rafters up here. Probably why he made a go of it in the far south.

I'm disgusted I share my home town with him. Disgusted.

So Goves was that guy that was featured on John Oliver saying something along the lines of "it is time to stop listening to experts". Does that sum him up very well?

May or Gove at this point I think my preference would be for an outsider to enter the race. I dunno some one like Kim Jong Un, anyone know if he is free these days ?

If May wins I can see her making the Thatcher years look like paradise. If Gove wins well I don't think I have the mental capacity to envision how utterly shit life will be under his reign.


So Goves was that guy that was featured on John Oliver saying something along the lines of "it is time to stop listening to experts". Does that sum him up very well?

Unfortunately, yes.

He suppports homeopathy, and wants to take down the NHS and replace it with a US style healthcare system.
He was heavily in favour of exam reforms, bringing back old school style exams, and also creating more creationist schools.
He has shown support for capital punishment, and hanging in particular.

He is not someone you want to have leading the country.

As fucking awful as she would be, honestly May doesn't seem quite so bad in comparison.


May or Gove at this point I think my preference would be for an outsider to enter the race. I dunno some one like Kim Jong Un, anyone know if he is free these days ?

If May wins I can see her making the Thatcher years look like paradise. If Gove wins well I don't think I have the mental capacity to envision how utterly shit life will be under his reign.

Chin up, Charlie! You took back control!


May or Gove at this point I think my preference would be for an outsider to enter the race. I dunno some one like Kim Jong Un, anyone know if he is free these days ?

If May wins I can see her making the Thatcher years look like paradise. If Gove wins well I don't think I have the mental capacity to envision how utterly shit life will be under his reign.

There's only one leader that could unite us in a time like this



So he's the key figure in the Conservatives leave campaign, gets what he wanted, and realises that it's too much of a shitstorm to deal with. He'd be the one forced to trigger article 50 as it's obvious that Cameron is going to leave that "legacy" to whoever's next, and it's his party that would get delegated the task from parliament of rewriting 40 years of UK law, and negotiating bilateral trade deals for the next decade (if the single market isn't viable).

He realised the situation he had created for himself, hence his subdued interviews ever since leave won. Under the circumstances though, he's pretty much forfeiting his right to ever run again surely? "In view of the circumstances in parliament". What a non statement. If he isn't up to taking this opportunity when everything was set up on a plate for him then I'm not sure he can ever be trusted to lead that party in the future. This opens a big door for Gove though, and that genuinely worries me. Some will see him as the only realistic and electable person from the tories that represents the leave side and willing to fulfill that mandate. Not sure how Theresa May is going to play this one. I have to be honest, I don't really want any of the potential candidates as conservative leader.


I hate May, she introduced a lot of nonsense policies to scrub immigration and affected legitimate and profitable migrants like non EU students. But I do wonder how much of it was her and how much was just her going along with Tory policies because I do accept that being Home Secretary is a tough job and you'll get hated anyway.


And suddenly thousands more Leave just said to themselves 'What has he done, I only voted leave cos cuddly BJ told me to'

Having asked a few people I know voted leave, while not the exact same reasons of course, this is what's now making them doubt leave xD


Unfortunately, yes.

He suppports homeopathy, and wants to take down the NHS and replace it with a US style healthcare system.
He was heavily in favour of exam reforms, bringing back old school style exams, and also creating more creationist schools.
He has shown support for capital punishment, and hanging in particular.

He is not someone you want to have leading the country.

As fucking awful as she would be, honestly May doesn't seem quite so bad in comparison.


So May hates:

Human Rights Act
Personal Privacy

Am I missing anything?

Oh dear.


So Boris plan is to let May come in, do all the hard unpopular work and when people are sick of her in 3 or 4yrs time, he will swoop in and become Prime Minister. Good idea but his reputation now is destroyed.

I don't see how when shit hits the fan he can come in without taking any of the blame. From the outside looking in it seems like this year is his only shot to be the prime minister.
Thank goodness for small mercies, Boris just announced he won't run for PM.

Fuck could you imagine what would happen under his leadership, it would be a trainwreck.
Chin up, Charlie! You took back control!

Meh never voted to take back control. I voted to give the EU the ability to take back control for itself. I have said this countless times it isn't about control it is about the fact we were never a willing participant in the EU.

The UK may or may not be better off outside the EU, but one thing is certain the EU will be better with the UK outside the EU. Besides when you look at the utter mess that the UK is in right now this actually might be a good thing. We have a lot of shit to sort out in this country. Maybe now with the EU out of the picture we can actually go about fixing some of the broken shit in this country.


I keep laughing and then remembering I live in this country

Meh never voted to take back control. I voted to give the EU the ability to take back control for itself. I have said this countless times it isn't about control it is about the fact we were never a willing participant in the EU.

The UK may or may not be better off outside the EU, but one thing is certain the EU will be better with the UK outside the EU. Besides when you look at the utter mess that the UK is in right now this actually might be a good thing. We have a lot of shit to sort out in this country. Maybe now with the EU out of the picture we can actually go about fixing some of the broken shit in this country.

I'll give you this, the UK living half-in, half-out was never going to last forever, and it wasn't helping Europe. Personally I wish we'd just go all-in on Europe but while I'm at it I might as well wish for a billion pounds


I'm not surprised about Boris.

The state of politics in this country right now is embarrassing. I guess it has been heading that way for years. Its actually scary what looms for us. I have a feeling there is going to be big trouble with this country in the years to come.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Meh never voted to take back control. I voted to give the EU the ability to take back control for itself. I have said this countless times it isn't about control it is about the fact we were never a willing participant in the EU.

The UK may or may not be better off outside the EU, but one thing is certain the EU will be better with the UK outside the EU. Besides when you look at the utter mess that the UK is in right now this actually might be a good thing. We have a lot of shit to sort out in this country. Maybe now with the EU out of the picture we can actually go about fixing some of the broken shit in this country.

This is a very naive post!


Meh never voted to take back control. I voted to give the EU the ability to take back control for itself. I have said this countless times it isn't about control it is about the fact we were never a willing participant in the EU.

The UK may or may not be better off outside the EU, but one thing is certain the EU will be better with the UK outside the EU. Besides when you look at the utter mess that the UK is in right now this actually might be a good thing. We have a lot of shit to sort out in this country. Maybe now with the EU out of the picture we can actually go about fixing some of the broken shit in this country.

That is some impressive logic you've got going there.
Meh never voted to take back control. I voted to give the EU the ability to take back control for itself. I have said this countless times it isn't about control it is about the fact we were never a willing participant in the EU.

The UK may or may not be better off outside the EU, but one thing is certain the EU will be better with the UK outside the EU. Besides when you look at the utter mess that the UK is in right now this actually might be a good thing. We have a lot of shit to sort out in this country. Maybe now with the EU out of the picture we can actually go about fixing some of the broken shit in this country.

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