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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Wonder what will happen the day Murdoch dies and the papers don't know how to spin this as Best for Britain

Murdoch dying in itself would be best for Britain. How about a referendum to 'take back control' of our media from that nefarious, vampiric sack of shit? He should have gone down with the phone scandal, instead it's business as usual for the cancer-of-the-world known as News Corp.


I find myself hoping for indyref 2 even more now.

Even if we stay in the EU, I'm not sure I want anything to do with those in office now down in Westminister considering who the choice is between.


Same I was a strong No voter before, I just didn't believe in it or think the case was strong enough tbh.

However, we're fucked if we stay, we need out now.


I wonder who leaked the email because the timing of it couldn't be coincidence.

I would love to have been a fly on the wall in that meeting

Not that we don't already know this but, if that isn't a blatant reminder of just how much the media oversteps its mark in aggressively influencing political decisions I don't know what is. Why does Murdoch get to submit millions of votes in his ballot as opposed to 1? Or influence who leads a party next. Nothing annoys me more than having papers claim allegiances in these kinds of situations.
May said this morning Brexit means Brexit.

So much for being the best out of the bunch. She's willingly going to invoke article 50, destroy the economy of the country all for the sake of a glorified opinion poll. Screw everything.

Damn I was hoping she would block it if she wins. Didn't she campaign for remain? Maybe she'll be less stubborn on leave negotiations then.


So all people from the UK should start being nice to May online I guess.....

May has umm nice earrings.... I guess.


Same I was a strong No voter before, I just didn't believe in it or think the case was strong enough tbh.

However, we're fucked if we stay, we need out now.

Pretty much. I was a very strong NO before.

Now I think it can't be much worse. if we go independent. Especially with the shit show down south. There seems to be a lot less infighting among parties in Scotland as well.


Nope, said she was going hardline. No freedom of movement. First priority.

It's a fantasy.

For the politicians in this country, it's their worst nightmare. For a long time, our lot in Westminster have been able to over promise and under deliver whilst working in various shades of grey when addressing matters.

Won't work anymore. It's political suicide to promise no freedom of movement because it can't be done without eviscerating our economy.
There should be riots now. They're basing a majority on 1 million people. They should rerun the referendum.

It's a majority nonetheless.

Arguing about the terms of the referendum result now is fruitless.

If there was such a possibility that it'd hinge on a tight vote, then that should have been discussed prior.

What's done is done. We just need to get on and make the most of it.

And I'm a staunch remain voter.


Pretty much. I was a very strong NO before.

Now I think it can't be much worse. if we go independent. Especially with the shit show down south. There seems to be a lot less infighting among parties in Scotland as well.

That's what I'm more worried about, the Yes movement has certainly grown since 2014 but it's still going to be very close =/


She can't ignore the will of the people. No sarcasm.

But she's fine with not factoring in the will of 16-18 year olds. They aren't people, I guess?

A bit facetious, but it's going to be the case that the electorate at the point leaving happens is going to be different from the electorate right now.


If we're going to riot, it shouldn't be because of the referendum.

It should be because our politicians are so self involved that they've failed to translate the results of the referendum into anything but an absolute catastrophe.


Damn I was hoping she would block it if she wins. Didn't she campaign for remain? Maybe she'll be less stubborn on leave negotiations then.

She cannot, 7 days after a referendum,whilst campaigning to be leader of the tory party, declare she's not going to Brexit. If she did it wouldn't matter what her position was, she would never win - and she could even be deselected.

By making immigration the number 1 thing she declares to the party she will fight for the issue they want her to fight on - knowing full well that she can't accomplish it. What that means down the road is up for discussion. She's given herself until Christmas to activate article 50, and it will be really interesting to see who she would put in charge of EU negotiations. If it's Gove or Fox, we're fucked.


But she's fine with not factoring in the will of 16-18 year olds. They aren't people, I guess?

The will of 16-18 year olds is factored in.

Really, as others said, it's a no go. Let's just stop talking about it. What happened, happened. (Yes, I am pro-Leave, but if it was Remain that won, I'd have said the same thing.)


That's been discussed at length - this is not an option, it goes against the democratic principle, etc, etc. It's dangerous talk.

It's quite literally happened in other countries and there was no fallout.

What's dangerous is completely destroying an economy for no god damned reason.


If there's one takeaway from all of this, it's that career politicians (Cameron, Johnson, Farage, Corbyn?) care much more about their career than their country and will gladly cause all kinds of mayhem if they think it will advance their personal agenda.

These people should never be given one iota of power again. Appalling.

I don't know much about Theresa May, but what little I read sent shivers up my spine. I'm truly sorry BritGaf.

Funky Papa

Here's our future guys:


Courtesy of Snooper's charter's


Yeah I agree, the riots will pass and cost however millions, but still a reasonable price compared to the long term loss of Brexit.

Why not just scrap democratic process all together in that case.
The whole point of democracy is learning to accept defeat gracefully and deal with the aftermath in a civilised manner.


That's what I'm more worried about, the Yes movement has certainly grown since 2014 but it's still going to be very close =/

Close but I think having Gove or May in office will push it for yes I don't know anyone up here that likes either of them.

Combine that with how the EU argument is out of the window (only way to be in the EU is to stay part of the UK) and it could certainly push it for Yes.


Why not just scrap democratic process all together in that case.
The whole point of democracy is learning to accept defeat gracefully and deal with the aftermath in a civilised manner.

That's part of it but not all of it. democracy isn't mob rule, nor is it tyranny of the majority.


But she's fine with not factoring in the will of 16-18 year olds. They aren't people, I guess?

A bit facetious, but it's going to be the case that the electorate at the point leaving happens is going to be different from the electorate right now.

There are only 11 countries in the world that count 16 as voting age.

Isle of Man

So it isn't exactly fair to criticise them for that.


Why not just scrap democratic process all together in that case.
The whole point of democracy is learning to accept defeat gracefully and deal with the aftermath in a civilised manner.

Accepting defeat in this case is accepting a recession, a complete and utter destruction of our economy and scrapping the livelihoods of young people all over Britain.

If a vote was won by idiot voters not reading what they were voting for saying everyone in the UK had to go jump off a cliff and die, would you do it?


It's quite literally happened in other countries and there was no fallout.

What's dangerous is completely destroying an economy for no god damned reason.

You are wildly exaggerating, the economy is not getting destroyed.

I don't think I am going to go in depth on how big the damage from riots or whatnot can get, it's self-evident. Countries are destroyed, hundreds of thousands or millions of people die violent deaths.


There are only 11 countries in the world that count 16 as voting age.

Isle of Man

So it isn't exactly fair to criticise them for that.

My point was simply that the electorate at the point of Brexit might want to remain. That's not trivial to reconcile.


What kind of social policy reforms is she thinking of?

She has been extremely vigorous in attacking the police for racism, for example. Like, more so than any other Home Secretary ever. She was also surprisingly strong about Hillsborough.

She's an odd character. When given space she seems to be quite socially liberal, but that contrasts with the awful immigration stuff she's done. It's hard to marry the two to be honest, and does leave you wonder if she has only been dealing with immigration to keep her job and as party policy rather than her instincts.

(She is the person who called the Tory party the nasty pasty after all).


What the hell is this idiot red head on sky news international saying. Brexit didn't cause the turmoil in the markets? Spouting some bullshit on here.


Why not just scrap democratic process all together in that case.
The whole point of democracy is learning to accept defeat gracefully and deal with the aftermath in a civilised manner.

Which would be fine if the people that won hadn't decided to fuck off and leave their mess to everyone else. It's hard to accept defeat gracefully when the victors have spent a week shitting in you from a great height.
It's a majority nonetheless.

Arguing about the terms of the referendum result now is fruitless.

If there was such a possibility that it'd hinge on a tight vote, then that should have been discussed prior.

What's done is done. We just need to get on and make the most of it.

And I'm a staunch remain voter.

A majority in a dumb opinion poll. The government has gone back on promises it's made to 100% of the population countless times. Who gives a shit if a bunch of fools, morons and racists get upset about this? You can't flush the country down the toilet for their sake.
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