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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Maybe already posted but LOL, Sturgeon going full savage. Someone toss her a snickers.


Can we just get her as PM, please?


What the hell is this idiot red head on sky news international saying. Brexit didn't cause the turmoil in the markets? Spouting some bullshit on here.

Yesterday someone on there said the Pound losing so much against the other currencies would have happened "with or without Brexit".

She has been extremely vigorous in attacking the police for racism, for example. Like, more so than any other Home Secretary ever. She was also surprisingly strong about Hillsborough.

She's an odd character. When given space she seems to be quite socially liberal, but that contrasts with the awful immigration stuff she's done. It's hard to marry the two to be honest, and does leave you wonder if she has only been dealing with immigration to keep her job and as party policy rather than her instincts.

(She is the person who called the Tory party the nasty pasty after all).

I had a cursory look on theyworkforyou also, and her stance on gay rights has softened massively too.


Unconfirmed Member
Maybe already posted but LOL, Sturgeon going full savage. Someone toss her a snickers.

Sturgeon is still the only one in this mess who seems to have her shit together. I didn't know a lot about her before (guess how much Scottish politics German media report on --
fuck all
) but all I've seen of her so far was great. From the first day after the referendum she has been taking the right steps.


Maturity, bitches.
Why not just scrap democratic process all together in that case.
The whole point of democracy is learning to accept defeat gracefully and deal with the aftermath in a civilised manner.

Well I suppose the Remain side will need to act graceful and civilised to balance how the Leave side is currently reacting.


If Gove is in power, that will almost certainly be a massive step towards the end of the NHS.

If leave voters manage to get their fantasy of absolutely no freedom of movement at that cost, I wonder how many will think it's worth it?


That's part of it but not all of it. democracy isn't mob rule, nor is it tyranny of the majority.

I agree and it is all about achieving balance, especially in a close referendum the minority vote must be factored into the debate, but the will of the majority has to be respected.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Genuinely dont know why people like Sturgeon so much

Funky Papa

Sturgeon is still the only one in this mess who seems to have her shit together. I didn't know a lot about her before (guess how much Scottish politics German media report on --
fuck all
) but all I've seen of her so far was great. From the first day after the referendum she has been taking the right steps.

At very least she's the only one upholding a consistent and well crafted narrative with clear aims.


Can I just say to people saying that it isn't democratic for May to carry on without an election.

That isn't how UK politics work, you don't elect a PM, you elect a local politician who makes up part of a political party.

The same thing happened when Gordon Brown took over from Blair. Brown carried on for a couple of years without an election.

In essence, you are voting for a manifesto, not a leader.


At very least she's the only one upholding a consistent and well crafted narrative.

To be honest, it's a very simple narrative and an impossible one in the short term. So, she might be good, but what she's doing is simple (too simple to be an indicator).

Funky Papa

Genuinely dont know why people like Sturgeon so much

It probably has to do with people loathing Brexit and Leavers, but as far as I can see, she's been the only politician of some note who has remained constant and super focused. Meanwhile, both Labour and Conservatives are a total mess.

Edit: Make that an Eton mess.


Can I just say to people saying that it isn't democratic for May to carry on without an election.

That isn't how UK politics work, you don't elect a PM, you elect a local politician who makes up part of a political party.

The same thing happened when Gordon Brown took over from Blair. Brown carried on for a couple of years without an election.

In essence, you are voting for a manifesto, not a leader.

I totally agree. However, Brown got savaged for it by the Tories themselves and it worked, so May can expect the same fired at her. It's silly, but people do vote for an MP based on the leader of that party.


Sturgeon is still the only one in this mess who seems to have her shit together. I didn't know a lot about her before (guess how much Scottish politics German media report on --
fuck all
) but all I've seen of her so far was great. From the first day after the referendum she has been taking the right steps.

It's not as if Scotland or her party are divided though. It's basically like playing football against England.
Looking at the early polling, Theresa May looks very likely to win if she makes it to the final two.

The problem is then you have a PM who is against Leave and a party and public who want the government to go through with Article 50.

In contrast, Eagle is almost certainly going to lose to Corbyn. Probably embarrassingly so. And then the deselections will begin.

This crisis will probably drag on until the new year. The only way for it to end is for a general election...


Can I just say to people saying that it isn't democratic for May to carry on without an election.

That isn't how UK politics work, you don't elect a PM, you elect a local politician who makes up part of a political party.

The same thing happened when Gordon Brown took over from Blair. Brown carried on for a couple of years without an election.

In essence, you are voting for a manifesto, not a leader.

Maybe so but the majority of people vote for whoever the party leader is aka who they want to be the next prime minister. It's also why the party leader is the face of the campaign and the one in all the debates, etc.

I'm sure some people base their vote on their local politician but I doubt many base their votes on that.
As much as I'd hated the idea of Boris becoming PM, I was slowly coming around to the idea that it would at least be OK if it meant seeing him choke on the poison chalice.

As someone else has said, he'll just go back to playing stupid until enough people have forgotten his role in all of this and then he'll try again.
Can I just say to people saying that it isn't democratic for May to carry on without an election.

That isn't how UK politics work, you don't elect a PM, you elect a local politician who makes up part of a political party.

The same thing happened when Gordon Brown took over from Blair. Brown carried on for a couple of years without an election.

In essence, you are voting for a manifesto, not a leader.

True, but Brown also got savaged at the next election because of it.


I had a cursory look on theyworkforyou also, and her stance on gay rights has softened massively too.

She was the cabinet minister responsible for pushing gay marriage through (it was under her when the coalition first announced it, with Lynne Featherstone as minister responsible). A lot of us were very nervous about that, but she delivered and delivered well.


Discussions on transitional arrangements for an independent Scotland to remain in the European Union (EU) after the UK leaves are taking place in Brussels, a former senior adviser to the European Commission (EC) has disclosed.

As the Press Association reports, Dr Kirsty Hughes told MSPs discussions are taking place about putting Scotland in a “transitional holding pen” after Brexit to avoid “an absurd out and then in process”.

She urged MSPs to hold a second independence referendum by summer 2017 at the latest, if it is judged to be in the best interests of Scotland, to allow the EU to start work on these transitional arrangements.

However, she warned the EU “does not want a mini-UK” and said Scotland is unlikely to keep the UK’s “awkward squad” opt-outs of the euro, justice and home affairs and the UK budget rebate.


It's a majority nonetheless.

Arguing about the terms of the referendum result now is fruitless.

If there was such a possibility that it'd hinge on a tight vote, then that should have been discussed prior.

What's done is done. We just need to get on and make the most of it.

And I'm a staunch remain voter.

Government is still held to account after winning an election, it's even more important than ever when the destination is so vague and uncertain.


From far away, it looks like she is the only one who cares for her country/people and is fighting for them.

Might be misleading but contrasted to the english politicians she comes across like a saint.


I hate the fact it's doubling up on massive change and crisis but fuck it I don't blame her


Episode 8 is here... (damn)

"She urged MSPs to hold a second independence referendum by summer 2017 at the latest, if it is judged to be in the best interests of Scotland, to allow the EU to start work on these transitional arrangements."

This can't happen. The UK won't allow it, it is impossible to be cruising two crises like this at once.

Why would Scotland care?


Episode 8 is here... (damn)

"She urged MSPs to hold a second independence referendum by summer 2017 at the latest, if it is judged to be in the best interests of Scotland, to allow the EU to start work on these transitional arrangements."

This can't happen. The UK won't allow it, it is impossible to be cruising two crises like this at once.

It is not a crisis to lose Scotland beyond some attachment to a rapidly disintegrating UK.

Funky Papa

Episode 8 is here... (damn)

"She urged MSPs to hold a second independence referendum by summer 2017 at the latest, if it is judged to be in the best interests of Scotland, to allow the EU to start work on these transitional arrangements."

This can't happen. The UK won't allow it, it is impossible to be cruising two crises like this at once.

The EU won't allow it neither, as explained before. As it stands, the EU pursues stabilisation, not the contrary. Accepting Scotland before its separation from the UK would be as close to a land grab as it gets without resorting to military action.

Scotland will have to be out and by itself before admission talks begin. At very least, meetings will only able to take place once the UK approves the separation of Scotland and transition towards an independent state begins.


Why would Scotland care?

Dangerous talk again.

The EU won't allow it neither, as explained before. Scotland will have to be out and by itself before admission talks begin. At very least, meetings will only able to take place once the UK approves the separation of Scotland and transition towards an independent state begins.

Yes, exactly.

(But it'd make for an entire episode alright. Maybe even a season. When do we finally get to starting to fix all this?!...)
"Rah rah sovereignty and democracy" would look so stupid if the UK tried to block Scotland from making another referendum and discussing terms with the EU.


It is not a crisis to lose Scotland beyond some attachment to a rapidly disintegrating UK.

You don't see a problem with Scotland transitioning to the Euro whilst the UK simultaneously loses London as a financial hub and the economy takes massive fundamental shifts?


The EU won't allow it neither, as explained before. Scotland will have to be out and by itself before admission talks begin. At very least, meetings will only able to take place once the UK approves the separation of Scotland and transition towards an independent state begins.

Well, "talks" will only begin. Nicola was there, talking certainly happened.
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