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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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52% of people would probably vote for the complete abolishion of tax too if someone was braindead enough to ask them, then sit there screaming about immigrants as the country descended into oblivion.

100% of people are better off if that 52% are ignored.

Besides, they'd get over being lied to quickly enough. How long before they forgot about the 350m for NHS? 1 day? Less?

Just before the football season starts.


He was a bad leader. I don't know what else there is to be said about Cameron (excl. Brexit for this thought).

Oh yeah, he was an awful leader. I did say his job was poorly done. I guess the guy himself was fine for me.

People like May seem like genuinely awful people, Cameron never portrayed himself as such.


Cameron really let himself go. Sad!

Despite comments here, I have to agree. All the candidates have been razor sharp on this point, with some variance on how much they emphasise how much border control/immigration was an important part of the decision and must be part of any deal.

I really hope the comments here are right, or Scotland can push the button on the ejector seat. My language skills aren't good enough (yet) to get a job on the continent at the level I have in the UK.
Numerous EU countries you can work in as an English speaker. Ireland obviously. But also Sweden, Holland.


Unfortunately, the time to say 'No' was before they called the referendum, and that's long gone.

The BEST I'm hoping for is a referendum pitting no free movement and a shitty/non existant trade deal against remaining in the single market.
And they'll vote in favour of the former. :(



Oh man, I haven't read this since it came through the door, which feels like forever ago now. It's funny how little bullshit is in the little pamphlet and how much of it is being vindicated, or at least discussed in lots of detail.

Pity everyone bitched about how it was "publicly-funded Government propaganda" and promptly binned it.

....I should stop reading this thread; it makes me want to fling myself off the white cliffs of Dover.


Got to love that Thornberry indignation. Salty.

And just after that - again - its surreal to see Conservatives saying that against their best interests, they need a Labour party that is credible and provides proper opposition to our government as part of a true democracy.


Numerous EU countries you can work in as an English speaker. Ireland obviously. But also Sweden, Holland.

Thanks for the advice. :)
Have thought about Denmark, Sweden and Ireland, but would prefer Germany, or maybe France if I like it there. (Haven't been to France yet, but going for the first time next year.)


my god, this ukip guy is fairly reasonable, what the hell? =/

Carswell? He used to be a Conservative MP; I know that might not explain normality but unlike the other UKIP loonies he actually has professional political credentials.

He basically spent most of election night apologising for Farage or UKIP in general.
Thanks for the advice. :)
Have thought about Denmark, Sweden and Ireland, but would prefer Germany, or maybe France if I like it there. (Haven't been to France yet, but going for the first time next year.)
In France you definitely want to speak French. They can mostly speak English, but will sigh and roll their eyes at your lazy English ass if you don't speak French.


Got to love that Thornberry indignation. Salty.

And just after that - again - its surreal to see Conservatives saying that against their best interests, they need a Labour party that is credible and provides proper opposition to our government as part of a true democracy.

A Labour collapse means that UKIP become the opposition to the Tories, especially if they ignore the referendum result.

my god, this ukip guy is fairly reasonable, what the hell? =/

Carswell is one of the more sensible kippers. Or at least coherent.


Why do 'deprived northerners' keep getting blamed for Brexit? It was pretty much every major region of England except London.

Yeah huge chunks of the supposed affluent South voted for it as well and are now crapping their pants and the thought of losing all their money.


These people are going to be so disappointed, they think it's going to be a breeze.

It is. We shout 'Article 50', go to the EU, sign some papers, throw money at the NHS and put all immigrants on buses, planes, ships and helicopters the same day.

Britain is great again


Yeah, Douglas Carswell is so anti UKIP and anti Farage it's funny when you consider that he's UKIPs only MP.

He probably wanted a seat and had more of a chance in whatever area he went for than being Conservative. Don't think that puts him in a great light either.


It is. We shout 'Article 50', go to the EU, sign some papers, throw money at the NHS and put all immigrants on buses, planes, ships and helicopters the same day.

Britain is great again


Pay rises for all on INDEPENDENCE DAY
Oh dear Boris.


He probably wanted a seat and had more of a chance in whatever area he went for than being Conservative. Don't think that puts him in a great light either.

He was already a Tory MP...

He stepped down and ran as a UKIP MP after he changed party.
What the hell at that UKIP guy? Get Farage out and out him in a leadership position. I know he doesn't want to be leader, but I -as left wing as I am- actually agreed with him at points.


He probably wanted a seat and had more of a chance in whatever area he went for than being Conservative. Don't think that puts him in a great light either.

IIRC he had a CON seat and defected. Then he stood for the same seat for UKIP and got elected.

I never really understood why he jumped ship.

EDIT: Hazzuh beat me to it, like Michael Gove


IIRC he had a CON seat and defected. Then he stood for the same seat for UKIP and got elected.

I never really understood why he jumped ship.

Stand corrected. Weird choice. Someone in the Tory party piss in his cornflakes or something, maybe some private matter but whatever don't care that much.


She did have one good point about immigration and the guy who complains about being undercut as a plumber and like Russel said, other jobs like that which is regulations and stuff I think would help like proper licenses, paper trails to make sure competition is fair and legit.
Just like the security course was on wasn't giving the answers to the none English speakers pffft


These people are going to be so disappointed, they think it's going to be a breeze.

I mean, the argument alone - "we're going to leave the EU, save 10 billion and invest half of it into the NHS" - is so ridiculously fucking naive, it boggles the mind how people can honestly believe that. It's barely better than "We're going to build a wall and the Mexicans are going to pay for it".


Foundations of Burden
I'm done. I can't trust the government at all. It's going to take a miracle for Labour to save itself. I like Corbyn, but the party needs to be united. Please, just go.



In France you definitely want to speak French. They can mostly speak English, but will sigh and roll their eyes at your lazy English ass if you don't speak French.

I expected as much. Either way, even if I could get by with English in some of the other countries I'd make the effort to learn the local language.When I travelled to Denmark for work I very quickly had to rely on the English skills of those I was working with. They didn't mind at all, but it was a humbling experience.
Thank god Russell Kane was there to bring up the tories as being the ones that will sell off the NHS, the idea that we can put more into the NHS while it is being drained and stripped away is ludicrous. That Labour woman also brought up the impact of a potential recession on the NHS and the potential lack of available funding. I'm glad she admitted Labour is in shambles (but it being a necessary opposition) and that Corbyn was elected by a majority of Labour voters.

All in all it wasn't all that bad today.

However, fuck that other woman for supporting Gove.

What the hell at that UKIP guy? Get Farage out and out him in a leadership position. I know he doesn't want to be leader, but I -as left wing as I am- actually agreed with him at points.

He lost me at two points: When he twisted that Labour woman's point and accused her of wanting to overturn the referendum result. And secondly when he said the promise was £100m a week for the NHS (which everyone - even in the audience - seemed to know was total crap).


Stand corrected. Weird choice. Someone in the Tory party piss in his cornflakes or something, maybe some private matter but whatever don't care that much.

The majority of the Tory party don't want to leave the EU. Because they aren't insane.

A small number do, including Carswell. Because they are insane.

So he switched party as he didn't feel that the party really wanted to leave Europe. Hence Cameron offering a referendum on the subject - to prevent more defections and a UKIP wave.
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