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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Unconfirmed Member
Can someone explain the context of that one lady getting offended at that Labour meeting and storming out of the room after that one man made a statement along the lines of "seeing who's working hands in hands"? It keeps popping up on BBC.
Why weren't people brave enough to damn the idea of 'Leave' as much as they are now?
We were. Bit how could loony scaremongering compete with 350m for the NHS and the fact that immigrants were going to evaporate overnight and all the country's problems would be solved?

Leave voters are as bad as anti-vaxers. They still haven't accepted that they have fucked themselves, and everyone else, and most I know are just digging their heels in and looking further to the right for scraps of validation.




The "We are a great trading nation" stuff really gets me. We were a really great trading nation who used those skills to get ourselves the best deal in Europe. Exemptions, rebates, opt-outs, vetoes. We got all those things then threw it away.

We're not a great trading nation, and really haven't been since well before the EU


From 1955, the only time we've consistently exported more than we've imported was during the North Sea Oil boom where Maggie was squandering Scotlands windfall. We had a renaissance in the Blair years (but that was mostly Oil driven as well) Excluding Oil we've not been a net exporter since the fall of the empire.


We're not a great trading nation, and really haven't been since well before the EU


From 1955, the only time we've exported more than we've imported was during the North Sea Oil boom where Maggie was squandering Scotlands windfall. Excluding Oil we've not been a net exporter since the fall of the empire.

Trade deficits aren't a measure of a good trading nation. The ability to sell something at a profit allows us to buy more luxury goods. You need to take into account quality of life improvements.


Why not just scrap democratic process all together in that case.
The whole point of democracy is learning to accept defeat gracefully and deal with the aftermath in a civilised manner.

Because you live in a representative democracy, and not a direct democracy.

Democracy is not mob rule. This was learnt like nearly a hundred years ago. You'd think people would have realised by now.


It's going to be very, very impressive politics for 52% of the population to not feel immensely betrayed at their democratic decision being entirely ignored. It'll be even more impressive for any faith in politics or democracy to be retained by them too.

That was my immediate thought on that too.


Trade deficits aren't a measure of a good trading nation. The ability to sell something at a profit allows us to buy more luxury goods. You need to take into account quality of life improvements.

Except we've been running on absurdly high levels of borrowing throughout that time as well. We're not really selling things, we're converting goodwill into debt and debt into luxury goods as all loss making countries in the fiat system do.


It's going to be very, very impressive politics for 52% of the population to not feel immensely betrayed at their democratic decision being entirely ignored. It'll be even more impressive for any faith in politics or democracy to be retained by them too.
They are already betrayed. The Leave campaign was nothing but lies. Whatever happens, the 52% are not being served. Better to serve 48% than 0%.


It's going to be very, very impressive politics for 52% of the population to not feel immensely betrayed at their democratic decision being entirely ignored. It'll be even more impressive for any faith in politics or democracy to be retained by them too.
I'm one of the 48%, but my faith in politics and democracy would be given a boost by the vote being ignored. Politicians should be held accountable, but they should also be entrusted with the power to say, 'No.'


Neo Member
He's been repeating this rhetoric since last Friday. Only time will tell.

The government has been pretty clear that the public voted and they will now deliver.

To me it seems he's still on stage 1 (Denial) of the 5 stages of grief. Brexit is going to happen unfortunately...


Y'know, I agree with these guys - I liked Cameron, he wasn't a bad guy. He just made fucking stupid decisions and didn't do his job to the best he could of. He was an alright guy otherwise.


He's been repeating this rhetoric since last Friday. Only time will tell.

The government has been pretty clear that the public voted and they will now deliver.

Despite comments here, I have to agree. All the candidates have been razor sharp on this point, with some variance on how much they emphasise how much border control/immigration was an important part of the decision and must be part of any deal.

I really hope the comments here are right, or Scotland can push the button on the ejector seat. My language skills aren't good enough (yet) to get a job on the continent at the level I have in the UK.
I'm one of the 48%, but my faith in politics and democracy would be given a boost by the vote being ignored. Politicians should be held accountable, but they should also be entrusted with the power to say, 'No.'

Unfortunately, the time to say 'No' was before they called the referendum, and that's long gone.

The BEST I'm hoping for is a referendum pitting no free movement and a shitty/non existant trade deal against remaining in the single market.


Y'know, I agree with these guys - I liked Cameron, he wasn't a bad guy. He just made fucking stupid decisions and didn't do his job to the best he could of. He was an alright guy otherwise.

He may have destroyed the hopes and dreams of every inhabitant of the UK for a generation. He was an alright guy otherwise.
It's going to be very, very impressive politics for 52% of the population to not feel immensely betrayed at their democratic decision being entirely ignored. It'll be even more impressive for any faith in politics or democracy to be retained by them too.
52% of people would probably vote for the complete abolishion of tax too if someone was braindead enough to ask them, then sit there screaming about immigrants as the country descended into oblivion.

100% of people are better off if that 52% are ignored.

Besides, they'd get over being lied to quickly enough. How long before they forgot about the 350m for NHS? 1 day? Less?


Emily Thornberry is terrible, people like her are why Labour can't win elections.

She did have one good point about immigration and the guy who complains about being undercut as a plumber and like Russel said, other jobs like that which is regulations and stuff I think would help like proper licenses, paper trails to make sure competition is fair and legit.


I take it you disagree with me?

He wasn't a bad fellow at all. He wasn't some evil individual ala Thatcher. He just did his job poorly.

He was a bad leader. I don't know what else there is to be said about Cameron (excl. Brexit for this thought).
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