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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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From what I understand there's basically one chance to undo this. If, when Cameron steps down and we have a new Tory leader, they continue negotiations with Brussels, we may be able to get some kind of 11th hour deal & with that on the table they can call a general election with that as a key point, or at least another referendum to make one last pitch at not leaving the EU.

Am I dreaming, GAF? There's no hope of this happening, is there?

From the EU perspective this is basically blackmail. Give us what we want or we'll really really leave you. What would stop other countries from doing that to get a better deal or the UK from doing it again at a later date. Why should we then ever trust you again? They will refuse to negotiate until article 50 is evoked.


The gay marriage bill passed by 395-170. 136 Cons against, 127 in favour. It's not going anywhere.

Not the gay marriage bill... That is not what the guy was concerned about.

Farage is a) not an MP and b) not attached to any meaningful party in government.

And if Article 50 gets pushed back like some are speculating, what if he uses that as a reason to campaign for UKIP votes and becomes PM with ~35% of the vote from this high turnout of leavers?

Nah, no way. But it's still complete hypocrisy.

OG Kush

So while I've seen the hurt in friends already, the first knock back has happened tonight that affects me personally.

My girlfriend was planning to do her third year in Iceland, hence me saying about how I was going to go out there too and already had job offers. Well, my offers are still on the table and I would consider it if I wasn't with her, but her university sent an email tonight saying that there is no longer any funding due to the vote.

Fuck everything. I'm buying myself a Vive to cheer myself up.

I don't understand why though? We're still a member of the EU for at least another 2 years/

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
From the EU perspective this is basically blackmail. Give us what we want or we'll really really leave you. What would stop other countries from doing that to get a better deal or the UK from doing it again at a later date. Why should we then ever trust you again? They will refuse to negotiate until article 50 is evoked.

Yes, agreed. The only slim chance the UK goes back now is if, between Cameron stepping down and Johnson ascending, things are so unremittingly awful that Johnson has a clear reason not to trigger Article 50. But the chances of that are indeed slim because up until that point we will still be in the EU, so they can't get too awful.
I don't understand why though? We're still a member of the EU for at least another 2 years/
A couple in this thread have told of colleagues being let go from work or themselves needing to relocate to other countries. People aren't thinking 'it's ok I have 2 years' it seems...


Gold Member
A few women I know are single parent families in work and they are terrified. After googling, it seems Britain has a large percentage of single parent families compared across the EU. I'm not knowledgeable enough in this area, but they seem to think they may lose a lot of protective legislation that gives them the same rights as full time employees (as most have to work part time to juggle child care etc.)

Some of these interviews as well with 'Leave' voters are horrific. I'd prefer them to interview some voters who actually knew what they were voting for and who can at least give me some sort of way to think there could be a positive, even if it's 12 months down the line......


Farage is a) not an MP and b) not attached to any meaningful party in government.

Power and influence exist where people think it exists.

He's getting lot of exposure and I doubt he'll fare badly if a general election is called.

Now UKIP got its way he might even switch parties - I don't see why UKIP would continue to exist

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
A couple in this thread have told of colleagues being let go from work or themselves needing to relocate to other countries. People aren't thinking 'it's ok I have 2 years' it seems...

I think the basic attitude from most companies is: we have absolutely no idea what happens after we actually leave, so let's attempt to restructure now when we have at least a little security.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
All he has to do is say "Immigration!" and everyone will eat up anything he fucking says.

Messaging would have to go for the public's wallets. Just put up a predicted itemised bill of a typical hospital stay pre and post NHS.

Either that or we hold a seance and invoke the spirit of Clement Attlee, who could then stalk the land burning unbelievers with the fiery gaze of his rationality.


To be honest I don't have much hope for overturning the vote, but I wouldn't feel guilty about doing it at all.

The blatant lies spouted not just by the Leave campaign, but by the media for the last two decades make the result illegitimate for me.



all because of "immigrants "


A repeat of that vote is stupid but another vote is not because we would be voting for a new deal and I think that deserves a new public vote.
Europe will not give a better deal. They would get a deal that removes almost every UK veto. If the UK voted remain on that, they would be Welcome.



all because of "immigrants "
As there will be less immigrants there will be no need for EU money. Besides, do we really need higher education? All you need is common sense, we just took back control. I've taken my son to become an apprentice as a baker, now that immigrants will not take his job or undercut him.
A repeat of that vote is stupid but another vote is not because we would be voting for a new deal and I think that deserves a new public vote.

A 'simple' in/out vote was an utter disaster.
And you are suggesting a more nuanced vote on what system the public wants?


This is all got debated in Parliament (except EU referendum of course):

EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum
870,894 signatures
Give the Meningitis B vaccine to ALL children, not just newborn babies.
823,346 signatures, now closed - failed.
Block Donald J Trump from UK entry
586,935 signatures, now closed - failed.
Stop all immigration and close the UK borders until ISIS is defeated.
463,500 signatures, now closed - failed.
Accept more asylum seekers and increase support for refugee migrants in the UK.
450,287 signatures, now closed - failed.
Consider a vote of No Confidence in Jeremy Hunt, Health Secretary
336,264 signatures - failed.
Make the production, sale and use of cannabis legal.
236,997 signatures, now closed - failed.
Stop spending a fixed 0.7 per cent slice of our national wealth on Foreign Aid
231,972 signatures - failed.
To debate a vote of no confidence in Health Secretary the Right Hon Jeremy Hunt
231,137 signatures, now closed - failed.
Vote no on military action in Syria against IS in response to the Paris attacks
227,744 signatures, now closed - failed.
STOP CAMERON spending British taxpayers’ money on Pro-EU Referendum leaflets
221,870 signatures, now closed - failed.
Stop allowing immigrants into the UK.
216,949 signatures, now closed - failed.
Vote no confidence in David Cameron
199,391 signatures, now closed - failed.
Make fair transitional state pension arrangements for 1950’s women
193,186 signatures, now closed
No UK airstrikes on Syria.
190,223 signatures, now closed - failed.
No more school penalty fines and bring back the 10 day authorised absence
183,641 signatures
Hold a General Election in 2016
165,147 signatures
Keep the NHS Bursary
162,568 signatures, now closed - failed.
Introduce a tax on sugary drinks in the UK to improve our children's health.
155,516 signatures, now closed
Hold a public inquiry and a referendum over turning all schools into academies
155,360 signatures
Call on David Cameron to act to protect our steel industry & recall Parliament
153,352 signatures
Scrap plans to force state schools to become academies.
150,224 signatures
Make it illegal for a company to require women to wear high heels at work
144,880 signatures
Reverse the ESA disability benefit cut
135,018 signatures
Prevent the scrapping of the maintenance grant.
133,066 signatures, now closed
Stop retrospective changes to the student loans agreement
129,751 signatures


Citizenship is fastest to get in Sweden. Wonder if conversational Swedish is learnable in 2 years.

Even if you don't learn Swedish quickly you'll do perfectly fine with English. English is a mandatory language to learn here and since we Swedes do not dub our TV shows, movies or translate our games in 99% of the cases except for the absolutely youngest of kids we get pretty fluent at it.

Understanding some Swedish is probably a good thing but you can get by easily talking English with almost anyone here.
Will they also allow workers rights , human rights and maternity leave ? ..

I think if none of these things were offered ... By the new Gov people would revolt more

It's worth noting that EU Directives are enacted in UK law and would remain in force after Brexit unless actively repealed by a future parliament.

EU Regulations on the other hand would are not inacted in UK law, under EU rules they automatically apply legally to member nations. I assume individual regulations would need enacting in UK law on Brexit if we wish to keep the associated right/regulation.


Europe will not give a better deal. They would get a deal that removes almost every UK veto. If the UK voted remain on that, they would be Welcome.
EU will probably agree to a deal like Norway where
1) UK pays but this time it actually has zero say in the regulations unlike before where it pretended to have no say.

2) Enters the schengen and allows freedom of movement (thereby negating a major pointer of the leave campaign) and ironically ends up with even looser borders than before.

If the UK decides it doesn't want that then all it's getting is a deal like Turkey, there is simply no way the EU gives more for less otherwise other EU countries will start their separatist movements.

all because of "immigrants "

Those are some proper shite universities though, besides St Georges so not sure what groundbreaking research would be lost.

EU will probably agree to a deal like Norway where
1) UK pays but this time it actually has zero say in the regulations unlike before where it pretended to have no say.

2) Enters the schengen and allows freedom of movement (thereby negating a major pointer of the leave campaign) and ironically ends up with even looser borders than before.

If the UK decides it doesn't want that then all it's getting is a deal like Turkey, there is simply no way the EU gives more for less otherwise other EU countries will start their separatist movements.

The UK have serious leverage, unlike Turkey or Norway so I think like it or lump it the EU will need to give a good deal.
It's kind of insane that you guys didn't have:

1. a supermajority vote
2. a mandatory vote
3. the vote take place on a weekend

for such an important issue.


Even if you don't learn Swedish quickly you'll do perfectly fine with English. English is a mandatory language to learn here and since we Swedes do not dub our TV shows, movies or translate our games in 99% of the cases except for the absolutely youngest of kids we get pretty fluent at it.

Understanding some Swedish is probably a good thing but you can get by easily talking English with almost anyone here.
Despite that one probably needs to be have a certain level of skill in Swedish before thry can be eligible to apply for Swedish nationality.


EU will probably agree to a deal like Norway where
1) UK pays but this time it actually has zero say in the regulations unlike before where it pretended to have no say.

2) Enters the schengen and allows freedom of movement (thereby negating a major pointer of the leave campaign) and ironically ends up with even looser borders than before.

If the UK decides it doesn't want that then all it's getting is a deal like Turkey, there is simply no way the EU gives more for less otherwise other EU countries will start their separatist movements.
Yes. That is if the UK leaves. This was an exercise in what would happen if they don't actually leave and want to negotiate again.

The UK have serious leverage, unlike Turkey or Norway so I think like it or lump it the EU will need to give a good deal.
And at the same time it has a worse position because it would be a bad sign if it looks like a better deal.
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