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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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If France leaves, the EU is kaput, Germany wouldn't want to subsidize all the have-not countries all by their lonesome. UK might have already gotten that ball rolling, kind of like when John left the Beattles.

Unlike John Lennon the UK never was a central member to the union but rather an outsider that blocked everything.
Norway has only 5 million people, it's not that big of an economy and thus they don't have much leverage, the UK will get a much better deal if not simply because they have 13 times the population and is a way larger economy.

once again EU still is bigger than UK
The EU has all the leverage.

Ripping away passporting rights would cause the bulk of financial services jobs to move out of this country to the continent.

It is such a huge ace that they have it literally trumps everything else many times over. You are talking £100bn tax revenue.

Moreover that sector will be heavily lobbying the government (whoever it maybe) to bend over to the EU's demands to be able to keep the passport.

This is basic logic. I feel like I'm in some sort of bizzaro world.

My firm already sent us an email on Friday confirming they are evaluating our position with respect to the London office. Some people were told they have to move to Geneva.

This will happen anyways. its illusionary to think that the eurozone will want London to deal eurobonds anymore. they already tried to regulate but lost in front of the european court of justice. now the eurozone has a legitime cause to forbid the dealing on eurobonds as a whole.

Also its not "ripping away". UK is a third country soon. Is there another third country that has passport rights? does a US bank get to trade in the EU freely on the merit of their US license?
If UK falls into a recession it's going to suck for the rest of Europe, and those governments will be held responsible as well because there are going to be a ton of unhappy electorates.

This isn't about whose fault this is. Brexit happened, all the politicians are going to try to make the best situation out of this so they don't lose their jobs.

the European governments can always point fingers to the sovereign decision of the british people. And for whom will it suck more if UK gets into a recession? To UK or to the EU? You are making arguments that dont make any sense anymore. UK is a third country now, EU politicians have no responsibility over them. If Japan is in a recession that sucks for the EU temporarily, but what will companies in EU do then? They will find different markets.
If Scotland veto'd the vote using the above (possible) method to do so, and the UK was forced to remain, wouldn't EU just kick us out anyway? At that point they'd be furious.
Sure it would. Would the UK accept that kind of a deal is the more interesting question, considering what the leave campaign said.

They would. Farage already admitted the £350 million figure was a lie, and Johnson has announced that immigration isn't likely to change after all. Farage has now been ostracised from the Brexit group so his immigration concerns will no longer factor into anything, and it's up to Johnson/Gove to put a deal together.


There's a suggestion that any exit agreement with the EU could require consent from the Scottish Parliament.



Wait, what? We could actually veto this shit, pissing off millions of Little Englanders in the process and feasting off their tears for decades to come? Sounds good to me. Lets fucking do it lads!
Absolutely the uk would pay more for membership and they'd be free of the uks constant wingeing and threats of veto

The U.K. would be a voiceless partner it's a win win for Germany and France

What's clear to anyone who's paid attention is that the U.K. Isn't getting and deal substantially better than that

Even Tory leavers are starting to move the conversation towards eea and what that entails

There's no win-win situation between France and Germany : Germany comands and we obey. They have the credit card and the industrial power, we don't. They only look for their best interests, we don't.
If Scotland veto'd the vote using the above (possible) method to do so, and the UK was forced to remain, wouldn't EU just kick us out anyway? At that point they'd be furious.

They would probably suspend the UK for pulling such a damaging stunt. They definitely would not just let it be water under the bridge.


I wasn't attacking you. I was amazed that the guy responding to you by agreeing that classing all Leave voters as racists is silly, managed to accuse all vote Remain voters of believing all Leave voters are racists.

I hope that makes sense, I know the sentence doesn't read very well but I'm very tired right now.
Yea sorry, and thought the same of his comment thats why i reacted.(but i guess he was not serious).


Went to a shop and this old lady just went up to the shopkeeper (who is Pakistani) and said to him this is such a momentous day and it'll be a wonderful day of celebration. She said it with such pride too.
You know what's scary? Not only does a Norway deal do nothing for leave voters, it frees the Tory government to pass as much legislation that benefits big business but harms the poor as well.

A Norway deal means the economy will somewhat recover, but in terms of real change for the working class, things will actually become a great deal worse than they already are.

Literally turkeys voting for Xmas.


The EU has all the leverage.

Ripping away passporting rights would cause the bulk of financial services jobs to move out of this country to the continent.

It is such a huge ace that they have it literally trumps everything else many times over. You are talking £100bn tax revenue.

Moreover that sector will be heavily lobbying the government (whoever it maybe) to bend over to the EU's demands to be able to keep the passport.

This is basic logic. I feel like I'm in some sort of bizzaro world.

My firm already sent us an email on Friday confirming they are evaluating our position with respect to the London office. Some people were told they have to move to Geneva.
Fuck isn't Geneva even more expensive than London

A friend did his architecture internship there nearly a decade ago and was flabbergasted by the cost of living and he was living in Kensington at the time
Norway has only 5 million people, it's not that big of an economy and thus they don't have much leverage, the UK will get a much better deal if not simply because they have 13 times the population and is a way larger economy.

I certainly like your optimism. The EU can't give the UK a way better deal than it gave Norway. If it would, other EU members, would leave too and try to get that deal.
If France leaves, the EU is kaput, Germany wouldn't want to subsidize all the have-not countries all by their lonesome. UK might have already gotten that ball rolling, kind of like when John left the Beattles.

France is Not going to leave, stop dreaming
We are aware of what the EU does for us , we are still one of the founding fathers of the EU , we are in key place next to germany and we are giving a lot of money to the EU.

We are NOT going to leave , stop dreaming about that.


90% sure EU has no legal standing to start negotiations.

I am a Law student and top lawyers have spoken out and said the same thing.

The point being made was, I think, that if Cameron so much as even mentions it they will count that as having started the discussion.
If anything France and Germany will be the last two countries still standing. :) What many don't realize/know, the EU or it's predecessors were founded to unite these two countries in peace and frienship after hundreds of years of hate and wars.


Bullshit : De Gaulle wanted Germany under control to prevent another Dictatorial and military Germany to ever rise again and rape France again like they did three times prior to that.


Went to a shop and this old lady just went up to the shopkeeper (who is Pakistani) and said to him this is such a momentous day and it'll be a wonderful day of celebration. She said it with such pride too.

the referendum has them coming out of the woodworks, misguided though
Went to a shop and this old lady just went up to the shopkeeper (who is Pakistani) and said to him this is such a momentous day and it'll be a wonderful day of celebration. She said it with such pride too.

Gross. That can't have been easy to watch. Where I live (Canterbury) the Leave voters won by a mere 700 votes, so no-one is mentioning anything in town. The tension though... man you can definitely feel it.


Wait, what? We could actually veto this shit, pissing off millions of Little Englanders in the process and feasting off their tears for decades to come? Sounds good to me. Lets fucking do it lads!

If that is the case, you could literally say that you're going to veto it unless you get indyref2 and I can't see why the Scottish parliment wouldn't do that. They're not beholden to us English.


Went to a shop and this old lady just went up to the shopkeeper (who is Pakistani) and said to him this is such a momentous day and it'll be a wonderful day of celebration. She said it with such pride too.

Maybe she's sick of white europeans coming over and taking our jobs and is looking forward to an influx of Indian / Caribbean / Pakistani / Nigerian / Bangladeshi commonwealth immigrants instead?


Neo Member
Just needed to vent and get this off my chest:

I'm a white, working class northerner and I feel like I don't belong in my own country anymore. Not because of immigrants, but because of my fellow countrymen.

This referendum campaign has been so vile and nasty, with immigrants and European Union being scapegoated as the main cause of all the UK's problems, lies and mistruths being flung from all sides of the debate, the right-wing press has been whipping people up into a nationalistic frenzy and a Member of Parliament was murdered in cold blood. How on earth do we come back from all of this?

Right now I feel scared about the future of this country (socially, economically and on the world stage) and furious that those of us who will have to live with this decision for the longest, have been overruled by those who will not have to face the consequences for anywhere near as long. You can say more young people should have turned out to vote (and I agree with you), but that doesn't make me any less angry.

Like most young people, I've been a citizen of the European Union for almost all of my life and now soon I wont be anymore. Leavers can call it over dramatic all they want, but I used to feel both British and European, and right now I feel stateless.

Leave campaigners were talking yesterday about coming together and uniting the country, but I have no idea how that's going to happen, or even if I want it to happen, because the Britain I've seen over the course of this campaign is not one that I want to be a part of.
Almost half the electorate voted Remain. A Norway type deal is a half-way house, for a divided electorate.

Seems like the worst of both worlds, but we are where we are.

What is the advantage of a Norway deal in comparison to where we were/are?

Seems that if we were going to go down that route, then we've really cut ourselves a raw deal.
France is Not going to leave, stop dreaming
We are aware of what the EU does for us , we are still one of the founding fathers of the EU , we are in key place next to germany and we are giving a lot of money to the EU.

We are NOT going to leave , stop dreaming about that.

You're right : We're going to leave once Euro has completely ruined our economy.

Try to educate yourself about who Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman the so-called "founding fathers" were and who they worked for


Norway has only 5 million people, it's not that big of an economy and thus they don't have much leverage, the UK will get a much better deal if not simply because they have 13 times the population and is a way larger economy.
I mean it's only the biggest natural gas supplier to the eu (39% to Russia's 38%) while also supplying about 15% of the eu oil imports

Really minor

Where did you get your tenure hogwarts?
Bullshit : De Gaulle wanted Germany under control to prevent another Dictatorial and military Germany to ever rise again and rape France again like they did three times prior to that.

You need an update on history :


France and germany are fine

France and Germany have learnt lessons from our history. Europe is our common fatherland. We are heirs of a grand European tradition. This is why, forty years ago, we ended our fratricidal war and began to build our future together. We were reconciled, we came to an agreement, we became friends. European unification is our common goal – this is what we are working towards – in the spirit of fraternity

nuff said


Everyone saying London an island of pro-EU (59.9% remain). What about Liverpool (58.2%) or Manchester (60.4%). London media bias again.


Because they can afford it. They don't want to be part of EU but want that EEA inclusion and they have the funds to do that.
The funds you pay to be part of EEA more than the funds you pay to be part of EU I assume.

But still why wouldn't you want to be in EU since it's the same but better?


People talking about a Norway deal always forget to mention that would includes Schengen.
Schengren just isn't a big factor for the U.K. It's only land border with the eu is unmonitored and every other transport method requires identification


Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. They should make it a mandatory course for all English citizens to study economics to a slightly advanced level. Talk about total disregard for your own safety all in the name of nationalistic self interest and dislike for immigration.


For those in the know, how easy/difficult would it be for the "financial services sector" to relocate to the continent lock, stock and barrel? Would there be a domino effect?

I'm not sure I've asked the right question or, even worse, missed a more important one. But I do wonder about the revenue stream for the exchequer.
Other EU members aren't the UK.
UK is special , the Uk will get special treatment, The Uk will be strong ... nothing will happen to the UK..

And so on and so on.

Typical case of delusions.

You're right : We're going to leave once Euro has completely ruined our economy.

Try to educate yourself about who Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman the so-called "founding fathers" were and who they worked for

See yourself at the top of this page for my comment :
Also , Update your point of view, even a 30 year old event is more accurate than your world view
Non sequitur thought.

You've actually voted to strip the EU citizenship of not just yourselves and those others eligible to vote, but all those without suffrage under the age of eligibility.

Someone who will turn 18 in the months and years to come during this messy division had no say in losing their place in the Union. And unlike a periodic election there are no backsies. No vote to come for them to regain what was lost.

Good job I guess.


For those in the know, how easy/difficult would it be for the "financial services sector" to relocate to the continent lock, stock and barrel?

I'm not sure I've asked the right question or, even worse, missed a more important one. But I do wonder about the revenue stream for the exchequer.
Relatively easy logistically. Some companies would need to apply for banking licenses and such.
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