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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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If Scotland vetoing is the simplest way to stop us leaving the EU, someone should create a petition on that for the Scottish parliament to look at.


Can someone give me a brief summary of this Norway deal?

Think of everything that the Leave campaign promised people, then imagine getting absolutely none of it - that's the Norway deal in a nutshell.

For bonus points it's also genuinely "undemocratic".
So, after chatting with a couple of friends (note we're not birtish or live in the UK), we realised how this will affect some people close to us.

We have a couple of friends who are musicians, most of their fanbase and business is actually held in the UK...They gig in the UK, they record in the UK, their songs are in english and so on. ALL of them will now see a big part of their careers shattered, and need to find a solution.

The same happens to photographers/videographers, who could take in jobs (such as weddings) held in the UK, because its a bigger market, and flight tickets are cheap.

Think of everyone who would go into the UK for music fests/gigs and so on, that will eventually stop doing so because you will need Visas, passports and so on.

This might seem a "small" problem, but the ramifications of this decision will affect in a major way, the minorities who were following a dream.


Lol if you think that Merkel is siding with UK on this. She is the master of making soft talk and ruthless decisions a bit later.

Meh, like always she'll compromise between what the CDU/CSU want and what the big german companies want(She's good at that, there's a reason she's Kanzler since forever.); so Norway-like deal, which could be argued as being not petty and permitting a working relationship.

I'm more and more convinced the only major discussion point will be the financial passports.


Pro Brexit NI loyalist moonbat (and Trump supporter) advocates constituents get an Irish passport. Yep, hell has well and truly frozen over:



There would always be some id in place from France to the U.K. due to Calais I'd think

Because its a port?
I don't think there would be any for the ferry itself that runs between Dover and Calais.

I'll let you in onto something, I've taken that ferry few times and all those times the French didn't give a shit and didn't even check passports despite the fact that there were several non-EU nationals (but British residents with a schengen visa, including myself). Going back though, they made us all go through the British immigration before getting on the ferry.
Continue with your outdated worldview and your delusions .i'm DONE with this subject
NEWS FLASH : USSR doesn't exist anymore.

De Gaulle most famous quote : " States have no friends, just interests".

Our SMEs are getting raped by their German counterparts at the European and International Level but hey we're "friends" after all.
How's the EU going to improve itself by watching one of its strongest members raise taxes and cut spending alongside a concerted effort by bureaucrats to give the aforementioned a shit deal?

Moreover, the last thing I'd imagine supporters of simple logic would want to do is incentive more people to listen to other elites. Like the ones being quoted on Vox, doing TV interviews on outlets like CNN/Bloomberg/Fox, blogging for newspapers, and so on saying the costs are overstated and/or that the EU is a failure. I'd hope they keep in mind people are going to get paid handsomely at the expense of those who want to get tough and cute out of common courtesy.
UK was a roadblock to a closer union which is desparately needed in order to tackle some of the challenges that come with globalization,.
So the UK's only hope is the EU making an exception to the 4 freedoms for the UK, no money for access to the EEA and the EU really likes British cakes.

Otherwise, no access to the EEA and the UK will have to find other economic partners, the pipe dream of US, Canada and Australia.



The surprising thing is, it's easier to have conversations with Leavers (?) than it is the extreme-left that roams my University. But I have to say, Cameram, boris and nigel is someone's dream team? Fuck me.


Basically, Norway is pretty much an EU member but isn't - so they have no say how a large number of their laws are made. It is a terrible deal for Norway in terms of sovereignty, but they do have access to the single market - which is crucial to them.

Norway is happy to put up with this arrangement as they get an opt out from the Common Fisheries Policy which is a big deal for them.
Well, they tried twice actually and this deal woks well for them

yeah but they get no say on laws imposed on them. they also need to accept freedom of movement. why not just be a member and get a voice on the decisions?
The population wanted to stop people like me moving there ASAP. If I could migrate to Norway I fucking would.
Norway has to accept freedom of movement. They are even part of Schengen


Think of everything that the Leave campaign promised people, then imagine getting absolutely none of it - that's the Norway deal in a nutshell.

For bonus points it's also genuinely "undemocratic".

Yup. For extra hilarity, Norway is relatively rich and left-leaning, which makes their EU deal workable. That just happens to be two things Leave voters are not.
This is why there's so much anger towards the elderly right now. 75% of people 25 and under voted to remain. The young feel betrayed by their elders, and unlike electoral mistakes we can't change course in four or five years time. Younger generations are now permanently locked into a situation they overwhelmingly didn't want.

Out of curiosity, is the figure of how many under 25 v turnout of under 25 public knowledge?


yeah but they get no say on laws imposed on them. they also need to accept freedom of movement. why not just be a member and get a voice on the decisions?
Norway has to accept freedom of movement

You know what I really want to hear? A real reason for this sovereignty fetish. What EU law is fucked up?


pretty strange that the norwegians dont try to enter into the EU. Its like the worst deal imaginable.

in 1972 when the norwegians applied, they WERE granted membership. The Norwegian government did infact want to join the EU.

When a referendum was conducted it became apparent that the Norwegian population did not want to join the EU.

In an attempt to satisfy the publics opinion and be able to reap the massive benefits that came with the single market. The Norwegian government joined the trade zone but not the EU proper.

It was with relatively easy for Norway to get some sort of special benefits due to Sweden and Denmark both being members of the EU. Before the EU formation however, the Scandinavian countries already had a trade and passport union in place, which is still in effect today, meaning that people from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Greenland can Work, Study, Live etc in one of those countries without being an actual citizen (A schengen like agreement that was about in the 1950's). The agreement also cover business interests and a swell of other things.

Even regardless of Norway being a member of the EU they would still have the benefits from the nordic agreements and so it is preferrable, for them, to have a hybrid system because they are in a unique situation.
Out of curiosity, is the figure of how many under 25 v turnout of under 25 public knowledge?

Good question. I'm not sure if that's public knowledge yet or not. Even prior to the results the polls were all showing the same trend though. Age was the biggest factor in which way people voted, followed by education (higher education = more likely to vote Remain).
Meh, like always she'll compromise between what the CDU/CSU want and what the big german companies want(She's good at that, there's a reason she's Kanzler since forever.); so Norway-like deal, which could be argued as being not petty and permitting a working relationship.

I'm more and more convinced the only major discussion point will be the financial passports.

which will be a no go for the european side.


Because its a port?
I don't think there would be any for the ferry itself that runs between Dover and Calais.

I'll let you in onto something, I've taken that ferry few times and all those times the French didn't give a shit and didn't even check passports despite the fact that there were several non-EU nationals (but British residents with a schengen visa, including myself). Going back though, they made us all go through the British immigration before getting on the ferry.

Same with the tunnel, I took my motorcycle and the French guy couldn't even be bothered to wait for me to remove my helmet, told me to just go.

Coming back through British customs was a whole different story.
They would. Farage already admitted the £350 million figure was a lie, and Johnson has announced that immigration isn't likely to change after all. Farage has now been ostracised from the Brexit group so his immigration concerns will no longer factor into anything, and it's up to Johnson/Gove to put a deal together.

But then it really feels like we've gained nothing by leaving, and actually made any complaints (about the EU being undemocratic and consisting of free movement) more valid.

I'd be disappointed from a Remain standpoint, the Leavers would be absolutely livid.
If leaving the EU results in further cuts due to a loss of tax receipts I hope the Tories make sure the pain is spread evenly. No exceptions for pensioners, if pensions get cut then fair enough, everyone has to feel the pain of leaving including those who were more likely to have voted for Brexit.



I love the way Merkel just walks into the room, smacks Junker & the other assorted cretins upside the head, tells him to STFU and states that there is no rush at all in forcing the UK out and it can be a perfectly pleasant relationship going forward.

Nice to have someone with a braincell back in charge. Now if only we had a leader in the UK who had one, we might be able to get out of this fucking mess.

I was really pleased to read this. It's about time they all (including our MPs) started acting professional and get to work on making the best of the situation.

I don't regret my vote at all but I'm getting concerned about the rhetoric from the majority of EU wanting to hang UK out to dry and the bile being spewed by pro-Remain people. It's fucking done. The British public shouldn't be punished in its entirety because of a very closely won vote. Fucking get on with life and make it work.

As for idiots petitioning for an independent London, wtf to that.

If leaving the EU results in further cuts due to a loss of tax receipts I hope the Tories make sure the pain is spread evenly. No exceptions for pensioners, if pensions get cut then fair enough, everyone has to feel the pain of leaving including those who were more likely to have voted for Brexit.

Yeah! Let's cut their heating allowance too! That'll learn them! Come on dude, we're better than this.
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