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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Seems Scotland and NI parliaments have a veto... https://twitter.com/jimfitzbiz/status/746722921125654528
Not really a veto but we could refuse to amend the Scotland act by the Sewell convention Westminster isn't suppose to override the Scottish Parliament on things devolved to it, if they tried we'd be independent before the week is out

Yes or no we like our parliament it's relatively collegiate relatively well run and if Westminster gives it the end around there would be civil disturbance at the very least
If only Brits had more black people this wouldn't be such a catastrophe

White people fucking it up for everyone because of their racism

I find people like you are to blame for the rise of the ultra right wingers like Trump and the Brexit (Britian First bunch)

You don't give a fuck about the poor white working class. Who have more in common with the blacks over here frankly, one of the reasons why they're so many mixed race people over here. Even the person who shot the MP had a mixed raced brother.

But yeah it's just the white peoples fault. Sikhs aren't exactly white either, who largely voted to leave.


I'm sure that will sit well with the 18 million who voted leave.

Democracy has taken its course. The result of the referendum should be respected.

yeah parliament voting to ignore their own referendum is will set alight a 'stab in the back' grievance politics that leads us only to prime minister farage. idiotic.


Not really. Lots of the leave voters are disaffected working class people who would have been considered left wing Labour voters.
They feel abandoned by Labour as it has aligned itself more with the City and with the middle class lefties
They almost certainly dislike Gove and Johnson but have found a cause that will give a bloody nose to the establishment.
I've yet to talk to anyone of any political stripe who thinks favourably of Farage.

That's exactly why the campaign is such a farce.

It's a vote to leave the EU when the people aren't voting to leave the EU. They're protest voting against the government.

It's ridiculous, and the laughable thing is. It doesn't change the government. It only gives them even more power to screw over the poorer areas of the north even more.
how many of those tied their economies to the EU through all of their membership benefits and then tossed them away for no discernible reason?

Ask again in a number of years, the EU will be a thing of the past. Once the United Kingdom shows the world that being Independent was the best thing they ever did.

The French are next.


It's not a zero-sum game, the EU does not benefit from UK being in a worse recession or the financial sector having to spend a ton of money to relocate, it's in the EU's best interest to ensure that economically the region is stable. Bureaucrats will compromise, because that's what they always do, and the EU is full of nothing but bureaucrats.

politicians do not always act in their own purest economic self-interest. the people running france and germany have every reason to disincentivize leaving the union.


You're getting all emotional before anything has even happened.
How the fuck did you make it through the miners strike?

Just because you think nothing has happened yet doesn't mean nothing has happened. It rather suggests that you're blind to the reactions of business and governments throughout the world, including the reactions of governments and political parties in the UK. Our Prime Minister has resigned, triggering a non-democratic election of his successor, in all likelihood a complete buffoon with a serious nasty streak. There is a serious threat to the leader of the opposition party. The third biggest party is pushing very hard to break up the union.

Nothing has happened. Pfft.

I'm not as old as you, and did not live through the miner's strikes. You do realise that there are thirty years of people younger than you, at least, who are going to be effected by the decision you have made?


That's exactly why the campaign is such a farce.

It's a vote to leave the EU when the people aren't voting to leave the EU. They're protest voting against the government.

It's ridiculous, and the laughable thing is. It doesn't change the government. It only gives them even more power to screw over the poorer areas of the north even more.

Ding ding ding. Right on the money.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Ask again in a number of years, the EU will be a thing of the past. Once the United Kingdom shows the world that being Independent was the best thing they ever did.

The French are next.

Seems like wishful thinking.

Ironically, I think Brexit will make the EU stronger than ever


Because business is business and this isn't about spite or justice, or even principles, it's about putting your countries in the most advantageous position and major EU member countries like Germany and France would want a good trade relationship with UK and forcing the UK into a worse recession isn't good for anyone.

You can't just leave and expect everything to be the same or better, you understand that right? EU has to show that it isn't ok to leave and get all benefits anyway. Also this has created anger towards the UK in other countries, probably more than you think and the people i've talked to want you out and with a shit deal


from bbc live feed

According to The Telegraph, Nigel Farage has reacted with fury after Vote Leave said it would exclude him from a cross-party committee which will negotiate Britain’s exit from the European Union.

The UK Independence Party leader said that he would use his position as head of the UKIP group in the European Parliament – the biggest group of British MEPs – to ensure he had a say over the terms of British breakaway from the EU.

Senior Vote Leave sources on Friday made clear that Mr Farage would not be invited to join the committee negotiating the Brexit.

One told The Telegraph:

Nigel Farage’s involvement has come to an end.”
Mr Farage responded furiously. He said: “I just don’t understand these people – they will never give me credit for anything.

"I have tried for nearly a year to work with these people and fight on a common agenda and they don’t want to know.”
Next step, remitiralize the Ruhr.

While I agree EU will try to compromise, I don't give theUK as much leverage as you seem to.
Just curious, what would you consider a "good" deal?

Some sort of arrangement for the financial sector.

Compromise will happen, obviously the UK isn't going to come away unscathed but both sides will work towards the status quo.


Not really. Lots of the leave voters are disaffected working class people who would have been considered left wing Labour voters.
They feel abandoned by Labour as it has aligned itself more with the City and with the middle class lefties
They almost certainly dislike Gove and Johnson but have found a cause that will give a bloody nose to the establishment.
I've yet to talk to anyone of any political stripe who thinks favourably of Farage.
That's exactly how they got played.

The EU wasn't the bad man here. Your completely inept government was - across the board, for decades. Yet, they managed to convince people, especially those struggling and therefore vulnerable to populism, that it's all the EU's fault and made them vote against their own best interest.


Many people who voted Leave saw this as a protest vote. And it wasn’t, I’m afraid. It was a decision vote.
Tony Blair

Dislike that I quoted him, but it was right on the mark.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
deleted. Sorry, someone trolling. There's enough misinfo already.


Ask again in a number of years, the EU will be a thing of the past. Once the United Kingdom shows the world that being Independent was the best thing they ever did.

The French are next.

That's magical thinking. This might as well be the end of the EU or the refoundation in different terms with a different composition. Nobody knows. As for the part about being independent being the best thing UK ever did, you're absolutely right. And Scotland and Northern Ireland will claim the same prerogative.


That's exactly how they got played.

The EU wasn't the bad man here. Your completely inept government was - across the board, for decades. Yet, they managed to convince people, especially those struggling and therefore vulnerable to populism, that it's all the EU's fault and made them vote against their own best interest.

So many people voted for Independence... from the ECJ.
I voted remain, after toying with the idea of leave for a while.

Politically and economically the UK, and the EU are entering uncharted waters.

It would be silly for the EU and the UK not to work together in each others interests during the negotiation period.

Even after the UK leaves the EU, we will both be heavily reliant on each other, there is no denying that.

What needs to happen now is for the conservative party to appoint a new leader, and form a negotiating team. This needs to happen quickly. There is some talent in the tory party, and some utter buffons. I hope the party choses well. I'm not entirely sure that they will.
how many of those tied their economies to the EU through all of their membership benefits and then tossed them away for no discernible reason?

The fact they didn't means they are ok, free to explore all opportunities without prejudice. How many countries HAVE tied their economies and are completely and utterly in the shit?
Because business is business and this isn't about spite or justice, or even principles, it's about putting your countries in the most advantageous position and major EU member countries like Germany and France would want a good trade relationship with UK and forcing the UK into a worse recession isn't good for anyone.

why? dont they have a big incentive to make UK miserable in order to demonstrate that leaving the EU will fuck the economy big time?


People keep saying that Parliament refusing the EU referendum would be political suicide but I keep seeing posts upon posts of reports of people wishing they switched their vote to remain, the petition asking for a second referendum, the news reports that the leave campaign lied about leaving the EU actually affecting immigration, etc.

Isn't it possible a lot of people have changed their minds after the shit that's happened the past couple days? Would it really be as suicidal as people are saying?


Yes that's true but the vote has been cast and the results are in so why should the EU be the one who fixes the siuation when the UK already has one of the best deals in the union and always gets their way?

Uhh first start a referendum with a leave campaign painting europeans as poor uneducated poopers that want that british wellfare. Leave wins. Now suddenly europeans need to be nice to the british?

If we want peace in Europe the EU does need to keep good relationships with the UK. Doesn't mean they should give them everything for free but punishing them for leaving will just create more hostility. I'm really not a huge fan of the scare everyone into behaving tactics that the EU leaders want to use.

There are several other countries in the EU who are not fully happy and threats just don't seem like a good solution for stability and peace.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
If I was EU I would give UK the middle finger

The US still trades with China despite them spying on them and their human rights record, trades and has ties with Saudi Arabia despite their policies and fundamentalism, I could go on.


In gods name

Would any EU country make their economies worse by not trading with one of the worlds largest economies where the chief countries behind the EU have huge stakes in our economy.

Money rules, no country is going to make themselves poorer, no government would ever do this it is political suicide, economic suicide.


Some sort of arrangement for the financial sector.

Compromise will happen, obviously the UK isn't going to come away unscathed but both sides will work towards the status quo.

I think the financial sector is the one point where France and Germany will want to change the status quo. They'd have a lot to gain from that.
I'm eager to see what compromise they'll propose.
If we want peace in Europe the EU does need to keep good relationships with the UK. Doesn't mean they should give them everything for free but punishing them for leaving will just create more hostility. I'm really not a huge fan of the scare everyone into behaving tactics that the EU leaders want to use.

There are several other countries in the EU who are not fully happy and threats just don't seem like a good solution for stability and peace.

Only that the UK is a troublemaker within the EU. Getting deals other nations could only dream about and they still voted to leave the EU.

UK will enter any negotiation tables with nothing in their hands.


Why would Scotland veto Brexit when they can achieve the independence with it?

They threaten to Veto unless they are guaranteed a new referendum, I guess is the point. It'd be apparently political suicide for whoever steps into No. 10 to not follow through on the wishes of a 25% majority of the countries population.


People keep saying that Parliament refusing the EU referendum would be political suicide but I keep seeing posts upon posts of reports of people wishing they switched their vote to remain, the petition asking for a second referendum, the news reports that the leave campaign lied about leaving the EU actually affecting immigration, etc.

Isn't it possible a lot of people have changed their minds after the shit that's happened the past couple days? Would it really be as suicidal as people are saying?

It would be going against democracy if they ignored it which is rather bad. As sure people are showing signs of regret, but they can't quantify it at all.

If they pushed for a second referendum, or a general election happened in which the party who won states they won't leave the EU, then they could ignore the first vote without as many repercussions. That said, both of those options would take quite a while to organise.


And we buy most of the German high value items, to the point where we import more than export....

And who runs most of EU and pays for everything....Let that sink in for a moment.

The only way there will be tariffs is if Germany is willing to accept the hit. End of. Maybe they will, feel sorry for Germany they get clouted with everything.

Yet again you show your lack of knowledge regarding the structure of the EU. Contrary to the myths and BS floating around the EU is not the new German empire. Yes they have the most clout but they can still be outvoted in the parliament and committees. Yes they can veto decisions, just as any other member state can,but at that point Germany will basically be signing the death warrant for the EU as other countries will decide they don't need to be in anymore if the UK is getting all the benefits without having to pay for anything.

I repeat - If people think we can get everything we want without paying anything in return they're living in an utter fantasy world. We have much more to lose here than the EU does.


I think the financial sector is the one point where France and Germany will want to change the status quo. They'd have a lot to gain from that.
I'm eager to see what compromise they'll propose.

They would be mad not to grab that lolly for the EU. Wouldn't take much to make leaving the city very enticing.
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