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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Could the Queen veto this move, to 'protect the kingdom'.

Technically - yes. She has the power to refuse royal consent on the final act of parliament that removes the UK from the EU.

In reality, the last time royal assent was refused was in ... 1708!

A president has been set and any attempts to do this would trigger a constitutional crises.

There is absolutely nothing any member of the monarch can do or say on this matter without making everything a whole lot worse than it already is.


You have no idea about German politics, do you?

Maybe we do live in a common market where everyone hates each other and wants to see others suffer even if it means taking a hit themselves.

If thats the case, I wish everyone good luck in the future. Have a nice day.


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You keep saying this, but, unite over what? The results of the referendum have demonstrated that 50% of the country has a completely different idea of what's needed for England's future than the other half. There is no common ground to unite over.

It was like this up in Scotland after the independence referendum. It was very divisive and it took a while for this country to start the healing process. We are well on the way now.

I do take your point that at least for Scots we had a rallying point in Sturgeon. Folks in England don't have anyone who they can trust to lead them but surely that's a symptom of the failure of the Westminster process.

Right now. In terms of the big political parties. There is not a single potential leader I would vote for. That in itself is pretty damning.
He did, and then he put forward his resignation to pass the burden on to someone else...effectively meaning whoever takes his job will end their career.

You also have the fact that he was in remain camp and would have had to negotiate for leaving EU...conflict of interest.

He was euro sceptic a couple of years ago, wouldn't have been that hard. Same as Corbyn with his 70% in bollocks.


The vote had nothing to do with 'closing our borders'. Non-EU immigration will continue to exist.

Yes, it will. But that's not what a lot of those people that voted want and some are still under the mis-guided belief that this is what is going to happen and it is what UKIP will be shouting for.

Of course it won't happen, but there will be pressure to do so.

EDIT: By closed, I do mean restricted immagration. Not totally shut.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
It was like this up in Scotland after the independence referendum. It was very divisive and it took a while for this country to start the healing process. We are well on the way now.

Do you not think that recent events have made this pronouncement rather immature?
Holyrood has 'no powers' to block Brexit - lawyer
Posted at 13:45

Jolyon Maugham, a barrister who has blogged on Brexit, says he believes Holyrood doesn't have powers to block the UK's exit from the EU.

He told the BBC that this is because Westminster retains the power to legislate on matters concerning Scotland in "abnormal circumstances" and he believes breaking ties with the EU would count as abnormal.

Earlier, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the Scottish Parliament could try to block the UK leaving the EU.

Theres your Scotland veto out the window

Stand by for differing legal viewpoints on this one, besides using a pro Brexit person is hardly balanced.


The vote had nothing to do with 'closing our borders'. Non-EU immigration will continue to exist.

Now now, don't be letting facts get in the way of Leave voter's expectations of "no more foreigners" as a result of the vote....

They're going to be quite miffed when they realise "they" are still going to be around - just like they have been when the mythical £350m for the NHS evaporated before breakfast time on Friday.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
You really are a doom monger arent you. Since when was EU membership removed from Scotland. Last time I looked all are still in the EU and common market and will be until maybe 2019 or maybe wont leave at all.

We get it, you dont like UK, just give it a rest.
Are you now saying the UK is possibly not leaving the EU? How do you know membership will last until 2019? Surely if it were that set in stone, we wouldnt have so many businesses freaking out and people losing their jobs.

Scotland's membership of the EU has effectively been taken from it against its will. Unless Scotland becomes independent, it will lose its membership along with the rest of the UK. What other grounds do you think the snp has to act the way it has been in the past few days?

And I love the UK. Well, parts of England and Scotland mainly. For the rest, aside from NI, I don't feel as welcome any more as an EU citizen.


No one's going to speak out yet because it's the weekend in case you hadn't noticed, but come Monday when the financial markets are open and everyone is back in office it will likely be a different matter.

The pressure from the financial sector will be intense, especially if the pound continues to weaken. We're barely out of recession as it is, instability could drive us right back into it. You think Cameron's pride is worth more than that? You're deluded.

Pound is about a mid point over last 5 years. 1.23 to Euro is fine, remember when it was 1.15 most of 2013. When it gets to 1.1 you can start panicking.

Did you watch the Tony Blair interview - if you did, he said what he thinks will happen, and no other politician has said anything contrary, yet.

Time will tell.



Punishment budget.
3rd world war.

Porkies, Porkies everywhere during the campaign.

sshhh don't you know the remain camp lying out of their ass is not the same as leave camp lying, Remain did it to protect us you see, for the good of our country they threatened us to stay..

totally different apparently


If Sturgeon becomes the bogeywoman fake-Leave Tories can point to as the 'real' reason for Brexit is unworkable, I swear I will drink nothing but irn-bru for life and marry the ugliest Scottish bird I can find.


Punishment budget.
3rd world war.

Porkies, Porkies everywhere during the campaign.

Let me break it down for you:

Any Remain lies and/or exaggerations were about the potential negative impacts of leaving the EU. The benefits for staying are out there and can be looked up by anyone.

The Leave lies were the entire premise for the referendum. Immigration. NHS. Jobs.


Pound is about a mid point over last 5 years. 1.23 to Euro is fine, remember when it was 1.15 most of 2013. When it gets to 1.1 you can start panicking.

Did you watch the Tony Blair interview - if you did, he said what he thinks will happen, and no other politician has said anything contrary, yet.

Time will tell.
Link to interview?
I really do find it funny reading people's post that want to strictly adhere to the "democratic process" and completely ignore the fact that government is supposed to utimatily serve people.

Adhering to idealism and process instead of humanity and common sense is dangerous, just as dangerous as the people voting leave.


Any EU politician that would be willing to self harm just to be vindictive to the Uk is most likely a poster on GAF or a Brussels Bureaucrat.

Luckily there are more wiser politicians like Merkel who have an electorate to answer to and a country to manage who are a little bit smarter and will make sure a win win is possible to all parties involved and nobody takes a hit if possible.

Maybe you hate the UK, if that makes you happy then good for you, but its rather sad. I am scottish by the way, but also grown up.

i wouldn't worry to much.

hell it wouldn't surprise me if the UK slides up to the table with the US, who is still in the process of negotiating a free trade deal with the EU.

the sky is falling idiots in here might think the EU can turn it's nose up to the UK, which would be incredibly stupid and risk collapsing the EU. the US is a whole other beast. can't really turn your nose up to the US economy. or the fact that the EU would need the US to save it's ass in the event of a big war.


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Do you not think that recent events have made this pronouncement rather immature?

Do you mean premature?

No. I think Scotland now see's itself as more cohesive then England. This will fuel the pro-independence debate here.

The only question is wether Scotland remains in the EU under the current UK terms or if it has to renegotiate it's entry.


Insane but Legit question - is there any way our country can invoke a vote of No Confidence in our entire Government at this point.

They are falling apart. The country may be divided but we pay our Leaders to Lead.

Since the vote came in, they have nothing.

El Topo

Maybe we do live in a common market where everyone hates each other and wants to see others suffer even if it means taking a hit themselves.

If thats the case, I wish everyone good luck in the future. Have a nice day.

So basically you admit that you have no idea whatsoever about German politics or the current political situation, but nonetheless cling to the idea that somehow everyone is going to play nice with the UK?
Now you bring up the economic consequences. The EU is much more important to the UK than vice-versa economically speaking. If anything, should you not expect the UK to make concessions?
Originally Posted by Jimbob Smalls

Could you post one article / video where leave said borders will be closed please.

That's the point.

And again, show me anything equivalent from Remain to compare to decades of xenophobic and misinformed bile from the tabloids and Mail/Express.

It's chalk and cheese.


You are entitled to your own opinion which is not shared by over half the population who could be bothered to get off their arse and actually partake in the democratic process.

The issue here is that there is a large vocal remain group who are hell bent in trying to figure out ways to pervert the democratic process rather then saying okay, what's done is done.
It's time to move on and unite and make this country the best it can be.

To be fair, yourself and others make out this was actually binding, and it is not. Tim Farron has already said if elected in the GE he will discard the referendum results and keep us in the EU.

The only people that think this is over are the people that want it to be, the reality is different.


I'd be really interested in seeing a source too as I saw that claim much earlier in the thread.
I bet I will get ignored, and that claim will come up again at some point in this thread to show how remain supoorters turn a blind eye to all the lies remain camp made.


I don't care. I'm getting sick of this. Regardless of the result, the country voted and a decision was made. Or at least those who bothered to go and make the effort to vote remain like I did.

But fuck democracy, right? let's just shout and swear at everyone, call people who voted leave a bunch of cunts, stamp our feet and let's keep having the referendum over and over and over again, constantly moving the goalposts until it finally goes our way.

Even the people campaigning to leave are not keen on triggering article 50 though. This is not about "fuck democracy", but you can't just ignore all the consequences this decision entails. Right now it seems like nobody had any idea what to do in case of a leave majority. That is absolutely ridiculous. Now they're throwing around stuff like "let's just do what Norway does" in spite of the fact that this wouldn't really work for the UK (here's a pretty decent article about why this is more or less a pipe dream). Even so it has to be about trying to find the best way possible out of this situation while fucking over as few people as possible. You're saying you don't care and just want this over with but that's not really an option. This is kind of important.


Gold Member
Theres your Scotland veto out the window

It's all very much in a state of semantics and interpretation at the moment. It was documented with emotive language like 'believe'. This is someone else who 'believes' something different.

The validity of the 'veto' will depend on how the politicians want to interpret it. I'd suggest we all just wait.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Holyrood has 'no powers' to block Brexit - lawyer
Posted at 13:45

Jolyon Maugham, a barrister who has blogged on Brexit, says he believes Holyrood doesn't have powers to block the UK's exit from the EU.

He told the BBC that this is because Westminster retains the power to legislate on matters concerning Scotland in "abnormal circumstances" and he believes breaking ties with the EU would count as abnormal.

Earlier, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the Scottish Parliament could try to block the UK leaving the EU.

Theres your Scotland veto out the window

I'll take the evidence before the Lords EU Committee above some random blogging barrister thanks.


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To be fair, yourself and others make out this was actually binding, and it is not. Tim Farron has already said if elected in the GE he will discard the referendum results and keep us in the EU.

I can't see how you could get away with ignoring the will of the British people. I really just can't see that happening.


Are you now saying the UK is possibly not leaving the EU? How do you know membership will last until 2019? Surely if it were that set in stone, we wouldnt have so many businesses freaking out and people losing their jobs.

Scotland's membership of the EU has effectively been taken from it against its will. Unless Scotland becomes independent, it will lose its membership along with the rest of the UK. What other grounds do you think the snp has to act the way it has been in the past few days?

And I love the UK. Well, parts of England and Scotland mainly. For the rest, I don't feel as welcome any more as an EU citizen.

I am scottish. I live in Kent. If you watched Tony Blair interview, that will give you an idea, or any of the other Uk politicians on TV today. Leave remain, labour, conservative, they all suggested the same path.

They can go back to the country for a general election with a new manifesto. Lots of things can and will happen. Whats not happening is someone running to Brussels next week and UK jumping out of the common market this year - get real.

Good friday agreement and Scottish devolution has EU stuff written in.....It will be slow and there will be more twists and turns this year I believe.
It's a matter for Westminster, not devolved government. Neither Holyrood nor Stormont can block this

Funny that was not the opinion of one of the countries leading constitutional lawyers during the referendums legislation process. He stated quite clearly Scottish parliament would need to approve.
It wasn't that many years ago that I thought the UK was really a united kingdom, one country with different sections or whatever. Now it seems more like siblings who had it not been for sharing the same parents wouldn't have anything to do with each other in a million years. All but hatred. Or even hatred when taken at a smaller level.


Any EU politician that would be willing to self harm just to be vindictive to the Uk is most likely a poster on GAF or a Brussels Bureaucrat.

Luckily there are more wiser politicians like Merkel who have an electorate to answer to and a country to manage who are a little bit smarter and will make sure a win win is possible to all parties involved and nobody takes a hit if possible.

You just voted to destroy your own economy and now your expectation is that Germany will protect you from the consequences? Chamberlain's got nothing on you.

Frankly, supporting Scottish membership in the EU sounds like the closest thing there is to a win-win. People who want to stay in get to stay in, people who want to leave get to leave.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Insane but Legit question - is there any way our country can invoke a vote of No Confidence in our entire Government at this point.

They are falling apart. The country may be divided but we pay our Leaders to Lead.

Since the vote came in, they have nothing.

Yes, but there is probably no appetite for it right now, as both sides are convinced they could lose heavily in a General Election.


Save me, Angela.

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