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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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I don't care. I'm getting sick of this. Regardless of the result, the country voted and a decision was made. Or at least those who bothered to go and make the effort to vote remain like I did.

But fuck democracy, right? let's just shout and swear at everyone, call people who voted leave a bunch of cunts, stamp our feet and let's keep having the referendum over and over and over again, constantly moving the goalposts until it finally goes our way.

Indeed. All this wailing and gnashing of teeth and finger pointing isn't doing anyone any favours. It's just desperate people deluding themselves into thinking that there is an out, when there simply isn't one. The parties already signed on to respect the referendum and to try and backtrack at this juncture and defy the public would result in political chaos and even greater instability.

The best thing from an economic and global perspective is to get the ball rolling formally early next week so both the UK & the EU can get the roadmap for the transition down. Sustained uncertainty is the worst situation.

If Cameron doesn't man up and do as he publicly promised either monday/Tuesday I expect he'll be ousted by a vote of no confidence by his party and an interim leader appointed to get the ball rolling, with proper leadership elections held later on down the road. It is not in the national interest for there to be a four month delay.

The EU would welcome them with open arms, probably speed up the process and grant Scotland a couple of bonuses, just in order to stick it to the UK.

It's always amusing when people anthropomorphize countries I find.
so rumours are Osbourne will resign tomorrow

Where is the thanks GAF we leave voters just bought down a Government you despise...

no need to openly thank us, we know you appreciate it

Are you being serious with this shit?

Talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire!


The EU might if their lawyers and law experts tell them they can do it. Just imagine the shitstorm that would happen if Brussels announces on tuesday that article 50 has been triggered while Westminster is still in utter disarray and Cameron, Boris & co are all hiding in their dark corners.

They can't invoke it - the UK as a member of the EU could veto it
dark laughs


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
The EU might if their lawyers and law experts tell them they can do it. Just imagine the shitstorm that would happen if Brussels announces on tuesday that article 50 has been triggered while Westminster is still in utter disarray and Cameron, Boris & co are all hiding in their dark corners.

This is fantasy land, it is just not going to happen.

It is legally indefensible, there is precedent against, it would serve to delay negotiations which is the opposite of what everybody wants, and it would encouraged shit-stirring in other member states.

Something has to happen by Thursday (because on Friday UK is due to take position on the Troika), but it won't be article 50.

Don't be surprised if nothing much happens before then, as there will be a lot of politicians all over UK and EU pulling all-nighters to work out what is happening.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Yep. That seems to be the position of the 'intelligent' other half.
The only halfway understandable position I've heard to leave is that it was to vote against a corrupt establishment in both Westminster and Brussels.

Except, the same regions who voted to leave also voted in that corrupt establishment in Westminster, two general elections in a row. And the EU, with absolutely incredible irony, safeguarded some of th poorest regions of the U.K. from what would have otherwise been complete neglect.

(Oh, and I can confidently say whatever establishment replaces Cameron will be no kinder)

If I'm kind, the leave campaign misled people. If I'm not kind, ignorance was to blame. If I'm feeling completely cynical, xenophobia was the culprit. Either way, I'm a long way from thinking the correct decision was made, and I won't apologise for that and I don't care if my position upsets anyone.


This is turning into a disaster, the RoW are having a good laugh now I bet?

The 'leave' camp have split, half are in hiding and the ones that are not are stabbing each other in the back.

The 'remain' camp have split, half are in hiding and the ones that are not are stabbing each other in the back.

The UK is now officially a banana republic.


so rumours are Osbourne will resign tomorrow

Where is the thanks GAF we leave voters just bought down a Government you despise...

no need to openly thank us, we know you appreciate it




... Oh


Labour is what prevented the Scottish vote from going independent last Indy ref, all on the basis of EU membership.
Labour is in disarray, EU membership has been removed from Scotland. There is literally no reason for Scots to not vote for independence now.

You really are a doom monger arent you. Since when was EU membership removed from Scotland. Last time I looked all are still in the EU and common market and will be until maybe 2019 or maybe wont leave at all.

We get it, you dont like UK, just give it a rest.


so looks like the petition is now a bust, with people from outside the UK now signing it....
100,000 were needed for a debate consideration.

3.1 million signed, unless 3 million of those are signatures it's not a bust since it will be considered for a debate..more people signing didn't make it more likely for a debate.
Seems the Eastern Europeans are also getting targeted. But Muslims will have it the worst probably - even though they have nothing to do with it, because they probably didn't immigrate from the EU.

No, the vast majority were born here and have never known any other way of life. For the majority, the same can be said for their parents.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
This is fantasy land, it is just not going to happen.

It is legally indefensible, there is precedent against, it would serve to delay negotiations which is the opposite of what everybody wants, and it would encouraged shit-stirring in other member states.

Something has to happen by Thursday (because on Friday UK is due to take position on the Troika), but it won't be article 50.

Don't be surprised if nothing much happens before then, as there will be a lot of politicians all over UK and EU pulling all-nighters to work out what is happening.

Right. Article 50 requires that the member state notifies the EU according to their constitutional arrangements, and since referendums are not legally binding in the UK, the UK cannot be said to have notified the EU.

It's a bit like if your landlord overheard you having a conversation with a friend saying you were thinking about maybe leaving the house and accepted that as official written confirmation of your intention to vacate the premises.


so rumours are Osbourne will resign tomorrow

Where is the thanks GAF we leave voters just bought down a Government you despise...

no need to openly thank us, we know you appreciate it

No rational person who hated the current government wanted to bring down the entire country just to remove them. I get that people hate the Tories, hell, I hate them with every fiber of my being, but shooting ourselves in the foot to get back at them isn't worth it.


Indeed. All this wailing and gnashing of teeth and finger pointing isn't doing anyone any favours. It's just desperate people deluding themselves into thinking that there is an out, when there simply isn't one. The parties already signed on to respect the referendum and to try and backtrack at this juncture and defy the public would result in political chaos and even greater instability.

The best thing from an economic and global perspective is to get the ball rolling formally early next week so both the UK & the EU can get the roadmap for the transition down. Sustained uncertainty is the worst situation.

If Cameron doesn't man up and do as he publicly promised either monday/Tuesday I expect he'll be ousted by a vote of no confidence by his party and an interim leader appointed to get the ball rolling, with proper leadership elections held later on down the road. It is not in the national interest for there to be a four month delay.

Nearly every politician, labour and Conservative, leave and remain....today on the politics show said they will wait until October / November.

Of course you know different ? Luckily we can just ignore the people that dont like the UK.


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I'm a long way from thinking the correct decision was made, and I won't apologise for that and I don't care if my position upsets anyone.

You are entitled to your own opinion which is not shared by over half the population who could be bothered to get off their arse and actually partake in the democratic process.

The issue here is that there is a large vocal remain group who are hell bent in trying to figure out ways to pervert the democratic process rather then saying okay, what's done is done.
It's time to move on and unite and make this country the best it can be.
No rational person who hated the current government wanted to bring down the entire country just to remove them. I get that people hate the Tories, hell, I hate them with every fiber of my being, but shooting ourselves in the foot to get back at them isn't worth it.

Its amazing, we're staring down the barrel of the country being fucked for years, politically and economically


sputum-flecked apoplexy
It's time to move on and unite and make this country the best it can be.

You keep saying this, but, unite over what? The results of the referendum have demonstrated that 50% of the country has a completely different idea of what's needed for England's future than the other half. There is no common ground to unite over.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
LMAO! Boris has joined Cameron and Osborne in their underground bunker, he knows he's fucked up and he's going to hide away as long as he can.

"Boris, you're going to be Prime Minister. There isn't anyone else. But you gotta do a few things so as to not burn down the world"

"Like what?"

"Well, you need to explain to people that the Leave Campaign was full of crap lies, that you apologise for that, that our best way forward is in the EU."

"Why should I do that?"

"Because do you want to stay in power for more than, like, five minutes?"

"blether blether, um , er, reference to the History of the Romans, what's in it for me?"

"You get to be Prime Fucking Minister for God's sake! - Also you are damn good at apologising for things, had plenty of practice."

"Oooh-er, cripes, jingo."
Why is it bad that the leader of your country resigns while the country is the most divided in decades? Do I really have to answer that?

You might not like Cameron, but it is pretty clear that this is not a good situation and the UK is very much in need of a clear leader who can help ease tensions and guide the nation towards a good solution. Instead, you now have one that pretty much has to push any major decision forward until his successor.

I don't think I should even go into the other points. It is pretty clear all those things happening now because of Leaving are bad. You might downplay them, but the fact is they are happening and it is not a good outlook for now.

To be fair his remain campaign said he'd enact article 50 straight away.

He lied.
You are entitled to your own opinion which is not shared by over half the population who could be bothered to get off their arse and actually partake in the democratic process.

The issue here is that there is a large vocal remain group who are hell bent in trying to figure out ways to pervert the democratic process rather then saying okay, what's done is done.

It's time to move on and unite and make this country the best it can be.

Are people being willfully obtuse? The 'democratic process' of the Leave campaign was supported by a piller of lies. There's nothing democratic about tricking the populace into voting for you with false promises. Not to mention BREXIT have no plan.

This is the worst decision ever.

It is our democratic right to fight it.
You keep saying this, but, unite over what? The results of the referendum have demonstrated that 50% of the country has a completely different idea of what's needed for England's future than the other half. There is no common ground to unite over.

Exactly this.

It's all very well saying 'we need to unite' when the whole FUCKING POINT is that unity is going to be very hard to achieve.

It's the OBJECTIVE, not the method.

Also, not all Remainers think this decision should be ignored. If Leavers don't like being tarred with the racist brush, for instance, don't pretend all Remainers are spoilt children.


The EU would welcome them with open arms, probably speed up the process and grant Scotland a couple of bonuses, just in order to stick it to the UK.

Any EU politician that would be willing to self harm just to be vindictive to the Uk is most likely a poster on GAF or a Brussels Bureaucrat.

Luckily there are more wiser politicians like Merkel who have an electorate to answer to and a country to manage who are a little bit smarter and will make sure a win win is possible to all parties involved and nobody takes a hit if possible.

Maybe you hate the UK, if that makes you happy then good for you, but its rather sad. I am scottish by the way, but also grown up.


You keep saying this, but, unite over what? The results of the referendum have demonstrated that 50% of the country has a completely different idea of what's needed for England's future than the other half. There is no common ground to unite over.

It will dawn on people eventually, there's no hope in fucking hell I hold hands with a bunch of shitty English nationalists.

El Topo

Luckily there are more wiser politicians like Merkel who have an electorate to answer to and a country to manage who are a little bit smarter and will make sure a win win is possible to all parties involved and nobody takes a hit if possible.

You have no idea about German politics, do you?


Not possible. Only the country leaving can invoke Article 50. That much is very clear.

The EU could find ways of putting pressure on London to speed up the process, but it's ultimately still London's decision.

To be honest, if a Leave campaigner is leader, he'll be under pressure to leave as soon as possible by a large portion of the people that voted for that result too so we can close our borders as quickly as possible.


To be fair his remain campaign said he'd enact article 50 straight away.
He did, and then he put forward his resignation to pass the burden on to someone else...effectively meaning whoever takes his job will end their career.

You also have the fact that he was in remain camp and would have had to negotiate for leaving EU...conflict of interest.


This may have already been posted, I just saw it on FB:


If Boris Johnson looked downbeat yesterday, that is because he realises that he has lost.

Perhaps many Brexiters do not realise it yet, but they have actually lost, and it is all down to one man: David Cameron.

With one fell swoop yesterday at 9:15 am, Cameron effectively annulled the referendum result, and simultaneously destroyed the political careers of Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and leading Brexiters who cost him so much anguish, not to mention his premiership.....

This is a fascinating theory and well played Cameron if true.

The Brexit leaders now have a result that they cannot use. For them, leadership of the Tory party has become a poison chalice.


I hope Scotland saves us and veto this instead of using it as a bargain chip.

I'd say to Sturgeon, use it as the biggest bargain chip youve ever had and I don't care as long as she vetoes it.

This country is burning. Westminster is burning. Sturgeon is the only player in town with her head screwed on. She plays it right, she's going down as a goddamn hero.


Nearly every politician, labour and Conservative, leave and remain....today on the politics show said they will wait until October / November

No one's going to speak out yet because it's the weekend in case you hadn't noticed, but come Monday when the financial markets are open and everyone is back in office it will likely be a different matter.

The pressure from the financial sector will be intense, especially if the pound continues to weaken. We're barely out of recession as it is, instability could drive us right back into it. You think Cameron's pride is worth more than that? You're deluded.

This is a fascinating theory and well played Cameron if true.

It won't hold up. It's not in the interests of anyone for there to be a delay, least of all the UK economy. Politically Cameron is done, so the notion of him fiddling whilst The City burns is fanciful at best.
Are people being willfully obtuse? The 'democratic process' of the Leave campaign was supported by a piller of lies. There's nothing democratic about tricking the populace into voting for you with false promises. Not to mention BREXIT have no plan.

This is the worst decision ever.

It is our democratic right to fight it.


Punishment budget.
3rd world war.

Porkies, Porkies everywhere during the campaign.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
To be honest, if a Leave campaigner is leader, he'll be under pressure to leave as soon as possible by a large portion of the people that voted for that result too so we can close our borders as quickly as possible.

The vote had nothing to do with 'closing our borders'. Non-EU immigration will continue to exist.


Holyrood has 'no powers' to block Brexit - lawyer
Posted at 13:45

Jolyon Maugham, a barrister who has blogged on Brexit, says he believes Holyrood doesn't have powers to block the UK's exit from the EU.

He told the BBC that this is because Westminster retains the power to legislate on matters concerning Scotland in "abnormal circumstances" and he believes breaking ties with the EU would count as abnormal.

Earlier, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the Scottish Parliament could try to block the UK leaving the EU.

Theres your Scotland veto out the window
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