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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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The Prime Minister has set a schedule for his resignation, the opposition is in disarray, and Scotland is proposing revolt. That, unfortunately, isn't exactly a formula that suggests a stable future for the country in the short-term. It's hard to not expect at least some reaction to that.

I think 'volatile' might be the best description of the market, there are far too many factors at play.

For example, if companies are rumoured to move their business out of the UK, it might boost the FTSE. Similarly, if the currency falls, the FTSE would also appear to do better (from a UK perspective).

I certainly wouldn't like to bet on what happens tomorrow.
Like so many other countries, the U.K. is a racist society.

This vote just prove that a significant portion of the voting population are willing to tank the economy and dissolve the UK because of fear of Eastern Europeans and brown people.
This is definitely going to get a healthy dialogue going. Yep.


I still can't believe that really happened. Watched the John Oliver bit on BREXIT yesterday. Pretty sad.
But the song was awesome.

The good thing I as a German take from it: This will be taught in history/economy books in a couple of years. And we sat there and watched and read an over 200 pages thread on GAF about it.

I don't even know how to feel. Of course I wish the British all the best.
But at the same time, I don't. They have to fail for the EU to succeed.

As a biologist/patent guy what's really sad is the whole university/pharma thing...

Title of said history book should be " how do you stop a country from walking off the Everest when there are no emergency services on the ground,"


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
That's fine. I don't watch the BBC, except for Sherlock, and I only have basic knowledge of what's happening on your side of the pond. I just have to disagree on principle in terms people trying to change the vote. I've heard that your news channels are flooded with pundits talking about another vote right now. To me, that comes off like a concerted effort to subvert democracy. It's also why I find it utterly despicable that the Republican party here in the United States might actually try to push Trump out for someone the powers that be in the Republican party wants in, completely ignoring who the people voted for. That makes my skin crawl.

How could having another vote be undemocrstic? It's still a public vote. For a decision like this, there probably should be another vote given the margin of victory for Leave and the admitted lies they told during the campaign.
The vote was fundamentally flawed, the Leave campaign was based on blatant lies that they couldn't even stick to for a week, and the whole thing was advisory anyway. I'm flabbergasted they haven't reversed course already. There may be some outrage by Leaves, but the alternative is much worse, and it's pretty easy to tell them, "Look, what these people told you about leaving, what they slapped on busses, was a lie. They had no plan for this, it was all a power play. You were lied to, and you need to vote again with a clearer understanding of what's going to happen."

Is this your first time experiencing politics? Both remain and leave campaigns were lies, The face of the remain campaign David Cameron has been lying since day 1, in both general elections and the vote change election as well. Each time he got voted in and went back on his word, nobody batted an eyelid. Everyone else just got on with it and that's what is going to happen now as well.


Let's not go full Godwin. That doesn't help anyone.

When is the line to go "Godwin"? Because there's portions of society that want the non-English kicked out of the country and Britain First are feeling like UKIP have done their part and they need to carry on harder and forwards. It's a scary thought I personally didn't think I would ever have in this country.


Interesting that Von der Leyen is getting so much air time. Maybe the CDU is prepping her to follow Merkel at some point?

BTW: They're talking a lot about vacuum cleaners.


That's fine. I don't watch the BBC, except for Sherlock, and I only have basic knowledge of what's happening on your side of the pond. I just have to disagree on principle in terms people trying to change the vote. I've heard that your news channels are flooded with pundits talking about another vote right now. To me, that comes off like a concerted effort to subvert democracy. It's also why I find it utterly despicable that the Republican party here in the United States might actually try to push Trump out for someone the powers that be in the Republican party wants in, completely ignoring who the people voted for. That makes my skin crawl.

Yeah, I can definitely see where you're coming from. But the thing is, as someone said above, this isn't just a 4/5 year thing, this is something that will affect this country forever. Even if a President's term is an utter shit show the country can vote again for someone better. As for Trump, that's the nomination; the equivalent to that here would be someone refusing to have the referendum before it actually began. Hell, the USA kicked out Nixon for MUCH less than what Brexit is doing to this country. We've made a mistake, an "are you sure?" vote would not subvert democracy, it would strengthen it.


How could having another vote be undemocrstic? It's still a public vote. For a decision like this, there probably should be another vote given the margin of victory for Leave and the admitted lies they told during the campaign.

And if it's 51% for leave, do we have another vote after? What about if it's 51% for remain?


http://www.daserste.de/live/index.html (German obviously)

Basically she is saying europe should wait until there is a new prime minister and they negotiated a good trade deal.
According to her there is no need to trigger art. 50 in the next 3 months or more

She also just insisted that uk government has a clear plan. And that plan is voting for a new pm in october.

Great plan.

Now she said it was only fair towards the rest of the EU to leave since the EU was never for the UK and they were only throwing stones.
Is this your first time experiencing politics? Both remain and leave campaigns were lies, The face of the remain campaign David Cameron has been lying since day 1, in both general elections and the vote change election as well. Each time he got voted in and went back on his word, nobody batted an eyelid. Everyone else just got on with it and that's what is going to happen now as well.

This false equivalency has to stop, let alone saying 'Cameron lied in a general election therefore Remain's campaign was all lies'.


She also just insisted that uk government has a clear plan. And that plan is voting for a new pm in october.

Great plan.

Well she's not wrong, we do have a clear plan. It's just that plan is to let someone else make the actual plan, probably someone who is golfing instead of making said plan.
Like so many other countries, the U.K. is a racist society.

This vote just prove that a significant portion of the voting population are willing to tank the economy and dissolve the UK because of fear of Eastern Europeans and brown people.

No, it's really not.

This thread is full of people thinking they know what every voter was voting for. They don't. I won't deny that a significant amount of people are ignorant toward imigration, blindly believing the tabloids, but there are other issues that people are worried about.

The UK is most definitely a racist society.
This false equivalency has to stop, let alone saying 'Cameron lied in a general election therefore Remain's campaign was all lies'.

Democracy is only great when it goes my way. The vote is over and the results have been out for a while. Once Westminster sorts itself out and someone who wants to lead comes forward, there isn't much you can do, stop whining could be a start though.
Democracy is only great when it goes my way. The vote is over and the results have been out for a while. Once Westminster sorts itself out and someone who wants to lead comes forward, there isn't much you can do, stop whining could be a start though.

And answer came there none.

Nice to know some German ministers still think they can make unilateral decisions for 27 countries. That's really helpful.

Couldn't it have been a, y'know, observation? Not even the Germans are omnipotent.


Democracy is only great when it goes my way. The vote is over and the results have been out for a while. Once Westminster sorts itself out and someone who wants to lead comes forward, there isn't much you can do, stop whining could be a start though.

If you believe nothing can be done, that you haven't really ever followed politics.


I've been thinking about this and I believe more and more that Cameron shares a big part of the blame for Brexit largely because of that broken promise. I also noticed that on the day of the referendum (or the day before, I forget which), another statistic on net migration came out, showing a big net immigration number.

Politicians make impossible promises all the time, and often they get away with it. But people concerned about immigration look at his promise and how he didn't keep it (and in fact couldn't due to the way freedom of movement works), and here we are.


Where was this said?
If he feels like this, I don't think the UK will get a good deal.

German talk show. It was more of a personal appeal addressing Anna Firth than a disclosure of a political agenda I think. She closed that speech by saying she hopes their grand children can build a stronger EU.


Where was this said?
If he feels like this, I don't think the UK will get a good deal.
Was said on german state tv.

She basically said she won't see USE in her lifetime just as she won't see the UK reenter in her life time. She was hoping for it to happen in her kids lifetime.


Been kinda focused on the Scottish angle, because I'm in Scotland.

Do we have a GibraltarGAF? They've been fucked over more than anyone, and not one mention in that Question Time nonsense.


Just to be clear, the German Minister of Defence said this in a talk show. She got questioned about a quote from a few years ago when she said she wanted the United States of Europe to become reality. She dodged that name but said the Unites States of Europe won't happen in her lifetime and neither would UK re-entering the EU.
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