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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Carswell on TV saying informal negotiations should start to protect passporting for UK banks, doh does he live in a cave, not a chance we keep our banks passporting.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Carswell on TV saying informal negotiations should start to protect passporting for UK banks, doh does he live in a cave, not a chance we keep our banks passporting.

EU: "They won't need passports when they're in Paris."
There it is folks.

A second referendum would be a disaster at this point. Plus there's the risk of leave getting a higher vote than before.

Only way out is to reject the result, or take it to a general election. Government might spring for it, since it's a choice between temporary loss of power, or eternal political wilderness.


Hahahaha I never thought in my lifetime I would see it but people genuinely not willing to say if UK assets are less risky than EM lol.

Banana republic status achieved in equities at least.


Open boarders are becoming a problem right across the EU and it is giving rise to the far right everywhere.

Open external borders. Big difference. Only UK has EU migration big enough to make any dent and even there any sensible people can see how beneficial it has been.

What's causing the rise of right wing extremism is the uncontrolled migration from outside of the EU, mostly of people with barely any education and with radically different culture, who will never integrate and likely never stop being a drain on national budgets, not to mention lead to big raise of crime levels.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
We should never have had a referendum out of step with a General Election, a significant portion of this mess would have been avoided.


Parliament need to veto this. Look at the damage it is doing.

It was irresponsible for the referendum to go ahead without the leave campaigners publically having some form of plan. Everything has fallen apart because of the uncertainty.


What's causing the rise of right wing extremism is the uncontrolled migration from outside of the EU, mostly of people with barely any education and with radically different culture, who will never integrate and likely never stop being a drain on national budgets, not to mention lead to big raise of crime levels.

Say what?


not tag worthy
If the EU just kick us out that will piss of anti EU voters

This has to be dealt with by kid gloves from all sides.

Dave better be "I fucked up please give us a The EEA.
We were trying to shut the country up. We will do what you want just don't leave us broken. Allows us to leave you but don't cut our limbs off
To Merkel and Hollande"

To which I hope the fucking reem the UK parliament . But realise nearly more wanted to stay. So they don't look evil and do a deal and part of it is free movement of people trade and labour
What's causing the rise of right wing extremism is the uncontrolled migration from outside of the EU, mostly of people with barely any education and with radically different culture, who will never integrate and likely never stop being a drain on national budgets, not to mention lead to big raise of crime levels.

Well, that's one possible dictionary definition for Refugee, I'll grant you that.


Open external borders. Big difference. Only UK has EU migration big enough to make any dent and even there any sensible people can see how beneficial it has been.

What's causing the rise of right wing extremism is the uncontrolled migration from outside of the EU, mostly of people with barely any education and with radically different culture, who will never integrate and likely never stop being a drain on national budgets, not to mention lead to big raise of crime levels.


Is it your ass?

Par Score

So the Tories have sorted out their timetable.

New leader by September, General Election in October, then let us never speak of this silly "Article 50" ever again.


I voted to stay now I feel like I am in this never ending hell as the country disintegrates around me.

And I don't know what to do.

I voted the same and I feel the same. Call another ref or someone man up and just say no we are not leaving and be done with it. The damage done to the United Kingdom is going to be significant if we don't get something done.

I live in a majority "leave" area and I'm afraid for something I don't want.

I voted for Labor in 2010 and got condemns,

I voted con in 2015 (because I felt there was no better opposition).

In 2016 I vote stay and I'm pulled out if the EU as this democracy!?

Someone man up pls hell I'll go on the stage and say the ref doesn't stand and not legally binding.


So the Tories have sorted out their timetable.

New leader by September, General Election in October, then let us never speak of this silly "Article 50" ever again.

I would have agreed but look at the markets in one day...they can't have this for three months, its insanity


That leaves with us hoping they call a GE pre-Article 50 and Parties campaign on the stances of Remain/Leave

Please. We can't leave this way. It is not decisive

I'd actually vote lib dem if they voted on the single manifesto promise of ignoring brexit.


So the Tories have sorted out their timetable.

New leader by September, General Election in October, then let us never speak of this silly "Article 50" ever again.

I still believe the new leader will use a fresh mandate to do the Blair house move option.


Bob Blackman (MP) on radio 5 (just now)

There will be no GE due to fixed parliament act....takes 2/3rds to do a motion of no confidence to overrule the act

No appetite in country for a general election


I'd actually vote lib dem if they voted on the single manifesto promise of ignoring brexit.

Yup, I'm a paid up member now and will be helping them campaign, especially as Hillary Ben has no such plans so far.

If that's all they help bring about, then it's good enough for me.


not tag worthy
So the Tories have sorted out their timetable.

New leader by September, General Election in October, then let us never speak of this silly "Article 50" ever again.

EU is all the time . What the fuck man?

guy on BBC news right now .
Talking about manufacturing how it went wrong but for every 1 ok I see your point argument. There are four . What the fuck?!?

BBC reporter in Brussels say the EU want to give us time to get out act together . But not a whole year . Talk about a new PM then we talk .

Wales parliament asking west monster for more money .


I checked CNN's front page to see how the outside world is covering this.



Bob Blackman (MP) on radio 5 (just now)

There will be no GE due to fixed parliament act....takes 2/3rds to do a motion of no confidence to overrule the act

No appetite in country for a general election

oh, *that* requires a 2/3 majority does it?


Ah, she voted remain, thank goodness. I can still in good conscious have anal sex as birth control and not feel bad about it.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Bob Blackman (MP) on radio 5 (just now)

There will be no GE due to fixed parliament act....takes 2/3rds to do a motion of no confidence to overrule the act

No appetite in country for a general election

You only need 50% +1 MPs to repeal the Fixed Term Parliament Act; once you've repealed it the Prime Minister can ask the Queen to dissolve parliament as per normal.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
It's not anywhere near the major issue of this result but my 6 week trip to Japan in mid July just got 10-15% more expensive jesus fucking christ.
Yeah I'm off to France on Thursday. Luckily travel and accommodation were booked when rates were good, but I got utterly screwed on currency because I only bought my travel money today.
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