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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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How Brexit has fucked me- one person's story.

I'm unemployed at the moment. Been looking for a job and saw one that looked perfect for me.

A phone interview and two in person interviews later and it's all looking good. We are spending more and more time discussing my transferrable skills and experience and the role seems to be expanding to fit what I can bring.

I haven't been offered anything yet but I am hopeful and excited. And relieved!

Just had a phone call and a confirming email. Due to the current situation no expansion in the company and no new hires "for the forseeable future".

The HR guy thanked me for my time and I thanked him for his.


Just fuck everything.

I'm gonna have to get back on the horse and start looking for something else, but not today. Maybe not this week.

Anybody hears about any jobs going around Glasgow give me a shout, will you.

Ah shit man, that really sucks.

Any thoughts about what he should do next, leavers? Project Fear right... won't really impact anyone...


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
So Liechtenstein is UKIP's vision for Britain, according to this twat on BBC News. What sad little men they are.
The same experts who said this result will never happen, yet the fact is it did. See facts are good!

What? Everyone was saying it was a 50/50 toss up during the time leading up to the event. Do you have any proof of what you're shooting again or you still just trying to throw things at the wall and see what sticks?

The same? the pollsters and the betters gave it roughly 50-50. But to say these are the same experts is really unfair. You have professors on one side and pollsters on the other who were pretty close to the margin of error.
Apparently the past is actually whatever we made up in our heads...


This is where the particularly bitter irony of the 'Leave as protest' vote comes in.

People feel disaffected and uncared for. Low turn-out at General Election.

People feel disaffected and uncared for. Much greater turnout at Referendum.

Which institution, ultimately, has more effect on their lives, 98% of the time? Westminster or Brussels?

What's even more sad is people complain about cuts but voted in the tories and the same areas get funding from the EU but vote to fucking leave.


Sky News

Boris Johnson has sewn up 100 MP's all ready for his leadership bid, most if not all MP's are expecting it to be Boris and Teresa May as the final 2

If true, my incredulity knows no bounds. People scoffed every time Donald Trump said something increasingly outrageous and his ratings went up, and here we are with Boris, one of the most despicable, self-serving scumbags of our time, about to get all that he wished for off the back of catastrophic damage to the country he pretends to serve. Good luck with that poisoned chalice. I hope he chokes on it.


Sounds like some of y'all need to taste from the Unity™ cup.

But seriously, everyone okay job wise? I haven't read the thread since my ban. Tak3n still desperately trying to validate his vote to leave by clinging to nonsensical news stories?

To make it about me for a moment, things are picking up pace with the move at work. Lots of anger at the political instability more than anything else.

Someone had a mini breakdown after a rumour spread that people would start to be let go soon, which was all kinds of fucked up. No layoffs yet, not sure where the rumour came from, but people are on edge like I've never seen.

If my wife hasn't been made redundant by the end of the year I'll be shocked. Though to be honest it was potentially going that way before the vote, this has just expedited it. My brother is in research/academia, so draw your own conclusions, and my Father can no longer afford to retire on his 70th in August


Sky News

Boris Johnson has sewn up 100 MP's all ready for his leadership bid, most if not all MP's are expecting it to be Boris and Teresa May as the final 2

Also Boris Johnsons team are rowing back on his quite liberal paper column, and they understand he got a mandate to reduce migration, even though he himself is quite liberal


Sky News

Boris Johnson has sewn up 100 MP's all ready for his leadership bid, most if not all MP's are expecting it to be Boris and Teresa May as the final 2

Also Boris Johnsons team are rowing back on his quite liberal paper column, and they understand he got a mandate to reduce migration, even though he himself is quite liberal

Just heard this morning that a friend of mine who lives in the US on a work visa travelled back home just to vote leave. His reasoning? "Because fuck Britain, fuck Europe, and FUCK THE QUEEN!".

He works in finance, so I am guessing he had a feeling that if leave were to win their economy would take a nasty hit. The guy seriously hates his home country.


The Autumn Wind
And as this government has shown it will be the lower classes that are on the receiving end of those cuts but who cares, we need to make Britain great again...
Just like in the US, conservative politicians favor the rich and screw the poor, all while convincing them it's the minorities and immigrants that are to blame. Funny thing is, thanks to this vote, that's going to be exposed as a complete lie for once, and yet people will still believe it and vote accordingly.

Murdoch finally got his revenge on England. He must be as happy as Larry.
I can safely say that Rupert Murdoch is one of those people who the world will be better off without.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
If true, my incredulity knows no bounds. People scoffed every time Donald Trump said something increasingly outrageous and his ratings went up, and here we are with Boris, one of the most despicable, self-serving scumbags of our time, about to get all that he wished for off the back of catastrophic damage to the country he pretends to serve. Good luck with that poisoned chalice. I hope he chokes on it.



Remainers clearly knew the EU provides the UK with economic benefits. Leavers believed it did not.

Only one side made outrageous lies to sway people to it, knowing full well they were full of shit, so let's not say "both sides are bad" here.

TBH I just didn't want to open that can of worms by questioning which group were likely to be more informed percentage wise. I have my view and it may align with yours but I figure it's more important to question the sense or validity of a vote where its questionable many people voting even understood what they were voting for beyond vague ideals.

TBH the more I think about it the more I question a simple 50+1 referendum for such a hugely complex topic involving years of contracts, agreements and geopolitical infrastructures.


Just heard a friend's British friend was denied a place in two German universities simply because the scholarship he'd need is EU funded and the university can't guarantee that because of Brexit.

Fuck you leave voters. Fuck you so very much. You are destroying the future of a lot of young people who don't share your idiotic views & grandiose delusions of Great Britain being better off alone (when they got into the whole union decades ago in the first place because they noticed they are better off together with Europe than separated from it)
Do people not understand that you the EU has representatives from every country which are voted in by the people?

Oh. Only 35,6% of the UK's population voted last time. I guess they uh, generally don't know that then, maybe? :lol.

Some of those twats in Brussels are there by your own volition!

Some people don't realize, but I think it's partly the way the Tories & Media etc represent it.

One UKIP MEP joked that when someone said they'd lost their job and said how would he feel when he loses his he said "I will lose my job, i love it" <_<

It's utterly depressing that out of billions of sperm the one that won grew up to be Nigel Farage.
If my wife hasn't been made redundant by the end of the year I'll be shocked. Though to be honest it was potentially going that way before the vote, this has just expedited it. My brother is in research/academia, so draw your own conclusions, and my Father can no longer afford to retire on his 70th in August

Holy shit. So much for things will carry on as usual.

Leavers, any suggestions what his dad and brother should do? Y'all were full of that good, everything will be okay shit before...
How exactly? Aside from the markets going nuts, nothing has changed yet.

No policy needs to change for people to get directly hurt by this decision. The market instability is a sign of investors fears and a clear signal that they will minimize their European investments until this gets settled and a clearer picture emerges.

In a global economy, flowing capital and consumer confidence are huge. Until this gets settled, people will be hesitant to start financial services companies, especially in the UK, and it will be a major part of the decision about where people invest/donate their money. This directly results in fewer job opportunities in important UK sectors.

Saying that nothing has changed is a very 2-dimensional view of the policies in place.

Juicy Bob

I mentioned yesterday about this, but I saw the Polish dude who lives in our block of flats on my way to work today. I had a quick chat with him about everything and told him my partner and I voted Remain and that I was sorry about this whole mess and that I hope everything works out well for him and his partner whatever happens in the coming years.

He said "I came here for the good times and I'm here for the bad times too."

It might sound silly but I just felt a need to say something to him.


How exactly? Aside from the markets going nuts, nothing has changed yet.


How Brexit has fucked me- one person's story.

I'm unemployed at the moment. Been looking for a job and saw one that looked perfect for me.

A phone interview and two in person interviews later and it's all looking good. We are spending more and more time discussing my transferrable skills and experience and the role seems to be expanding to fit what I can bring.

I haven't been offered anything yet but I am hopeful and excited. And relieved!

Just had a phone call and a confirming email. Due to the current situation no expansion in the company and no new hires "for the forseeable future".

The HR guy thanked me for my time and I thanked him for his.


Just fuck everything.

I'm gonna have to get back on the horse and start looking for something else, but not today. Maybe not this week.

Anybody hears about any jobs going around Glasgow give me a shout, will you.
How exactly? Aside from the markets going nuts, nothing has changed yet.


Quite a lof of firms stopping hiring, others already starting to fire people. That's "nothing" for you? We are talking about people here.

A lot of Brits right now fear for their jobs, and rightfully so. The current situation / uncertainty about the future is sheer poison for the job market in the UK.

A lot of Leavers will damn the day they voted for the Brexit once their bosses tells them to go find a new job (well, those with a job, that is).

And the thing is, right now the remains of the British government seems to be in no hurry to change this situation anytime soon. It seems to be far more important for them to stake their claims before starting to deal with the actual exit formalities.

That's truly sad and I especially pray for all those men an women which have a responsibility for their families and look into that uncertain future. As a father of four, this would be my worst nightmare, besides serious illness of one of my beloved of course.


never left the stone age

Quite a lof of firms stopping hiring, others already starting to fire people. That's "nothing" for you? We are talking about people here.

A lot of Brits right now fear for their jobs, and rightfully so. The current situation / uncertainty about the future is sheer poison for the job market in the UK.

A lot of Leavers will damn the day they voted for the Brexit once their bosses tells them to go find a new job (well, those with a job, that is).

And the thing is, right now the remains of the British government seems to be in no hurry to change this situation anytime soon. It seems to be far more important for them to stake their claims before starting to deal with the actual exit formalities.

That's truly sad and I especially pray for all those men an women which have a responsibility for their families and look into that uncertain future. As a father of four, this would be my worst nightmare, besides serious illness of one of my beloved of course.

No no, you misunderstand. Nothing has changed for him yet.


Holy shit. So much for things will carry on as usual.

Leavers, any suggestions what his dad and brother should do? Y'all were full of that good, everything will be okay shit before...

I suggested my dad sell up and move somewhere cheaper, but understandably he doesn't want to leave the house he's lived in for nearly 40 years, nor the community he's been in for 70, so I think he'll end up working until he drops.

"Don't spend your whole life dutifully saving into a single pension provider which happens to be Equitable Life, then plan to retire on it's meagre remains 2 months after your country votes to screw itself over" is a plan that would have worked, I guess


How exactly? Aside from the markets going nuts, nothing has changed yet.

Just heard a friend's British friend was denied a place in two German universities simply because the scholarship he'd need is EU funded and the university can't guarantee that because of Brexit.

Brexit is already screwing young people out of education, creating international connections & just getting valuable experience outside UK.


Looks like in the US the Nasdaq and S&P 500 futures are a hair under 1% while the DOW future is slightly 0.15% down.

Hopefully the market stabilizes some today. My 401k has gotten beat down hard since Friday.

Looks like it is bouncing back just a little. Between my father and I's account we've lost $11k since Friday. *sigh*

How exactly? Aside from the markets going nuts, nothing has changed yet.

Credit ratings, people backing off buying Tara Steel, even a bunch of indie game studios closing, the pound cratering....


Looks like it is bouncing back just a little. Between my father and I's account we've lost $11k since Friday. *sigh*

Credit ratings, people backing off buying Tara Steel, even a bunch of indie game studios closing, the pound cratering....

Unfortunately it's probably this:



Schulz is open for the UK to change their mind about Brexit. This doesn't mean they can delay the Art. 50 negotiations, he continued.

Twist in the making?

16:20 Uhr
Schulz: Rückzieher der Briten nicht ausschließen

EU-Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz hat sich dafür ausgesprochen, den Briten im Zweifelsfall einen Rückzieher von ihrer Brexit-Entscheidung zu ermöglichen. Wenn das Vereinigte Königreich zu anderen Erkenntnissen komme oder die Menschen noch einmal nachdenken wollten, sollte "das ganz sicher unterstützt werden", sagte der SPD-Politiker am Dienstag vor dem Start des EU-Gipfels in Brüssel. Schulz machte allerdings auch klar, dass deswegen nicht der Start der Austrittsverhandlungen hinausgezögert werden dürfe.

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