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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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I don't think Scottish independence is a guarantee by the way.

Oil has tanked, they won't have the pound and it would take them years to join the EU. If you think England and Wales are going to fail then Scotland wouldn't stand a chance. It has nothing.

The EU would not favor a Scotland independence movement because it would favor independents in countries like Spain. It's more beneficial to the EU to tell the Scots that if they vote out of the UK, there will be a very long process that might not even result in an acceptance of Scotland into the EU for a decade.
Im in Canada , listen to CBC news in my car every day, and it feels like overnight i learned about this even happening and the vote result.

How long has this campaign been going on? I know it was discussed to prior ellection, which was also when?
I'm not actually British myself, don't know when it started exactly. But basically David Cameron tried to get voters in the last election to try and get people to switch from UKIP (anti-EU party) to his own party by promising a referendum about leaving the EU. He got the majority and then had to hold the referendum. Campaigning for that has been a few weeks I think.


WOW, I came to work about an hour ago and my boss just, straight out, told me that he lost a huge percentage of his retirement fund. He looked devastated.

Good Job, Leave People :/
Not to give them any excuse, yes they are at fault for not voting, but 15 hours being enough is bullshit for many people. My boss, who would vote remain, happen to have meetings regarding so many projects during those 15 hours, and London itself was hard to navigate due to flooding some areas, such as Wimbledon, had.
Hard to be sympathetic for somebody who didn't vote mate.
Its sad, but the FB gifs and imagines I'm getting are hilarious.



I'm sorry but that is just rubbish, the voting was open for 15 hours. No one is that busy to not be able to find time to go and vote despite knowing about the day for weeks and months in advance.

You do realise we had total travel chaos around London yesterday due to flooding. I was at a trade show and had to leave my house at 6am. A 1 hour 30 min journey took 4 hours yesterday and I made it back with 30 mins to go before the Polls closed.
that means the affirmative right to live and work in those countries no longer exists

you seem to be trying to play this off as a minor change but reverting to standard immigration law will massively limit movement

Of course it does. I am just saying that you still have the right to work and live in a EU-country, just that it became far harder than it was before. Thats why I partly dont agree with the part of that image you posted.

Funky Papa

Rumours and reality.

I think EU and UK will move quickly to form a relationship, its in both interests.
You are betting the farm on France and Germany not willing to use Brexit as leverage to seduce companies and sectors previously under London's firm grip.

Everybody is going to do their best to ensure the most favourable terms for them, only the UK stands alone on its own now after resolving that it was in its own interest to trade most of their bargaining power for an borderline illusory sense of sovereignty.
Can somebody please enlighten me how Boris Johnson went from being the mayor of London whose citizens voted to stay to a frontrunner of the #brexit movement.
He of all people should know what is good for London.

Johnson didn't really care about London and, to the best of my knowledge, didn't really do or achieve much as mayor. It was just a stepping stone on his way to greater glories (i.e. to No. 10).


Can somebody please enlighten me how Boris Johnson went from being the mayor of London whose citizens voted to stay to a frontrunner of the #brexit movement.
He of all people should know what is good for London.

Because even for a politician he;'s a power hungry **** who would do and say anything to get ahead. Let's remember this is the guy fired from a journalism job for making up stories, who plotted to have journalists beaten up and who used racist language to attack Obama. His entire "schtick" is a sham and he's one of the most loathsome people in politics - only slightly above Nigel Farage.

And he'll be our next PM.


So not worth it
Rumours and reality.

I think EU and UK will move quickly to form a relationship, its in both interests.

So basically tell every member "sure you can have all the benefits of the EU without any of the drawbacks, just leave the EU, okay?"



Rather go down the pan ourselves than anchored to your right wingers. We're having to face pain either way. Oh and continue to belittle us please it will help the yes vote to hear the arrogant right wing English.

Mate not all of us here love the tories
What's with this nonsense that the EU might end?

Ever heard of the Euro?

Nationalism + far right on the rise across the EU + Euroscepticism and the fact that there are politicians and people from multiple other EU member states that want their own referendum.

The UK is not the only one who has politicians and people that want to exit the EU and everything about leaving the EU is right now driven by nationalists that use immigration and Muslims as their reasoning for leaving.


A polish citizen living in the UK was arguing with me that the EU is shit and that the UK did good by voting Leave. Sometimes I just can't face the irony.
You know whats fucked up is, the same people who voted to leave because of xenophobia and racism will be worse off in a decade AND they will still blame foreigners for their situation.
Because even for a politician he;'s a power hungry **** who would do and say anything to get ahead. Let's remember this is the guy fired from a journalism job for making up stories, who plotted to have journalists beaten up and who used racist language to attack Obama. His entire "schtick" is a sham and he's one of the most loathsome people in politics - only slightly above Nigel Farage.

And he'll be our next PM.
From what I understand, he is also basically the source for all those anti-EU articles papers ran for years and years, because he made up shit as a journalist in Brussels. He literally made up shit that in part lead to the current vote to leave the EU.
The EU would not favor a Scotland independence movement because it would favor independents in countries like Spain. It's more beneficial to the EU to tell the Scots that if they vote out of the UK, there will be a very long process that might not even result in an acceptance of Scotland into the EU for a decade.

That's better than being dragged out by your colonising neighbors.

Honey Bunny

You are betting the farm on France and Germany not willing to use Brexit as leverage to seduce companies and sectors previously under London's firm grip.

Everybody is going to do their best to ensure the most favourable terms for them, only the UK stands alone on its own now.

In terms of trade, favourable terms for EU businesses will coincide closely with favourable terms for UK businesses too.


Unconfirmed Member
The EU needs major changes and reforms to better represent all members states, especially the smaller ones

the EU shouldn't be about freakin' Germany bullying the smaller countries into submission

it should be Federative with each member state as a equal partner, regardless of size
That's very anti-democratic. Your vote would be pretty much useless in a big country, it would be better to split up.


All this talk of xenophobia is hilarious.

Government has actively ignored everywhere outside of London for 2 generations and you're all surprised when the communities hit hardest by mass immigration bite back and vote out.

Labour and the Tories have ignored the calls from your working class Brit to get a grasp on things and they've been ignored. Towns have been gutted, families have been hit hard by low wages, communities have been decimated by different cultures that don't try to integrate, the NHS and schooling have been hit hard by increased demand (and bad policy), affordable homes can't be built to compensate for the massive growth. People have genuine problems and they've been failed by both Labour and the Tories.

Get out and actually talk to the people who vote. Talk to the people who have genuine concerns and complaints. When you simply shrug concerns off as xenophobic or bigoted (see Gordon Brown's classic blunder with the old woman) then you're actively shunning away real people with real concerns.

Look at what problems this 52% has and actually try to help them, don't just attack them. This notion from the far left that anyone who voted leave is either racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic or straight up an idiot has to stop because you're only going to add fuel to the fire.

you are completely right, people need to stop ignoring this majority opinion and actually interpret what has happened. yes these people are lashing out at immigration but thats because of how things are presented to them.

People have been ignored and downtrodden and its lead to them making a fucking awful decision because they haven't been listened to. the reason england is all leave is because things have gotten worse here over the last decade and more.

if we want to unite the country again we need to improve the quality of life of those that are worst off. unfortunatly leaving the EU is jsut going to make things more difficult.


Because even for a politician he;'s a power hungry **** who would do and say anything to get ahead. Let's remember this is the guy fired from a journalism job for making up stories, who plotted to have journalists beaten up and who used racist language to attack Obama. His entire "schtick" is a sham and he's one of the most loathsome people in politics - only slightly above Nigel Farage.

And he'll be our next PM.

Too true, he's utterly loathsome.


Am I the only one that see only two outcomes of this?

1) Boris/Next PM ignores the referendum and somehow manages to keep the Union as such and inside the EU
2) The Union self disintegrate and England and Wales leave the EU


Of course it does. I am just saying that you still have the right to work and live in a EU-country, just that it became far harder than it was before. Thats why I partly dont agree with the part of that image you posted.

but that's not what a "right" is. if you have the right to do something it means the government cannot limit you in that particular way. having to go through immigration processes to get special approval means that right doesn't exist.

the image is absolutely correct.
Nationalism + far right on the rise across the EU + Euroscepticism and the fact that there are politicians and people from multiple other EU states that want their own referendum.

The UK is not the only one who has politicians that want to exit the EU and everything about leaving the EU is right now driven by nationalists that use immigration and Muslims as their reasoning for leaving.

But the Euro argument is far stronger than nationalism/euroscepticism.

Just ask the Greeks.
He certainly got way more thah he should had, even raising more than a few eyebrows in several EU members and setting very alarming precedents in the EU.

The fact is that EU made an incredible effort the meet Cameron demands assuring them the Remain would win. UK was already a privilaged state inside the union and still they decide to leave.

EU won't allow Cameron backing off from calling the article 50.

What do you mean "won't allow"? Activating Art. 50 is a matter for the member state. The EU can't force us, and there's no mechanism for kicking a country out.
It's been a fascinating day in politics.

The turnout was fantastic and whether you voted to leave or remain, we should be proud of staging such a showpiece of democracy at work.

There's been good - and bad - arguments on both sides and while I voted to remain in, I can't say I'm not intrigued to see how it all plays out.

A dip in the markets was expected but I believe we'll see that level out and growth in the future.

We're in a scary new world now.

I have my doubts but the public has spoken, so it's time to roll up our sleeves and move forward together.
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