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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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So what does this do? The UK is going to clamp down on immigration? I'm presuming it's mostly middle east immigration. Does this also mean the residents of the UK can't freely move/work throughout the EU?

And they no longer need to send billions to the EU? What were they getting in return for the billions?
What the fuck are you talking about?

Brighton, Reading, Swindon, Cambridge, Aberdeen, Warrington are booming right now.

yes, but...
i might be overly pessimistic, but i don't think this boom will last for the duration of the consequences of the brexit..
glad to be wrong, but i doubt it...


Am I the only one that see only two outcomes of this?

1) Boris/Next PM ignores the referendum and somehow manages to keep the Union as such and inside the EU
2) The Union self disintegrate and England and Wales leave the EU

Ignoring a referendum would be political suicide


Homeland Security Fail


I love twitter sometimes.
but that's not what a "right" is. if you have the right to do something it means the government cannot limit you in that particular way. having to go through immigration processes to get special approval means that right doesn't exist.

the image is absolutely correct.

Oh. Alright. Sorry for the confusion then.
But dont you still have to go through some kind of immigration process even if you move from lets say Italy to Spain?

Funky Papa

In terms of trade, favourable terms for EU businesses will coincide closely with favourable terms for UK businesses too.
That's where the Eurocrats and policy planners come in. There are going to be a lot of ponderous and passionate arguments about the merits of making the UK a partner will comparable trade benefits after exiting the Union and what does that mean for member states with full obligations, if not for the future of the Union itself.


Yay something in the UK that benefits white people for once

After the last election it's starting to feel like most of England is a regressive cesspool
So what does this do? The UK is going to clamp down on immigration? I'm presuming it's mostly middle east immigration.
Guess so. Nobody actually made plans for this yet I think.

Does this also mean the residents of the UK can't freely move/work throughout the EU?
Yes, once they are out of the EU, which will be a 2 year process. And if they don't come to a deal about free movement.

And they no longer need to send billions to the EU? What were they getting in return for the billions?
Yes, once they are out of the EU, they don't contribute anymore. They got investment back from the EU in poor regions, access to the single market and free movement of people and goods.


It's been a fascinating day in politics.

The turnout was fantastic and whether you voted to leave or remain, we should be proud of staging such a showpiece of democracy at work.

There's been good - and bad - arguments on both sides and while I voted to remain in, I can't say I'm not intrigued to see how it all plays out.

A dip in the markets was expected but I believe we'll see that level out and growth in the future.

We're in a scary new world now.

I have my doubts but the public has spoken, so it's time to roll up our sleeves and move forward together.

A showpiece of democracy where a complex question with layers of impact that would be difficult to understand for most people, is hijacked by politicians with scaremongering and barely any facts, and is decided by a simple majority rather than requiring a large majority?

Yeah well done us.


Neo Member
Any word on what's going to happen to EU citizens who live here? My polish girlfriend of 10 years is panicking! I keep telling her she will be fine but upon my very basic google searches I can't actually find anything concrete....
For real?

So the usual then.

Apathetic young people and selfish older people fuck over the youth that care.

The older people who voted leave (I know a few) know what it was like before the EU began with the trade deals and know we can survive as we did it before. I wouldn't call them selfish the ones I've talked to genuinely felt that it was a better option for the country. Plenty have pension that will be effected and other problems but calling them selfish is a bit much, its a democracy.

Also I noted that the majority of folk under 30 voted to leave, I wouldn't call them apathetic, as in this referendum both sides poorly constructed the arguments to remain and leave in my opinion, and did a very poor job of reaching out.

Ultimately we need to organise trade deals etc as soon as, put uncertainty to bed (Cameron really should have stayed he looks like a sore loser/coward) and focus. There will be no Indy ref 2 in Scotland, its a typical SNP idea but 1 million more people voted to stay in UK than who voted to remain, had they voted it may have been a different story (higher stay or closer vote). Northern Ireland will stay as they are and Gibraltar will need help being stuck by Spain.
We can't have more divisions in the UK just now, it's critical that we move on from this and voters accept that democracy has decided the to leave rather than show bitter resentment.


That's better than being dragged out by your colonising neighbors.

You realise that Scotland was a huge part of British colonialism, right? We even tried to set up our own one but failed miserably and ended up forming the union with England as a result.


So what does this do? The UK is going to clamp down on immigration? I'm presuming it's mostly middle east immigration. Does this also mean the residents of the UK can't freely move/work throughout the EU?

And they no longer need to send billions to the EU? What were they getting in return for the billions?

The manifesto was to reduce net migration below 100 K, its something much bigger right now.

I assume the only way would be an australian system as nothing else has worked for past 5 years...but who knows ?

I think they will hammer a deal pretty quick, its in EU interest as much as UK.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
What is the most disastrous outcome?
Leaving the EU or the union breaking up? Who wants to be the prime minister that faciliated the breaking of the union?


"EU referendum: Statement by Archbishops of Canterbury and York"

Archbishop Justin Welby and Archbishop John Sentamu have issued this joint statement today after the UK voted to leave the European Union:

On Thursday, millions of people from across the United Kingdom voted in the referendum, and a majority expressed a desire that Britain’s future is to be outside the European Union

The outcome of this referendum has been determined by the people of this country. It is now the responsibility of the Government, with the support of Parliament, to take full account of the outcome of the referendum, and, in the light of this, decide upon the next steps. This morning, the Prime Minister David Cameron has offered a framework for when this process might formally begin.

The vote to withdraw from the European Union means that now we must all reimagine both what it means to be the United Kingdom in an interdependent world and what values and virtues should shape and guide our relationships with others.

As citizens of the United Kingdom, whatever our views during the referendum campaign, we must now unite in a common task to build a generous and forward looking country, contributing to human flourishing around the world. We must remain hospitable and compassionate, builders of bridges and not barriers. Many of those living among us and alongside us as neighbours, friends and work colleagues come from overseas and some will feel a deep sense of insecurity. We must respond by offering reassurance, by cherishing our wonderfully diverse society, and by affirming the unique contribution of each and every one.

The referendum campaign has been vigorous and at times has caused hurt to those on one side or the other. We must therefore act with humility and courage – being true to the principles that make the very best of our nation. Unity, hope and generosity will enable us to overcome the period of transition that will now happen, and to emerge confident and successful. The opportunities and challenges that face us as a nation and as global citizens are too significant for us to settle for less.

As those who hope and trust in the living God, let us pray for all our leaders, especially for Prime Minister David Cameron in his remaining months in office. We also pray for leaders across Europe, and around the world, as they face this dramatic change. Let us pray especially that we may go forward to build a good United Kingdom that, though relating to the rest of Europe in a new way will play its part amongst the nations in the pursuit of the common good throughout the world.



best post i've seen so far today

Correction: They didn't 'swap' for a new and second one. The second one has always been there, it just had EU there to sometimes push for different regulations (worker rights, product regulations, for example).

Now the UK no longer has the EU and can do whatever they want with their shit.
Well UK gaf, I'm pleased to announce that U.S. is currently taking applications for statehood. We've been stuck at 50 since 1959 and feel like the time is ripe for aggressive transatlantic expansion. Sure we've got our problems, a politcal system that is in perpetual deadlock, antiquated gun laws, and an economy that favors the 1%. But think of the plus side, you'll be joining a team of winners, not to mention back to back world war champs!

Come on Wales, England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, Uncle Sam wants you!


Oh. Alright. Sorry for the confusion then.
But dont you still have to go through some kind of immigration process even if you move from lets say Italy to Spain?

no i'm pretty sure that's one of the major things the EU was set up to avoid.

i'm sure there's paperwork involved but no approval/denial process.


They exist which is why we hope idiots don't do the same thing for Trump in Nov.
Fuck, that's exactly what will happen won't it? Voting for Trump as a joke because it's funny...and then President Trump...

I'm scared, hold me.
Any word on what's going to happen to EU citizens who live here? My polish girlfriend of 10 years is panicking! I keep telling her she will be fine but upon my very basic google searches I can't actually find anything concrete....

Tell her not to worry. It takes 2 years to leave the EU and the people like your girlfriend who are still here will continue to stay as they were here before we left the EU.

I think that she may lose a right to vote in UK elections however but she is going to be fine.

And if you ever break up just phone border control...


So there could be a significant amount of people who voted for something they didn't want just for the hell of it?

Indeed. Not enough to count, of course, but interesting as a little microcosm of what I believe to be the case in this referendum - the people made a monumentally important choice on the basis of lies, a misunderstanding/distortion/obfuscation of the key facts, or just plain pig-headed ignorance. I don't say that to wave away the decision of all leave voters, just that I believe, hand on heart, a clear, strong and definitive argument for Remain was there for all to see and for whatever reason was ignored.


Most people probably put more thought into voting on X-Factor and Britains Got Talent then this they never thought about what actually happens after


It's been a fascinating day in politics.

The turnout was fantastic and whether you voted to leave or remain, we should be proud of staging such a showpiece of democracy at work.

There's been good - and bad - arguments on both sides and while I voted to remain in, I can't say I'm not intrigued to see how it all plays out.

A dip in the markets was expected but I believe we'll see that level out and growth in the future.

We're in a scary new world now.

I have my doubts but the public has spoken, so it's time to roll up our sleeves and move forward together.

There is nothing to be proud of in this. A campaign was run on lies, xenophobia and racism, that within 30 minutes of winning was rolling back its promises. And Remain hardly covered itself with glory either. This campaign is the best example I can think of why direct democracy is stupid, and issues of this consequence should not be put to the public vote.
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