They started fucking up by calling the third-gen iPad "The New iPad" instead of iPad 3.
Yeah that was my favourite.
They started fucking up by calling the third-gen iPad "The New iPad" instead of iPad 3.
A PS3 and PS4 - your analogy, not mine - are immediately distinguishable from one another. An iPad Mini 2 and 4 are not. That is part of what the article is talking about. Too many choices that aren't immediately indistinguishable from one another. You many not view it as an issue. That's fine. You are not a part of what the article is talking about. Not everything is about people like us, Ash.
Definitely. But for someone who has zero information on Samsung stuff, this is daunting.I'm in the "samsung loop" and their products are very clear to me. I don't have a clue about the current apple shitsoup. So i guess it goes both ways.
They started fucking up by calling the third-gen iPad "The New iPad" instead of iPad 3.
The phones are fine. Small phone, flagship phone, big flagship phone.
It's the iPads where things get silly with the Air and the Pro. People just want a tablet.
Yep, as someone that doesn't really follow Apple I have no idea what they have when it comes to their product line up these days.
I thought SE stood for Small Edition
What's the problem?
iPad Pro is one line
iPad Air is another
iPad Mini is another
They are pretty distinct. I think it's stupid to complain that it's hard to distinguish the Mini 2 and Mini 4. That's like saying it's hard to distinguish a Playstation 3 and a 4. It's just the newer model.
When members of my family (who arent "in the know") try to tell me what iPhone model they own there are two scenarios:
1. "The one with the colour on the back."
2. "I have no idea."
I used to own both iPhone and iPad (not anymore) and even I think it's too much. New iPad, iPad Air, iPad Pro. What?
What's the problem?
iPad Pro is one line
iPad Air is another
iPad Mini is another
They are pretty distinct. I think it's stupid to complain that it's hard to distinguish the Mini 2 and Mini 4. That's like saying it's hard to distinguish a Playstation 3 and a 4. It's just the newer model.
The iPad naming is confusing but iPhones are still fine.
iPhone SE (smaller edition)
iPhone 6s
iPhone 6s plus
Until they bring a iPhone pro.
How is that different from other products? That just tells me your family don't remember what they bought, or don't care.
I thought SE stood for Small Edition
Ideally, they would name the lineup:
iPhone mini
iPhone Plus
iPad mini
iPad Pro
But then they would, again ideally, have the specs be identical between the lines, other than the size as a differentiating factor.
Why are there two iPad Pros, but the smaller model has half the RAM and a worse processor? How is the smaller model an iPad Pro then?
The current naming conventions, AND hardware crippling is asinine.
This is a bizarre conclusion for someone who I know has owned Macs for years to make.
MacBook Pros have always had different specs between sizes. Why would you expect iPad Pro to be any different?
Ideally, they would name the lineup:
iPhone mini
iPhone Plus
iPad mini
iPad Pro
But then they would, again ideally, have the specs be identical between the lines, other than the size as a differentiating factor.
Why are there two iPad Pros, but the smaller model has half the RAM and a worse processor? How is the smaller model an iPad Pro then?
The current naming conventions, AND hardware crippling is asinine.
I think the SE is the best iPhone Apple have made in years, but the name is a trainwreck.
They should be called the iPhone 6s (the 4 inch version) the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6l.
Maybe because they're all in one devices, where you can't customize any of the specs like a laptop? If I see two different iPads, of the same generation, I would want the only difference spec wise to be the screen size.
Its not just the naming scheme. They have completly lost the plot with their design. They are making their devices far worse due to keep on reducing tickness that hardly anyone notices.
Take this new ipad pro 9.7 example. With the protruding camera, the tablet can no longer lay flat on a tablet. How are you suppost to use the new apple pencil? The tablet will be wobbling all over the place without a case.
Not only are their making their battery performence worse by reducing the thickness but now there are actual design issue with how you can use the tablet. Who gives a shit if the tablet is 0.2mm thinner. Nobody notices it after 1 day of use.
Its not just the naming scheme. They have completly lost the plot with their design. They are making their devices far worse due to keep on reducing tickness that hardly anyone notices.
Take this new ipad pro 9.7 example. With the protruding camera, the tablet can no longer lay flat on a tablet. How are you suppost to use the new apple pencil? The tablet will be wobbling all over the place without a case.
Not only are their making their battery performence worse by reducing the thickness but now there are actual design issue with how you can use the tablet. Who gives a shit if the tablet is 0.2mm thinner. Nobody notices it after 1 day of use.
You can't tell by looking at the unopened box.
Steve Jobs is spinning in his grave.
that is simply not true.
a tiny camera bump - especially when it's in the corner of the device, not the middle - will not add any significant wobble. Try it out. Tape a paperclip to your iPad where the camera bump would be. It won't wobble.
yeah, but there's nothing that would have prevented them from calling it 6S mini. Which is exactly what it is.
Can we resurrect Mr Jobs?