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Gold Member

irony GIF

The chiptune over it is appropriate, because just like 8-bit games, this video's CGI is going to quickly be surpassed by new technology.

What do you think: a year from now, videos like this won't have the weird artifacts and will be mostly indistinguishable from "reality"? A year ago, I would've said 10 years, but it's moving so fast.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
The chiptune over it is appropriate, because just like 8-bit games, this video's CGI is going to quickly be surpassed by new technology.

What do you think: a year from now, videos like this won't have the weird artifacts and will be mostly indistinguishable from "reality"? A year ago, I would've said 10 years, but it's moving so fast.

I think a year or two is about right. AI is moving at such an incredible pace that in less then 10 years I expect AI to write, voice, and animate a full feature film. Not only that, but it'll rival anything that Pixar, DreamWorks could put out.

AI will eventually make human art obsolete. You'll just be able to type a few prompts and you'll have any film, game, music art that you think of.

I'm still undecided if that's good or bad.

I think a year or two is about right. AI is moving at such an incredible pace that in less then 10 years I expect AI to write, voice, and animate a full feature film. Not only that, but it'll rival anything that Pixar, DreamWorks could put out.

AI will eventually make human art obsolete. You'll just be able to type a few prompts and you'll have any film, game, music art that you think of.

I'm still undecided if that's good or bad.
We've always used tools to create art, and to find ways to generate more output for less input/effort. AI is an unprecedented leap in that regard. So its a matter of degrees, in my mind.

There are still people using rock-and-chisels to create art when laser printing exists. I think there will always be a place for more "manual" art, but 100% agree we're about to see some crazy changes in the coming years. What a time to be alive. For real.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
We've always used tools to create art, and to find ways to generate more output for less input/effort. AI is an unprecedented leap in that regard. So its a matter of degrees, in my mind.

There are still people using rock-and-chisels to create art when laser printing exists. I think there will always be a place for more "manual" art, but 100% agree we're about to see some crazy changes in the coming years. What a time to be alive. For real.

To be honest, the idea of AI creating art terrifies me. There will be a point soon where AI can and will surpass humans in all forms of art, but is that a good thing?

I think not. I think it takes away part of what makes us human. An AI isn't going to use emotion, inspiration or previous life experience to write a novel. It'll just analyse what a majority of humans consider to be a great novel and imitate it. People who read it and don't know it's written by an AI will call it one of the greatest works of fiction ever made, but in reality it's an illusion that imitates the human experience.

AI is already stripping away the human experience now. Did you see the Microsoft presentation for their copilot software? The person presenting used an example of her daughter graduating from college and demonstrated how with a few prompts, copilot could write a full graduation speech for her. I found that insulting and terrifying in equal measure.

If anything, AI will make us worse off. Why bother working on a big speech for your loved one or spending years crafting a novel when an AI program will do a better job in a fraction of the time?

Before I'm dead, I'm convinced humanity will resemble the humans from Wall-e. A species that has forgotten what it means to be human.
To be honest, the idea of AI creating art terrifies me. There will be a point soon where AI can and will surpass humans in all forms of art, but is that a good thing?

I think not. I think it takes away part of what makes us human. An AI isn't going to use emotion, inspiration or previous life experience to write a novel. It'll just analyse what a majority of humans consider to be a great novel and imitate it. People who read it and don't know it's written by an AI will call it one of the greatest works of fiction ever made, but in reality it's an illusion that imitates the human experience.

AI is already stripping away the human experience now. Did you see the Microsoft presentation for their copilot software? The person presenting used an example of her daughter graduating from college and demonstrated how with a few prompts, copilot could write a full graduation speech for her. I found that insulting and terrifying in equal measure.

If anything, AI will make us worse off. Why bother working on a big speech for your loved one or spending years crafting a novel when an AI program will do a better job in a fraction of the time?

Before I'm dead, I'm convinced humanity will resemble the humans from Wall-e. A species that has forgotten what it means to be human.
I hear you. A sort of losing our spirituality (i.e. "meaning") because life is found and experienced in the effort you give to it?

We've been on the Wall-E path for a loooooong time, and I don't see that changing. It's probably accelerating.

If old men yell at clouds, people like to mock and point out that even the Greeks way-back-when said, "This generation's going to the dogs." But the cynic in me thinks those old men haven't been wrong, in the sense that what is "good" is one's own will and what is "bad" is what opposes it. And because the world is changing to what you dont recognize, it's going to default to "bad".

It will take more effort to hold onto what makes us (what you and I think of as) "human" in the future more than ever. Because what it means to be human will be redefined. But I guess it doesn't have to be "good" or "bad", just different. At the very least, it seems inevitable. Everything is ephemeral.


Gold Member
I hear you. A sort of losing our spirituality (i.e. "meaning") because life is found and experienced in the effort you give to it?

We've been on the Wall-E path for a loooooong time, and I don't see that changing. It's probably accelerating.

If old men yell at clouds, people like to mock and point out that even the Greeks way-back-when said, "This generation's going to the dogs." But the cynic in me thinks those old men haven't been wrong, in the sense that what is "good" is one's own will and what is "bad" is what opposes it. And because the world is changing to what you dont recognize, it's going to default to "bad".

It will take more effort to hold onto what makes us (what you and I think of as) "human" in the future more than ever. Because what it means to be human will be redefined. But I guess it doesn't have to be "good" or "bad", just different. At the very least, it seems inevitable. Everything is ephemeral.
Transhumanism. Dangerous game when gone unchecked, or being controlled by those who wield the power of it.
Transhumanism. Dangerous game when gone unchecked, or being controlled by those who wield the power of it.
Agreed. I don't want to join the inevitable hivemind to be inevitably controlled by vested interests. Guess I'm just trying to say that moral relativism means that while I consider transhumanism "bad", I'm pretty sure I'll be on the wrong side of history in the long run and looked at like an old man yelling at clouds. And I'm alright with that.


Gold Member

I think a year or two is about right. AI is moving at such an incredible pace that in less then 10 years I expect AI to write, voice, and animate a full feature film. Not only that, but it'll rival anything that Pixar, DreamWorks could put out.

AI will eventually make human art obsolete. You'll just be able to type a few prompts and you'll have any film, game, music art that you think of.

I'm still undecided if that's good or bad.
The concept sound super fucking cool to me...
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