Wait it's only 20 US bucks? Damn you, Eurosteam! Now I'll definitely wait for a deal, no way I'm paying like 10 Euros extra >:/
edit: nvm, it's 25 USD, just the usual screwover then.
First, the good news: The first episode of The Walking Dead, ‘A New Day,’ will arrive on PSN this Tuesday, April 24th. Each episode will cost $4.99 on the PlayStation Store, and you’ll be able to pre-purchase the entire five-episode season for $19.99 to save $4.99 off of the total season price and nab an exclusive PS3 premium theme (head to the bottom of the post for more details).
Different darkness is just a matter of initial setup, it can be adjusted so both versions can look the same under this regard.I played the demo on PS3 and on the 360. I was hoping to pick it up for the 360, but the the graphics look a look darker and more washed out than the PS3. Has anyone else noticed it, or is it just my setup?
UK prices: -Which platform is cheaper, xbla or psn?
F*ck yeah!The first episode has me wanting
A) A new episode
B) A Game of Thrones TTG adventure game. combine sword+neck
Not liking that Lee used the word "Zombie" in the shelter. Everything else is cool.
F*ck yeah!
After Jurrassic Park I thought they should never touch a movie/TV franchise again but Walking Dead totally redeemed them.
Was Jurassic Park really that bad? I kind of want to see it for myself.
Heard about this on the Bombcast and I gave the PS3 demo a shot. Damn, it was awesome.
So what's the consensus on which console version to get?
Season pass on PS3 is $5 cheaper than buying all 5 episodes at $5 each on Xbox.
*slowclap*"Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber, TT, you go and do this.........and TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!!!"
I don't know why, but from the small demo, I really just kind of liked and clicked with the main character. It felt like a good mix of "I'm putting my own personality in here with my choices" and that he had his own kind of cool and unique personality. Does he stay likable throughout the episode, and is it planned to keep him for the foreseen future, or is it a new character per episode type of deal?
I don't know why, but from the small demo, I really just kind of liked and clicked with the main character. It felt like a good mix of "I'm putting my own personality in here with my choices" and that he had his own kind of cool and unique personality. Does he stay likable throughout the episode, and is it planned to keep him for the foreseen future, or is it a new character per episode type of deal?
When does episode 2 come out?
A new episode each month.
Have they actually said that?
I haven't seen or heard anything suggesting Lee stops being the series's main protagonist. He's certainly a character in his own right, rather than some vanilla doll onto whom you project a personality. There's a backstory to him, a past, as well as a certain attitude demonstrated by what sort of dialogue options you're offered (or, in the case of the first episode, not offered). He's fleshed out an appropriate amount during episode 1, with aspects of his past that are sure to surface and cause ripples as the series floats on.
So is the xbox live version out?
Been out almost a week...
Mustnt be on the Aus marketplace. Cant see it. Under Arcade games right?
Sorry, but due to the OFLC ratings laws in Australia and New Zealand, and the fact that this is a mature game, we do not currently have plans to release the game there on consoles.
Lying to Hershel constitutes anything other than saying "I AM A CRIMINAL"
I thought it was for.not telling the truth of how you got hurt. At least Lee sounded like he was obviously lying when you pick "I don't remember" and I got the "you shouldn't lie" speech later, which I suppose if you told the truth it would have been what you said
I said it was from a car accident, and (this was before I turned off notifications) it said Hershel believed me.
"Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber, TT, you go and do this.........and TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!!!"