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The Western Thread...



Not a genre out there that allows low budget productions to look this good. I prefer a little more Robert Duvall glint in my westerns but this'll do.

Anybody see this? I’m curious how this was.

You guys convinced me to get on a western kick (I actually wear some western clothes and collect some art for a few years now), so when I first saw the thread I figured it was about that - the area, clothes and art. Lo and behold, it was about movies… so I watched:

• Open Range (it was ok, very slow to start IMO with obviously a very memorable final act).

• True Grit (2010), which I thought was ok as well. It was fun with cool quotes, but the final act felt a bit messy and disorganized to me, personally.

I also ordered The Good the Bad and the Ugly on 4K. Ordering Old Henry on 4K as well.

Anywho, on to the next I suppose. Curious about terror on the prairie for anyone who has seen it.
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Gold Member
I thought this was a thread where we think about the roman empire...
Anyway as for western movie im a sucker for anything Eastwood reated, Pale rider being my favorite.



I've recently watched Old Henry. If you haven't seen Old Henry, go watch Old Henry. The "twist" had me rockin' in my seat.
Tim Blake Nelson is just spectacular in this. He is not a particularly good looking bloke, but his charisma is through the goddamn roof and I could watch him peal potatoes and enjoy myself.

Took your suggestion, ordered the 4k BR -

Solid pick up! This movie punches above it's weight considering it's a small, relatively low budget film. There are some pacing issues (IMO) as in in drags a little in some scenes, but that is a pretty minor problem. Really great, gritty flick. I will follow up your suggestion with the suggestion of it myself for anybody interested!


Snake Oil Salesman
Took your suggestion, ordered the 4k BR -

Solid pick up! This movie punches above it's weight considering it's a small, relatively low budget film. There are some pacing issues (IMO) as in in drags a little in some scenes, but that is a pretty minor problem. Really great, gritty flick. I will follow up your suggestion with the suggestion of it myself for anybody interested!

I hated the casting choice for the lead. An emaciated looking 55 year old man worked against the narrative, imo.


I hated the casting choice for the lead. An emaciated looking 55 year old man worked against the narrative, imo.
I get that, he didn't look particularly strong like you would think he should considering.

But, what I will say is that ...

It didn't bother me, but that is IMO as well. Everyone is welcome to their thoughts and critiques for sure. It's definitely not the typical rough Cowboy lead for sure, but he does have a little edge to him that was fine for me.

Edit: Can you guys see my spoiler tag in this post? DON'T CLICK IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE, but on my end it isn't showing my spoiler comment I wrote in the middle of the post...
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Terror on the Prairie sucked imho.

My favorite ever might be The Salvation.

Other underrated recent ones I didn’t see mentioned anywhere here:

The Duel
In a Valley of Violence


Saw Horizon in theaters.

I feel like something special is brewing under the first part, but it’s hard for some people because it’s super disjointed and hard to follow with its multiple story arch set-up. A movie that absolutely requires your attention and thought.

I still highly. Highly suggest seeing it. The opening 1/3 is super strong, and the movie doesn’t shy away from brutality or it’s adult rating. Shame that many “journalists” and critics lowballed the film because they weren’t happy it didn’t go “progressive” enough in some stance, which I find ludicrous being the movie awkwardly (though a minor gripe only) inserts select modernist terminology throughout which sort of breaks immersion a tad considering the film takes place in the 1800s.

Still absolutely worth a watch. Just know that the story is obviously far from being contained in one single film, and it absolutely does not hold your hand.
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Saw Horizon in theaters.

I feel like something special is brewing under the first part, but it’s hard for some people because it’s super disjointed and hard to follow with its multiple story arch set-up. A movie that absolutely requires your attention and thought.

I still highly. Highly suggest seeing it. The opening 1/3 is super strong, and the movie doesn’t shy away from brutality or it’s adult rating. Shame that many “journalists” and critics lowballed the film because they weren’t happy it didn’t go “progressive” enough in some stance, which I find ludicrous being the movie awkwardly (though a minor gripe only) inserts select modernist terminology throughout which sort of breaks immersion a tad considering the film takes place in the 1800s.

Still absolutely worth a watch. Just know that the story is obviously far from being contained in one single film, and it absolutely does not hold your hand.

Realy looking forward to seeing this and with part 2 coming soon aswell we dont have long to continue the story.

The way you describe it is exactly what I want it to be, theres to many shit films for the dumb mind that get rave reviews, I find myself digging for a film like Horizon that demands you actualy watch it with full attention and thought.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Seeing it in 4 hours, can't wait!

I bought a ticket for a showing in 2.5 hours. (I'm in the Netherlands, we got Horizon a week later than the US). Really looking forward to seeing it, since Dances with the Wolves and Open Range are two of my favorite movies. Haven't been to the movies in ages but a Kevin Costner western is special so here we go.


Realy looking forward to seeing this and with part 2 coming soon aswell we dont have long to continue the story.

The way you describe it is exactly what I want it to be, theres to many shit films for the dumb mind that get rave reviews, I find myself digging for a film like Horizon that demands you actualy watch it with full attention and thought.

I hope you get to experience it and enjoy it. The camps seem well divided.

It isn’t a perfect film at all, I suppose sort of by design as it isn’t contained. I don’t want it to come off as such with my opinion - but it seems some people have trouble with seeing that this is the foundation, and more will follow - and it’s entertaining enough that I think it’s worthwhile to jump on the train for sure.

Let me know what you think when you get to see it! Seems like you are ok with a film that isn’t holding your hand, and this one doesn’t as I said before. Definitely takes your attention and let’s you have to fill in the pieces at times for what is happening / taking place. Certainly epic, anybody who questions the film feels “epic” would be disingenuous and I would question their motives (looking at select critics here).

Seeing it in 4 hours, can't wait!

Excited to hear your thoughts!

I bought a ticket for a showing in 2.5 hours. (I'm in the Netherlands, we got Horizon a week later than the US). Really looking forward to seeing it, since Dances with the Wolves and Open Range are two of my favorite movies. Haven't been to the movies in ages but a Kevin Costner western is special so here we go.

Also excited to hear your thoughts as well!


I hope you get to experience it and enjoy it. The camps seem well divided.

It isn’t a perfect film at all, I suppose sort of by design as it isn’t contained. I don’t want it to come off as such with my opinion - but it seems some people have trouble with seeing that this is the foundation, and more will follow - and it’s entertaining enough that I think it’s worthwhile to jump on the train for sure.

Let me know what you think when you get to see it! Seems like you are ok with a film that isn’t holding your hand, and this one doesn’t as I said before. Definitely takes your attention and let’s you have to fill in the pieces at times for what is happening / taking place. Certainly epic, anybody who questions the film feels “epic” would be disingenuous and I would question their motives (looking at select critics here).

Excited to hear your thoughts!

Also excited to hear your thoughts as well!

Thanks mate I will let you know once I have seen it. I have been assuming Its a set up type film as we have the 2nd chapter coming and possibly a 3rd and 4th, so I know what im going into. I dont think il get to see it at the cinema but I have read its coming to streaming over the next few weeks so I will probably watch it that way and watch part 2 at the cinema.


Open Range is one of my favourite western movies. I love how it feels real and very human. Like the scene where you think there's going to be a showdown, but instead a poor dog floats by in a stream and it has to be saved. Or the part where they stop to eat chocolate and savour it.

I think my list would look like this, but it's been a while since I saw all of them:
1. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (Just having Ecstasy of Gold in it makes it amazing)
2. Open Range
3. Jesse James movie with Brad Pitt (Fantastic atmosphere troughout and very unique in the western genre)


Gold Member
I liked it quite a bit. It is a bit of an odd duck narratively, even at 3 hours it feels like lots of story was left in the editing room.

I'm SHOCKED at how expansive it was, so many locations. Were all those yellow trees cgi or did he catch fall at just the right time? Anyway, while you can feel the budget a bit with a troop of cav being like 10 guys, he also fills every scene with background people, which really looks nice.

And WOW, did he cast some hotties! Sienna Miller of course is stunning, but the prostitute lady and the runaway mom were both beautiful as well, not to mention a few of the apache wives (I LOVED the bit where the brave is admonished by his hot wife fir getting her sisters husband killed and his response is "well she can come live with us" you sly dog you!)

Some incredible scenes, the opening raid of course but even the general store taunting of the deer slayer, the Indian camp attack, the showdown with the brother, the girl handing out bits of her quilt, it goes on and on.

It's not as polished as I'd hoped, and for a western to NOT be in epic wide-screen feels a bit odd, but I think it was made for TV and will shine there.

And Jeff Fahey!!! Haven't seen him in a dogs age. REALLY hoping Costner calls in more favors and gets Kevin Kline, Scott Glenn, Danny Glover, Kurt Russel and the rest of the stars he has worked with.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
The original True Grit was amazing. The remake was good too but I preferred the original, John Wayne just owned that character.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Horizon was great, but it also felt the movie had hardly started when it ended after three hours. I had the feeling I'd watched not a movie but the first three episodes of an epic western tv series. It left me wanting more, it also left me dissatisfied. The movie would have been better if it had been structured more like a movie and if it had some kind of closure.

Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to part 2.
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