Dungeon crawling? Not knowing the developer?![]()
Just to confirm: all these early 360 copies doesn't mean PC owners will get it before the 17th, right?
Our review wil be up in one hour and ten minutes.
How approachable is the combat in this? I've heard that Witcher 1 was more complex and they dumbed it down a shade for this one?
For context, I'm used to lots of action games and stuff, and I like hack n' slashy type things.
How approachable is the combat in this? I've heard that Witcher 1 was more complex and they dumbed it down a shade for this one?
How approachable is the combat in this? I've heard that Witcher 1 was more complex and they dumbed it down a shade for this one?
Rocket Chainsaw. Our lovely Michael, who I believe posts here, has reviewed it.
I don't know if I'd call The Witcher's combat complex. It was a weird point-and-click / real-time hybrid.
TW2 is basically Demon's/Dark Souls. Methodical real time action, built around exploiting weaknesses, waiting for openings, and being patient. The first third of the game is the hardest chunk as you learn the controls and level up Geralt, and then rest is pretty easy (high difficulties aside).
It's not hack and slashy in the sense that you can run into a group of five enemies and easily take them down, especially to begin with, but it's all real time. Defend, use magic, drink potions, and you'll manage just fund.
I never had a big issue with the core mechanics of TW1's combat as some others did, but TW2's combat is vastly more engaging and varied.
Call me crazy but I prefer the combat in Witcher 1. The combat in the 2 never felt very responsive to me. I know there was a patch to alleviate that but I don't remember it making much of a difference. Maybe it's better on KB/M?
I really hope this sells well. It seems like a good portion of the posters in this thread are people that already own the PC version.
One of the things this game handles extremely well is the Quest log. Each active quest has a detailed description, basically the entire sub story (it's all written as if it's being narrated by Dandelion) and it grows as you advance through quest. It doesn't just break done to "Go hear" "Talk to so and so" "Kill this guy".
It's really great for quests that may have a long breaks because it provides better context when you want to recall what was happening.
My favorite part.One of the things this game handles extremely well is the Quest log. Each active quest has a detailed description, basically the entire sub story (it's all written as if it's being narrated by Dandelion) and it grows as you advance through quest. It doesn't just break done to "Go here" "Talk to so and so" "Kill this guy".
It's really great for quests that may have a long breaks because it provides better context when you want to recall what was happening.
Our review wil be up in one hour and ten minutes.
Well, I liked it a whole lot. Now that embargo is up I can say that the 360 version is extremely competent and does justice to the virtues of the PC original, with only a few technical blemishes dragging down the experience.
Full review for anyone interested: http://www.rocketchainsaw.com.au/review/review-witcher-2-enhanced-edition/
TW2 is basically Demon's/Dark Souls. Methodical real time action, built around exploiting weaknesses, waiting for openings, and being patient.
Played through the tutorial.
First impression: OMG I will play this game on easy.
Fuckin' A. That's what I was hoping it would be like.
don't do this. Enemies can't block on easy, you'll miss a huge chuck of combat.
but well, if you enjoy it on easy then it's better to stay on easy. but you will miss a lot.
Played through the tutorial.
First impression: OMG I will play this game on easy.
Graphics look awesome ( far a 360 game )
Atmosphere is incredible.
I´ve never played a game with such a deep inventory/character/crafting system.
Can´t wait to play more of it tonight.
OK, I´ll decide later. Maybe if I can change the difficulty on the fly I will start on normal.
Thanks for the heads up.
Does that preloader download a patch or the whole game?
Cos I don't have Witcher 2 installed atm.
And it's too big for a patch.
OK, I´ll decide later. Maybe if I can change the difficulty on the fly I will start on normal.
Thanks for the heads up.
Combat in TW2 is like if Demon's Souls fucked Arkham Asylum. It ain't quite like either of them but you'll find plenty of similarities.
Combat in TW2 is like if Demon's Souls fucked Arkham Asylum. It ain't quite like either of them but you'll find plenty of similarities.
So it seems that Normal difficulty is harder than the average "normal" setting?
what are the arkham asylum similarities? Like how you can deal with groups?
what are the arkham asylum similarities? Like how you can deal with groups?
what are the arkham asylum similarities? Like how you can deal with groups?