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The Witcher 2: Performance Thread [Enhanced Edition Patch - New content & 100+ fixes]


leng jai said:
They're taking their sweet time with 1.3

Yah, hope they add in 16:10 support along with 4:3. For as amazing PC developers as CDPR is, only supporting one aspect ratio is a pretty weird/terrible decision.
I want to like this game so bad, I really do. I'm enjoying the first 2 hours quite a bit- beautiful title, engaging story and environments, but the controls are ABYSMAL. Please tell me they get better.

Am I better off playing with a D-pad as opposed to a keyboard + mouse on the PC?


DaveVoyles said:
I want to like this game so bad, I really do. I'm enjoying the first 2 hours quite a bit- beautiful title, engaging story and environments, but the controls are ABYSMAL. Please tell me they get better.

Am I better off playing with a D-pad as opposed to a keyboard + mouse on the PC?

For me, yeah. Controller support is excellent, besides maybe the inventory.


My only complain are the frameskips or micro stuttering, I had to use d3doverider and fps limiter to reduce them a little bit, I hope they patch this issue.


DaveVoyles said:
I want to like this game so bad, I really do. I'm enjoying the first 2 hours quite a bit- beautiful title, engaging story and environments, but the controls are ABYSMAL. Please tell me they get better.

Am I better off playing with a D-pad as opposed to a keyboard + mouse on the PC?

For me the Keyboard + Mouse combo was way better then the Controller.
DaveVoyles said:
I want to like this game so bad, I really do. I'm enjoying the first 2 hours quite a bit- beautiful title, engaging story and environments, but the controls are ABYSMAL. Please tell me they get better.

Am I better off playing with a D-pad as opposed to a keyboard + mouse on the PC?

use a controller. the game didnt click until i switched


I'm in the minority to use a keyboard for a pc only videogame? Shameful.

Honestly though I found the keyboard controls perfectly fine, I had zero complaints.


I want to pick this up as soon as I beat TW1, currently I am running a 5770, but with BF3 on the horizon I am thinking I should just get a new card. What would be the best bang for the buck upgrade?


Gvaz said:
I'm in the minority to use a keyboard for a pc only videogame? Shameful.

Honestly though I found the keyboard controls perfectly fine, I had zero complaints.

zero complaints here as well. I also had zero issues using a kb/m in a game like Batman: AA either.


gdt5016 said:
For me, yeah. Controller support is excellent, besides maybe the inventory.

Khatoz said:
For me the Keyboard + Mouse combo was way better then the Controller.

TheVarangian said:
use a controller. the game didnt click until i switched

Gvaz said:
Use the keyboard, the controller one feels janky especially in menus
The keyboard controls are fine.

I find it fascinating how people hold such radically different opinions on this. I personally thought the kb/m controls were terrible for combat (particularly movement, Geralt's response when you press d was to first turn around, wait a second, then start moving in the direction while on the pad movement is instantaneous) and thus used the pad. Obviously kb/m is much better for menus/inventory/etc. One of my biggest complaints with the gamepad was when looking at the journal when scrolling down you are actually selecting each entry, thus you can't see if there's any new info (as indicated by an exclamation point). With kb/m house can either use the mousewheel to scroll without selecting any and thus only read up on the new entries. Really did become a pain in the ass since it's constantly updating and there are a lot of entries.

I was also pretty disappointed that you couldn't switch between kb/m gamepad seamlessly, although it is a lot easier in most games by just going into the menu rather then having to restart the game or anything.

Gvaz said:
I'm in the minority to use a keyboard for a pc only videogame? Shameful.

Honestly though I found the keyboard controls perfectly fine, I had zero complaints.

For a PC only videogame that was clearly designed from the ground up to work on consoles, I wouldn't call it shameful that a lot of people play it like a console game.

Edit 2: And I don't meant that in a derogatory way (mostly.) The only level of complexity I would have liked to have seen that I think got cancelled because of trying to streamline the interface is secondary components to potions, or some other way to make the potion system more complex/deep.


Its good to see some different opinions on the keyboard and mouse control for this game, I was beginning to feel like the only guy on the internet who preferred it over the controller.
Patch notes for the upcoming 1.3.
1. New FREE DLC – “A Sackful of Fluff” is a new quest in Chapter 2 of the game. To start the quest, visit the eccentric Elthon, who inhabits a solitary hut near the quarry outside Vergen. The quest will prove most rewarding to those who demonstrate patience.
2. Game now supports 4:3, 5:4, 16:10 aspect ratios.
3. Item storage has been added. Players can now store items from their Inventory at inns. To leave items in storage or collect previously stored items, talk to innkeepers.
4. A „Junk‟ panel has been added to Inventory to provide greater clarity in item classification.
5. New menu option added in „Extras‟ - enables players to view in-game animated sequences (flashbacks, memory flashes, dreams stolen by harpies) outside of the game.
6. A „Quickload‟ option has been added under the F9 key.
7. The game's HUD can now be hidden in order to produce HUD-free screenshots! On newly installed game copies, the option to hide/show the HUD is available by default under the 'H' key. Users who have modified the key assignments on their installations should go to the 'Input Settings' dialogue of the Witcher 2 Configuration Tool to assign a key to this option. Please note that the game cannot be played with the HUD hidden.
8. Issue involving the game not running at 2560x1440 resolution has been resolved.
9. Issues with nVidia 3D Vision technology have been resolved. Players no longer need to uninstall the related drivers.

10. Key bindings have been corrected to enable configuration of mouse buttons for use by left-handed players.
11. Assorted key binding options have been added to facilitate configuration of controls and quick access to various in-game panels.
12. Issue related to game settings being reset to defaults upon patch installation has been resolved. Patches no longer reset game settings.
13. The configuration file is no longer over-written when the launcher/configuration tool is patched and over-written.
14. The launcher now closes while the game is being patched, thus eliminating the resulting game patching error.
15. The launcher now closes completely and no longer continues to operate in the background.
16. „Installed game version is invalid or incomplete‟ error in updater when free space on system drive is insufficient – message has been corrected to reflect more accurately the nature of the error.
17. Mutagens are now alchemy ingredients. Minor mutagens drop more frequently than do major mutagens, though the overall mutagen drop rate has been reduced.
18. Corrections have been made in the mutagen drop rate and in Thorak‟s store.
19. „Dragon‟ section of Prologue does not become available until after all assault-related sections have been completed, thereby softening the difficulty curve at the start of the game.
20. During the fight against the kayran, when the bridge collapses, a map pin appears at the end of the bridge to facilitate player navigation and quest completion.
21. Map pins have been corrected in many quests.
22. Quen Sign slightly de-buffed – Sign dissipates 20% faster after foes land a blow. Assorted minor balance issues related to this Sign have also been resolved.
23. Issue with Dragon‟s Dream bombs has been resolved. Damage to bosses from cast daggers has been reduced by one-half.
24. Several optimization improvements have been made in the tavern in Vergen.
25. Problem with music accompanying „stealth‟ sequences has been resolved.
26. Issue related to arm wrestling Bart Bargee has been resolved. Players can no longer win coin from this character endlessly.
27. Option to fist fight woman praying at a statue in Vergen has been deactivated.
28. Mini-game contestants at one of the in-game taverns now switch positions correctly without blocking one another.
29. Problem involving Fenn‟s sword in combat has been resolved.
30. Problems with herbalist‟s gloves have been resolved.
31. In the Prologue, Geralt retains his steel long sword throughout, i.e., he is no longer automatically equipped with his default sword for the „Assault‟ sequence.
32. Problem with some nekkers being immortal has been resolved.
33. Issue with triggered black screens blocking game progress has been resolved.
34. Interactions no longer appear on nekker nests after these have been destroyed.
35. The “Scent of Incense” quest no longer shows up as failed after being completed successfully.
36. Sudden switch to gameplay just prior to cut scene involving Cynthia and Philippa has been eliminated.
37. Triss, Roche and Iorveth are now de-spawned before the final credits roll.
38. Guard pacing cycles have been corrected.
39. The Redanian messenger in Henselt‟s tent can no longer be killed, preventing him from re-spawning.
40. Elf woman in Vergen no longer strikes a T-pose.
41. Rotfiends feeding on corpses no longer re-spawn after corpse is burned.
42. Several fixes have been made in the functioning of in-game populaces.
43. Numerous problems with cameras in dialogue sequences have been resolved.
44. Assorted corrections have been made in dialogue sequences (including King Foltest‟s gestures on the town walls in the Prologue).
45. A progression break in the „In the Claws of Madness‟ quest has been eliminated.
I feel bad that I never even noticed #27.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
27. Option to fist fight woman praying at a statue in Vergen has been deactivated.

I don't know why I find this so hilarious.

19. „Dragon‟ section of Prologue does not become available until after all assault-related sections have been completed, thereby softening the difficulty curve at the start of the game.

Not a bad idea, but the difficulty in the game was fine. Seriously, the fact that the game was merciless made the combat that much more fun.


Awesome patch notes. It's amazing how responsive these guys are, even though the resolution should have been included from the beginning. Glad they're adding the waypoint to the Kayren, it really is confusing if you happen to be on the wrong side of him when that sequence starts.

thetrin said:
Not a bad idea, but the difficulty in the game was fine. Seriously, the fact that the game was merciless made the combat that much more fun.

Hmm, I don't know. Since you don't have block any direction yet, I found the prologue group fights frustratingly difficult, but as soon as you get block any direction, the rest of the combat was absurdly easy (I guess I should have upped the difficulty, for some reason it never occured to me. I really did not enjoy teh combat at all, so I guess I was just happy to get it over with asap to get back to the fun parts.) I think the difficulty curve of the entire game needs some serious tweaking.


"17. Mutagens are now alchemy ingredients. Minor mutagens drop more frequently than do major mutagens, though the overall mutagen drop rate has been reduced."

This is great. Mutagens for the most part are useless, especially lessers and normals. Turning them into alchemy ingredients should help a lot as should reducing the drop rate.


Exuro said:
"17. Mutagens are now alchemy ingredients. Minor mutagens drop more frequently than do major mutagens, though the overall mutagen drop rate has been reduced."

This is great. Mutagens for the most part are useless, especially lessers and normals. Turning them into alchemy ingredients should help a lot as should reducing the drop rate.

I agree, although there are so many alchemy ingredients it won't actually make any difference. I never once had to even think about alchemy ingredients except when I was overweight. I did wear the herbalist gloves for the entire game until the last act, so that might have factored in.


I am using the controller as well. It works really well in some areas, especially combat, but as others mentioned the menus are a bit tedious. Is there an option to use both at the same time (i.e. use the mouse in the journal or inventory & controller for combat)?

The OP is very helpful. The AMD hotfix might improve performance with my crossfired cards (2x HD2600s). So far I haven't noticed a difference in performance when crossfire is on or off. A slightly higher FPS count would be amazing because my rig is struggling with this game.


Horns said:
I am using the controller as well. It works really well in some areas, especially combat, but as others mentioned the menus are a bit tedious. Is there an option to use both at the same time (i.e. use the mouse in the journal or inventory & controller for combat)?

The OP is very helpful. The AMD hotfix might improve performance with my crossfired cards (2x HD2600s). So far I haven't noticed a difference in performance when crossfire is on or off. A slightly higher FPS count would be amazing because my rig is struggling with this game.
On my CF 6970, performance have been fixed in 11.6b & 11.6 CAP1.


Gold Member
Wow, that's a pretty sweet patch. Some additional unbolded noteworthy changes from the list above:

3. Item storage has been added. Players can now store items from their Inventory at inns.
4. A "Junk" panel has been added to Inventory to provide greater clarity in item classification.
5. New menu option added in "Extras" - enables players to view in-game animated sequences
7. The game's HUD can now be hidden in order to produce HUD-free screenshots!
12. Patches no longer reset game settings.

All very welcome!
coopolon said:
One of my biggest complaints with the gamepad was when looking at the journal when scrolling down you are actually selecting each entry, thus you can't see if there's any new info (as indicated by an exclamation point). With kb/m house can either use the mousewheel to scroll without selecting any and thus only read up on the new entries. Really did become a pain in the ass since it's constantly updating and there are a lot of entries.

On the controller, use the left stick to select the journal entry. Use the right stick to scroll through the journal entry.


Mohonky said:
Sorry but what?

No way would i even consider mouse and kb.
GTA works just fine with KB/M, and just cause 2 is tons more fun and works great with the keyboard.

I say this because I've played for hours and hours with the keyboard and every time I try to use the controller for a while it ends in frustration because it's not as good.

There are cases where a controller is better (recettear) but this isn't it.


Neo Member
Hi all,
First post here, pretty damn cool forum (think I'll stay!)
I'm hoping I can get some advice on my Witcher performance.
I recently upgraded my video card to an ATI HD6870, 1GB.
However, I'm pretty sure I'm CPU limited. I only have an E2180 Core 2 Duo, 2GHZ (overclocked to 3GHz).
My FPS still hovers in the low 20's high 10's when I move the camera, although when I don't move the framerate is much higher.
What are good options to change to alleviate my CPU limitations?
Buying a new CPU will likely mean buying a new Mobo, which will mean reactivating Windows 7 with a new license (me being just out of the MSDNAA program) so I am a bit loathe to do it.



I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Vandervecken said:
Hi all,
First post here, pretty damn cool forum (think I'll stay!)
I'm hoping I can get some advice on my Witcher performance.
I recently upgraded my video card to an ATI HD6870, 1GB.
However, I'm pretty sure I'm CPU limited. I only have an E2180 Core 2 Duo, 2GHZ (overclocked to 3GHz).
My FPS still hovers in the low 20's high 10's when I move the camera, although when I don't move the framerate is much higher.
What are good options to change to alleviate my CPU limitations?
Buying a new CPU will likely mean buying a new Mobo, which will mean reactivating Windows 7 with a new license (me being just out of the MSDNAA program) so I am a bit loathe to do it.


no options in your case unfortunately. Your CPU is already overclocked and your card is pretty good but bottlenecked by a weak CPU, so you're not getting full perfomance from it.



only bad thing is that this will probably mess up almost all the mods I use.

EDIT: This patch isn't even adding sorting items... already inferior to the excellent inventory mod.


3. Item storage has been added. Players can now store items from their Inventory at inns. To leave items in storage or collect previously stored items, talk to innkeepers.
4. A "Junk" panel has been added to Inventory to provide greater clarity in item classification.
6. A „Quickload‟ option has been added under the F9 key.
15. The launcher now closes completely and no longer continues to operate in the background.
Playthrough delayed again.


Neo Member
subversus said:
no options in your case unfortunately. Your CPU is already overclocked and your card is pretty good but bottlenecked by a weak CPU, so you're not getting full perfomance from it.


I may be able to upgrade my CPU if I stay within the LGA 775 line.
For example, here's what Newegg has in this line:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...N=100007671 600005851&IsNodeId=1&name=LGA 775

What kind of CPU traits should I look to maximize?
Does The Witcher take advantage of parallel cores (i.e. doing more than totally using a single core and shunting all other computer functions to the other core)
Should I aim for pure GHz power? Cache size?


15. The launcher now closes completely and no longer continues to operate in the background.
Crap I just noticed this one. This is going to stop Steam from recording game time isn't it? : /


Vulcano's assistant said:
If you loot a body or chest with numerous items you cannot select which ones to take and which ones to left.

Oh yeaaaaah. Yeah, that makes managing your weight more of a pain. But with the new patch (storage), that might won't be a concern anymore.
Exuro said:
Crap I just noticed this one. This is going to stop Steam from recording game time isn't it? : /

I don't think so. I think this applies to the non-Steam version, where starting the game from the desktop brings up a splash screen that doesn't close when the actual game launches. Nothing to do with Steam overlays I don't think.


IndieJones said:
I don't think so. I think this applies to the non-Steam version, where starting the game from the desktop brings up a splash screen that doesn't close when the actual game launches. Nothing to do with Steam overlays I don't think.
I'm pretty sure Steam tracks TW2 time with the launcher and not the game. When I start it up the game time tracking starts. If that stops then it would stop game time tracker no?
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