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The Witcher 2: Performance Thread [Enhanced Edition Patch - New content & 100+ fixes]


GillianSeed79 said:
Crap. I'm in the middle of Chapter 2 on my Ivoreth playthrough with the no weight limit mod. My weight is probably disgustingly over the limit. Should I just sell everything I don't need? Do crafting components, diagrams, herbs etc. have weight? Or is it just equipment? What's the typical weight limit for a level 20 character?
Yes. Sale want you don't need. You don't really need to keep stuff in this game. Crafting and herbs have weight. Gaining lvls don't increase your weight limit. Think, it's 300 or 350 with Back something skill.
Complistic said:
Can't you just drop everything on the ground, save, then come back for it after the patch?

I'd rather get cash for most of the stuff. I don't think dropping is an option in my case since I'm a packrat and have nearly everything you can pick up in the game.

My other problem is I have multiple end saves. I'm just worried that if install the patch the rest of my game saves where I'm overweight will be borked.
JaseC said:
Nice. I might buy by a 3GB GTX 580 prior to my impending upgrade. I'd tried playing the game with my current lowly HD 5750, but as I'm sure you can imagine the experience wasn't particularly pleasant. There was Triss' hi-res tits and bush and... that's about it.

Edit: I'm currently running an E6420 @ 3.2GHz and 2GB DDR2-800, FWiW. I've posted in this thread before asking what benefits an upgrade to a GTX 580 would bring.

Your processor especially, and your memory will bottleneck a GTX580 if you get one, thus you won't get your money's worth of performance from the GTX 580.


Is there any way to fix the really floaty/laggy mouse cursor yet? I tried changing "Smoothness" to 0 but that didn't seem to do anything. Am I supposed to change "Smoothness" or "Mouse_Smoothness"? I have both of those settings in User.ini.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Tallshortman said:
Your processor especially, and your memory will bottleneck a GTX580 if you get one, thus you won't get your money's worth of performance from the GTX 580.

As mentioned in the very post you quoted, an upgrade is scheduled. If a 580 will allow me to run TW2 at an acceptable framerate with my current components - as it apparently will - I'll be happy until I buy the rest about a month from now.

Suffice to say, I'm not expecting nor desiring, at this point in time, maximum performance from the 580. I just want it to pick up the slack to the point I consider acceptable.
How do you tell what version you have because the patch.exe file isn't working for me. I keep getting an error message.

I deleted and re-installed the game and it said that this would automatically update to the latest version but I don't think it did. I still have the weird lighting problems with my dual 6870s enabled and the bar doesn't seem to have a storage option.

I can't install the patch from the website on top of it, though. Any ideas?

I get an error message that says "installed game version is incompatible or incomplete" whether I use the 1.3 patch or the 0---> 1.3 patch.

If I run the patcher.exe file in the Witcher 2 directory it says "game is already up to date."

I have the GoG version of the game.
I also tried hitting F9 for a quick load option and it did not appear. So I'm pretty sure I don't have this patch even though it won't let me patch it.
So, for anyone using the GOG version, I found a solution:

1) Patch to version 1.1 FROM YOUR GOG library.

2) Patch to version 1.2 from the Witcher 2 website.

3) Patch from 1.2 to 1.3 from Witcher website.

You HAVE to do each of these steps if you using a fresh install.

This is some dumb, dumb bullshit, but it works.


EternalGamer said:
So, for anyone using the GOG version, I found a solution:

1) Patch to version 1.1 FROM YOUR GOG library.

2) Patch to version 1.2 from the Witcher 2 website.

3) Patch from 1.2 to 1.3 from Witcher website.

You HAVE to do each of these steps if you using a fresh install.

This is some dumb, dumb bullshit, but it works.

And this is why I like Steam.


GillianSeed79 said:
Crap. I'm in the middle of Chapter 2 on my Ivoreth playthrough with the no weight limit mod. My weight is probably disgustingly over the limit. Should I just sell everything I don't need? Do crafting components, diagrams, herbs etc. have weight? Or is it just equipment? What's the typical weight limit for a level 20 character?

I have the same mod installed...I think...the mod I have sets the weight of all items to 0. I patched up to 1.3. Have had no issues, and the mod is still functioning.


snoopeasystreet said:
if I was to buy the game today on steam, would it download 1.3 or would it go with 1.0 and then update sequentially?
It goes straight to the latest update, however I don't think 1.3 has released on Steam yet. I haven't gotten an update for it.


Steam is working on a new way to download only the differences between files on the Steam servers. This would result in no more redownloading full game files (aka 14gb) every time a patch would arise. Don't know if it's done yet.

Just an fyi for you Witchers ;D


schnarf said:
I have the same mod installed...I think...the mod I have sets the weight of all items to 0. I patched up to 1.3. Have had no issues, and the mod is still functioning.
Are mods required to fully enjoy the game? Bought on release, played two hours, due to lack of time and vacation.


erotic butter maelstrom
Minamu said:
Are mods required to fully enjoy the game? Bought on release, played two hours, due to lack of time and vacation.

Nope. Some people weren't able to properly manage their inventory, so they used a zero weight mod, but so far there are no essential mods that I'm aware of. Plus, with 1.3 you won't have to resort to that since you'll have a stash now.

I'd like to hear some impressions of the new DLC mission but I suppose that belongs in the OT.


112 MB patch on Steam. I guess they finally got that differential thing working?

edit: It actually patches using CDProjekt's utility.


This intkeys.com cdkey reseller guys have the witcher 2 on sale for 17$. Activates on steam.

PS: Sorry, this shouldnt be in the performance thread

Fuck I really want to play this again with proper 16:10 support but my current PC sort of hits the ceiling with BG2. Maybe I should take the plunge and bring my rig over to the place I'm staying right now.


Gold Member
uuhh, why does the game look worse for me after the patch?
object pop-in everywhere, also doesn't seem to use anisotropic filtering anymore. I'm sure it did before the patch.
So, for anyone using the GOG version, I found a solution:

1) Patch to version 1.1 FROM YOUR GOG library.

2) Patch to version 1.2 from the Witcher 2 website.

3) Patch from 1.2 to 1.3 from Witcher website.

You HAVE to do each of these steps if you using a fresh install.

This is some dumb, dumb bullshit, but it works.
Thank you! That worked.

I thought the game had updated to 1.2 for me when I did my first playthrough but it apparently did not. I was still on a "fresh" install. I patched in 1.1 from y GOG library and then the launcher automatically downloaded and installed 1.2. I then downloaded and installed 1.3 which worked without an issue. I was getting the "game not compatible or incorrect version" error.


Stitch said:
uuhh, why does the game look worse for me after the patch?
object pop-in everywhere, also doesn't seem to use anisotropic filtering anymore. I'm sure it did before the patch.
Dumb question, but did you check to make sure your video settings didn't get changed or reset? Happened to me when updating to 1.2.


Gold Member
kpop100 said:
Dumb question, but did you check to make sure your video settings didn't get changed or reset? Happened to me when updating to 1.2.
yes, everything is on very high. graphics went from "fucking awesome" to "looks ok for an xbox game"...


erotic butter maelstrom
Tom Penny said:
How do you change key bindings?..forget I'm a dummy.

Through the options in the launcher. It is pretty of lame that you have to exit the game just to change the keys.
Stitch said:
uuhh, why does the game look worse for me after the patch?
object pop-in everywhere, also doesn't seem to use anisotropic filtering anymore. I'm sure it did before the patch.

Same thing's happening to me. I tried fixing it by changing the settings in game, which changed the user.ini file and took off the read-only status. Then changed the settings in the config file back to what they were and set it to read-only again, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference. A lot of pop-in, and I notice bloom, even though I've set it to 0 in the user file. Also getting a lot of stuttering where there was very little before. What the hell happened?


Gold Member
yeah everything is on very high settings but the pop-in is reaaally bad.
there was almost no pop-in with 1.2 but now there's A LOT.

awesome patch...
I tried changing the user.ini in both the Documents folder (where I've always changed it) as well as the Witcher 2/bin/config folder (I don't remember seeing this one before) to what I had before, and even left off read-only status before launching, but to no avail. Interestingly, after quitting the game, the files are unchanged. It's like it's just ignoring the user.ini now, as well as any launcher changes, and going with what it thinks is best. I have the Steam version, BTW.

[edit] I posted a topic in Steam's Witcher 2 forums about this. Not sure if they're read regularly by anyone who can make a difference, but I'll post anything I get here.

Also, as an example of pop-in, in front of the inn in Flotsam, there's a stand with a bunch of jars and stuff on it. I basically see none of the items until I'm over half way between the inn and the stand.


I just opened Steam and was greeted by a wonderful 112Mb patch for the Witcher 2, finally no more 9Gb downloads!!! I feel happy, I hope this trend keeps up for future updates.
Dash Kappei said:
So there are no performance improvements with the new patch, right?
There are if you play with an nvidia card with 3D vision. But they seem to have broken the outside shadows in the process. I just started chapter 2 and it's really noticeable with the mountains in the background. Only one eye sees shadowed mountains and the other sees sunlit ones. Looks odd.
My performance has taken a hug hit since I applied the patch just now. My indoor frames have plummeted. I'll have to check my settings. Fuck, not impressed.

False alarm! I just happened to enter a super demanding part of the game with my wee GTS 450. Ten minutes later I was back to normal.


ToastyBanana said:
There are if you play with an nvidia card with 3D vision. But they seem to have broken the outside shadows in the process. I just started chapter 2 and it's really noticeable with the mountains in the background. Only one eye sees shadowed mountains and the other sees sunlit ones. Looks odd.
Yeah I'm getting weird graphics problems as well. Also seems to have broken 360 pad control in menus, including magic selection. Can't even move the cursor in the pause menu to exit the game.


Didn't notice any difference in performance. I'm near the bottom in performance though, most settings at low or off.
Well, I tried verifying the integrity of the files, and bam, it tells me 54 files need to be replaced, at a download of over 9GB. Well isn't that great. Hopefully this fixes it (and I don't exceed my monthly bandwidth).


Dash Kappei said:
So there are no performance improvements with the new patch, right?

For SLI/Crossfire there definately is. I am gaming on a 2600k, 2x580's and prior to the patch I was getting alot of drops from 60 down to 50 and at times to 45 where there is heavy fog and now it is rock solid 60.

In addition, user uber prior to the patch I was getting around 20-24 fps, but now I get 40-45 fps and again, this is WITH UBER!

This is all with the patch, we have yet to see Nvidia release a driver that improves performance, so I am sure that it can and will get better, but for SLI Users you definately get a pretty big boost in performance.


Kurashima said:
After downloading all 9GB, starting the game, it auto-patched itself again, and same problems as before. Well that's just fucking swell.
Yeah I'd just forget about it for now, the new patch messed a few things up seems like. Hopefully there'll be out with a fix soon.

What's bothering me most right now is having gamepad support disabled for menus. It worked initially, broke from patch 1.1, was fixed in 1.2, and is now more broken than ever with 1.3.

Ah, well.
Everyone should post what version of the game they have. Perhaps it's a Steam thing, especially with them trying out the small patches for the first time.
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