Just discovered that crafted bolts don't come with infinite ammo like the base bolt. Womp womp 
While playing the game suddenly someone rang the bell and BOOM!
Gwynbleidd slaying a Griffin
lol I love that. They have so much health that if you even attempt to fight the creature it'll take an hour. Keep in mind that the monster can one shot you. LolI am level 4 and struggling with level 6 enemies. And the game wants me to travel down a dark mine and possibly fight a Level 33 monster that can take apart humans like a jigsaw puzzle. Sure, I'll get right to it.
Accidentally discovered you can use Axii on your horse to stop it being scared.
Are there any alternate signs that are clearly superior to the default ones? I want to know what I should invest my precious ability points into.
Are there any alternate signs that are clearly superior to the default ones? I want to know what I should invest my precious ability points into.
dis game
Are there any alternate signs that are clearly superior to the default ones? I want to know what I should invest my precious ability points into.
where can i find?Emerald Dust
Since i need it to makeViper Steel Sword and a Silver Sword.
I mean they aren't usually take up too much space, I haven't sold a single ingredient and I'm about 30 hours in. I mean if you need the cash go for it, but I'd rather just keep most the flowers and stuff in case i need it, instead of having to run around to find it later.What's the best way to deal with inventory? I've been selling off weapons and armor I don't need, but I have an absolute shit ton of random alchemy and crafting supplies. I'm still really early in the game so I don't know what I'll need. Should I sell it all off?
First time I've heard someone say they have a lot of money, lol. Finally getting some cash myself; never been so broke in an RPG before. Just repairing is insanely expensive; there was a time when I couldn't even afford to do that so I was carrying two sets of every sword, lol.
What's the best way to deal with inventory? I've been selling off weapons and armor I don't need, but I have an absolute shit ton of random alchemy and crafting supplies. I'm still really early in the game so I don't know what I'll need. Should I sell it all off?
when do we get to encounter sirens?
I encountered them on my way to the"Black Pearl" side mission in Skellige Islands.
Also keep in mind you don't loose access to the default sign. Hitting R2 once will trigger the default Sign, while holding R2 activates its alternative once you unlock.
This made me feel better about upgrading Axii, maybe it will you too.
Have I hit a bug?
Get Junior quest. To meet Roche by the bridge in oxenfurt, but he's not there.
I'm still in Velen trying clear everything before going to Skellige lol
I won't get the golden trophy for beating it on Blood and broken Bones, when I had it on normal, right ?
Anyone know?Main quest, so if it is bugged I'm screwed.
Your figure seems that came better than most. From this shots its seems it doesnt have may painting problems (although seems your sword has the same problem as mine).
If you find something strange in your figure though, visit this thread http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1050306. Some of us are trying to get contact of CDPR to see if we can get any replacements.
Do you mean mermaids? 'cause those i'm talking about are flying...
The one later this year is a major quest line in Oxenfurt. The one next year is a new location, Toussaint, which is down south in Nilffgaard territory.Does anyone know what's in the paid expansion DLC?
Who the hell designed the?werewolf fight
Terrible. The health regen is pure bullshit. The fact that he hits you less than a millisecond after the cut-scene is bullshit. By the time you regain composure he's back at full health. Really stupid design here, hadn't been frustrated with the game until now.
Last time I accidentally stumbled into a random cave the game updated a quest and recommended that I should visit a certain person who gives a quest so I don't miss out on the Witcher pay.I know this is open world but is it similar to Skyrim as in exploration is encourages where you find dungeons and caves to explore or is everything quest related?
http://store.steampowered.com/app/355880/Does anyone know what's in the paid expansion DLC?
Hearts of Stone will take Geralt on an all-new 10-hour adventure intoBlood and Wine, a 20-hour talethe wilds of No Man’s Land and the nooks and alleys of Oxenfurt, where he’ll try to complete a contract from the mysterious Man of Glass. Caught in a thick tangle of deceit, Geralt will need all his cunning and strength to solve the mystery and emerge unscathed.that will introduce the all-new in-game region of Toussaint, will take Geralt to a land untainted by war, where an atmosphere of carefree indulgence and knightly ritual masks an ancient, bloody secret.
The upcoming expansions will offer gamers new content, gear and foes, and will feature characters both new and dearly missed -- all crafted with maximum attention to detail and quality.
I know this is open world but is it similar to Skyrim as in exploration is encourages where you find dungeons and caves to explore or is everything quest related?
I know this is open world but is it similar to Skyrim as in exploration is encourages where you find dungeons and caves to explore or is everything quest related?
The wayruns/ walks is annoying as hell.Ciri
You probably play on the PS4. It's a known bug.Also, I'm questioning the stats play time report in game. It claims I've been playing for 5 days but that is impossible. I've played maybe 5-6 hours a night since release. More last night because of the weekend but nowhere near that. And it can't be in game time because in one sitting I let 5 days pass.
So have people figured out yet how not to button mash during fighting? I have no clue how to predict Gerald's moveset. At least I think I don't have a clue. Sometimes he spins. Sometimes he thrusts. As a consequence, I button mash my way through fights.
Make sure you have a good silver sword for that quest, it makes a huge difference on him. I had accidentally equipped a shitty one and it barely did anything, went back and put on a much stronger one and it ripped through him so quickly I didn't even notice the regen.Who the hell designed the?werewolf fight
Terrible. The health regen is pure bullshit. The fact that he hits you less than a millisecond after the cut-scene is bullshit. By the time you regain composure he's back at full health. Really stupid design here, hadn't been frustrated with the game until now.
In The Witcher, you'll get punished for button mashing. You have to use a mix of swordplay,magic,parrying,stepping aside and rolling over. If you dont do that you'll get hurt real bad. I assume you haven't played the first two games right?