So I started playing yesterday on a 560gtx (and even worse cpu), put everything on medium, and it was pretty choppy. 15-30 fps more in the low spectrum (suprisingly, character interacions and interiors still looked amazingly great even on medium)
Of course, its a 560. Im still waiting to see if I buy a new pc with a 970, or wait for the new directx 12 cards. I dont really know what to do though

I really really want to play the witcher 3, but I dont know if its better to wait and play it on all its splendour on the first time, or beat it once with low settings (or maybe I use medium on 720p, as im now using 1080), and then beat it again with all the settings up.
Also played Gwent (gwynt in spanish, I suppose thats from the polish tanslation, just like we call Dandelion, Jaskier, just like in poland), and it was surprisingly easy.
Read some tips here about letting your competitor win the first round and it works like charm.
Also really fun.