Has to be alternate costumes for both probably. I toggled Yen's for the first story mission on Skellige. It fit nicely :3Well, the ini files reference DLC costumes for Ciri and Triss. Also, more Gwent cards.
Has to be alternate costumes for both probably. I toggled Yen's for the first story mission on Skellige. It fit nicely :3Well, the ini files reference DLC costumes for Ciri and Triss. Also, more Gwent cards.
Holy crap. You can Axii something like that character? That's redonkulous.Fight from a random ! quest so it isn't much of a spoiler, but here's a decent example of how hilariously strong Axii is.
Fight from a random ! quest so it isn't much of a spoiler, but here's a decent example of how hilariously strong Axii is.
Also, more Gwent cards.
Beautiful! But I don't like the quality of the background so I changed it a little, it can be improved here and here but oh well:
Well that explains why i keep finding "Concerned Citizens Sermons" around Novigrad... damnit.I understand playing with some directness, but that was essentially a detective mission. Not a "hack=slash-ask-questions-later" mission.In trying to save one girl you ensured that more girls would be murdered.
I am enjoying this game a lot.
Cutscenes and storytelling is so much more compelling and enjoyable than Dragon Age. The facial animations add so much genuine emotion, unlike the stiff faces of most other games (lip syncing seems a tiny bit off, or somewhat wooden with some words)
Combat is serviceable, though I haven't played much of it. Though I wish one day we'd get a Souls-lite sort of gameplay in a big RPG like this. Are there any RPGs with great combat anyway?
I did a sidequest regarding a haunted well. Really liked it. I enjoy that so far, quests are easy to follow and understand. I am not overwhelmed like in Dragon Age with a bunch of meaningless fetch quests. I will slowly take on quests as they come, and seeing as they are apparently mostly done well, I'm excited for it.
Dont mind the fidgety movement, though it'd be better to not have it.
One thing, I wish I could talk to people while on my horse. I hate getting off just to talk to someone.
The world is so vibrant. It's so nice to play an RPG with such a vibrant world. There's Oblivion too, but this game really looks like one of those 80s medieval cartoons where everything is nice and bright.
Are all the states connected? Or do you have to fast travel to them, like in Dragon Age Inquisition?
Lastly, I need to try and get some background info and past characters and games and stories. Can anyone help (Witcher 1/2 spoilers I guess):
Is Ciri actually adopted? She has white hair, which made me think she was Geralt and Yen's.
Where did Ciri go?
What is her Father's history with Geralt and Yen?
Right now, there's a war between the powerful South, and which North army? So far, they are just attacking villages in the way. Does Geralt not care? He's not involved in the war, right? It's just a backdrop, or did he have a part in it? Is the war simply over land, or does it involve the resulting presence of magic/monsters?
What is Geralt even doing at the beginning of the game? He's tracking Yen, but why and how? What led him to that situation, and why is he so close to finding her? What does he want? Where was Yen going in that opening cinematic?
Whoa. Game changer.Also, more Gwent cards.
Found my new wallpaper from Reddit:
It's a fan art. Amazing work.
Holy crap. You can Axii something like that character? That's redonkulous.
I don't like Yennifer. She seems cruel and self involved deep down. Glad I romanced Triss - going to try and make a happy ending between her and Geralt. I do feel bad about it though, as Yen and Geralt clearly have a deep connection and raised Ciri together. Oh well. Geralt is cat daddy supreme, I suppose I'll play through again and choose Yen the next time.
Is Ciri actually adopted? She has white hair, which made me think she was Geralt and Yen's.
Where did Ciri go?
What is her Father's history with Geralt and Yen?
Right now, there's a war between the powerful South, and which North army? So far, they are just attacking villages in the way. Does Geralt not care? He's not involved in the war, right? It's just a backdrop, or did he have a part in it? Is the war simply over land, or does it involve the resulting presence of magic/monsters?
What is Geralt even doing at the beginning of the game? He's tracking Yen, but why and how? What led him to that situation, and why is he so close to finding her? What does he want? Where was Yen going in that opening cinematic?
I don't like Yennifer. She seems cruel and self involved deep down. Glad I romanced Triss - going to try and make a happy ending between her and Geralt. I do feel bad about it though, as Yen and Geralt clearly have a deep connection and raised Ciri together. Oh well. Geralt is cat daddy supreme, I suppose I'll play through again and choose Yen the next time.
Wish I could continue playingI keep thinking about the game, but I won't play until they fix the freaking XP bug.
What XP bug?
She's not really cruel, she just calls out everyone on their bullshit and won't let anything stop her in saving her loved ones. She has some really great lines.
Witchers and sorceresses are infertile btwThanks Eatchildren and ghostmaster!
For a super lazy response, you might consider reading these:Lastly, I need to try and get some background info and past characters and games and stories. Can anyone help (Witcher 1/2 spoilers I guess):
Is Ciri actually adopted? She has white hair, which made me think she was Geralt and Yen's.
Where did Ciri go?
Does Geralt not care?
Can happen on all platforms. I'm on PS4 and not getting any main quest XP anymore.
I don't like Yennifer. She seems cruel and self involved deep down. Glad I romanced Triss - going to try and make a happy ending between her and Geralt. I do feel bad about it though, as Yen and Geralt clearly have a deep connection and raised Ciri together. Oh well. Geralt is cat daddy supreme, I suppose I'll play through again and choose Yen the next time.
Geralt lifted a curse from her dad and when asked what he wanted for a reward, he utilized the Law of Surprise (a traditional Witcher thing) which claims "that which you have but do not know you have." That ended up being Ciri, since the dude didn't realize his wife was pregnant. Geralt doesn't take her right away, but more or less, years later, he takes her in and takes her to train as a Witcher (even though she can't be a full Witcher as a woman). So TL;DR, yeah she's pretty much his adopted daughter.
So it's only for quests you complete that have a recommended level six higher than your own?
Please read my edit above.
Well, the ini files reference DLC costumes for Ciri and Triss. Also, more Gwent cards.
They're very different characters with distinct personalities, but one thing to understand with Yennefer is that behind her cold, authoritarian personality is someone who still genuinely loves the people in her life. Triss is warmer and softer. Yen just doesn't fuck around and has no time for bullshit. She's Queen Bee.
Then what isclaim toEmhyr's?Ciri
Well that sucks. I don't think it's affecting me, though I haven't really properly checked either. Hmmm .
That father was Emhyr
I hate to repeat myself, but I think it bears repeating so that Yen doesn't just get a pure "bitch reputation." Yes, she's biting, sarcastic and very direct (perhaps to the point of insensitivity). But, she does love people immensely (like Ciri and Geralt). In terms of her attitude towards Geralt, I think people really don't understand the history of the plot if they're seeing it as meanness or something. Geralt developed amnesia. Triss used this as an opportunity to hook up with him and try to pull him away from Yen (who he had been with for a long time). Triss was/is? one of Yen's best friends. How would you act towards a significant other that slept with your best friend? So yes, Yen is harsh, sarcastic and sometimes even a little mean. Triss on the other hand, under her fun, "nice" exterior is also manipulative and took advantage of Geralt on more than one occasion. I can see having a preference for one, but it's not like one is some shining angel.I don't like Yennifer. She seems cruel and self involved deep down. Glad I romanced Triss - going to try and make a happy ending between her and Geralt. I do feel bad about it though, as Yen and Geralt clearly have a deep connection and raised Ciri together. Oh well. Geralt is cat daddy supreme, I suppose I'll play through again and choose Yen the next time.
Then what isclaim toEmhyr's?Ciri
^ Thanks a lot again.
Sorry, one last question. If this world of monsters and magic mixed in with the normal world (how long ago was this?), why is there war between humans? You would think the north and south would unite.
Or was that invasion so long ago that monsters just live in certain parts of the world by themselves, and everyone accepts it? I got the idea from the intro that the other realm invaded the human world, but it seems like it just explains that they exist, but they are not necessarily trying to kill everyone.
How big is the mage population? In a game like Dragon Age, it's a central plot point, and it makes sense since you either are magical or not, and magic has power.
But most people in this game seem human so far, unless the mage population lives together on another land? Do they go around effing shit up? Are they not a big presence?
Just finishedquestline. Amazing. Most games don't have a story for the entire game as intricate as that. Probably the best storyline I have ever played in a game."The Bloody Baron"
I chose to. Sosave the Orphans(as I think she is alive). Did I make the right choice?everyone died but Tamarra
It's mentioned in the intro speech by the old man that is happened in the Conjunction of the Spheres, which happened 1,500 years prior to the books.Sorry, one last question. If this world of monsters and magic mixed in with the normal world (how long ago was this?), why is there war between humans? You would think the north and south would unite.
Massive modern rpg ignorance incoming. Trying to get an idea of whether I'll enjoy this game. I've never played it's prequels. I generally haven't enjoyed modern rpgs, both Mass Effect and Fallout 3 weren't my cup of tea at all and I got bored fast. That said I like the look of this and need something new to play. Any thoughts Gaf?
Order is
Basic - Enhanced
Superior - Mastercrafted
Feline Set
Griffin Set
Ursine Set
I can't seem to find a straight answer.If I told Triss toleave with the mages, will she still return in main quests?
Total tangent, but I still don't get if she's allergic to magic or magical potions. Because if she's allergic to magic itself, does that mean she's naturally beautiful, rather than the other sorceresses who have changed their appearance?EDIT: From memory Triss is actually allergic to magic.
what exactly is it you find offputting in other games that you're worried about? What did they lacked that presumably appealed to you in older RPGs?
Crows' Perch armorerWhere can I find Merchant/Forge/New Saddles to ease my burden?