Yes, the 10'x10' rooms in The Order look better, but that is to be expected. The hardware has to run much less and artists can focus on a smaller amount of content to create.Even when comparing to the PC version on Ultra?
Yes, the 10'x10' rooms in The Order look better, but that is to be expected. The hardware has to run much less and artists can focus on a smaller amount of content to create.Even when comparing to the PC version on Ultra?
good god, man, haven't you played dark souls or anything?
The game has an inverted difficulty curve, like a lot of open world RPGs. The beginning, when you're unfamiliar with movement and your spells/abilities are at their least functional is the toughest moment.
Use spells and oils liberally. Quen is good for tanking hits from large enemies.. Everything else is good for crowd control.
Dodge more than rolling.
Once you level up a bit these tips become irrelevant. You'll develop a style. Basically everything is viable as long as you dodge here and there and make sure to level up at least one spell.
A couple of other people have already given some good advice. I'd add on that, if you're being 2-shot on normal difficulty, you're probably fighting something significantly higher level than you, so you should probably run away from those. For a visual version of much of the advice that you've been given, you can see my video here:I am ready to sell this game, because all it is doing is just pissing me off.
I'm sick of getting shitty loot and good weapons being hard to come by. I'm level 6 and the best I can find is a level 2 sword.
Im sick of enemies dealing massive damage on you. Two hits kills on the second easiest difficulty is just unfair.
Tired of the crappy dodge mechanics where you often will get you backed into a corner and don't work fast enough to evade an enemy attack.
Sick of the ultra slow and crappy health regen system. This is honestly the worst part, because when enemies do attacks that deal massive damage, thanks to the target lock on, it's very difficult to create enough distance between you and the hard enemy to regen your health at a reasonable rate.
The target lock on is the worst ever.
Shirty control system. What in the goddamn fuck was CDPR thinking having the interact and run button as the same?
I am just so frustrated. I wanted a game that was easier after Bloodborne, but this game is actually quite a bit harder for me.
Without lock on, I can very rapidly switch to targets distant to my lock on rather than cycling through them, and I don't have the camera automatically rotate when I dodge/roll which helps me keep my eyes on the whole battle. Lock on also makes the camera follow the opponent as they circle me which might make me lose sight of some enemies. Overall, I find manual camera control with the soft lock to be superior for multiple opponent fights.Not sure why people are recommending not using lock on. Locking on and quick switching makes it so easy to manage a group of enemies (B&BB).
Quoting for exposure and further testing, especially since some people want to get some serious witchering done this weekend.One of my buddies has been studying this exp bug for a couple days now, and he has been able to recreate the circumstances that causes it. He showed me a video he recorded; if you accept a quest at night while it's raining, AND if your Geralt has a beard, the exp bug will occur until you shave again. Weird, I know.
It's based on your decision with the spirit in the tree. Clearly you chose to kill it. If you choose to set it free, there's an entirely different outcome.
No,the baron hangs himself when you chose to free the tree spirit, because Anna cannot be rescued anymore, because the Crones cursed her, and she will die that way anyway, the other outcome is killing the tree spirit and Anna will live.
If you don't kill the tree spirit his wife dies and he hangs himself
Damn, so I picked up some random level 20+ Crossbow and level 20+ crossbow arrows, whilst in Velen, only problem is I'm only level 10. Both are taking up a combined weight of about 5-6kg in my inventory, and right now that's a nuisance to me. Is there any way I can drop or store them somewhere, where they're guaranteed to stay for the entire game?
Damn, so I picked up some random level 20+ Crossbow and level 20+ crossbow arrows, whilst in Velen, only problem is I'm only level 10. Both are taking up a combined weight of about 5-6kg in my inventory, and right now that's a nuisance to me. Is there any way I can drop or store them somewhere, where they're guaranteed to stay for the entire game?
apparently you can drop them at any location you can revisit and they'll stay there forever.
apparently you can drop them at any location you can revisit and they'll stay there forever.
It's scary though, who knows if a new patch, respawn or anything might screw that up. Apparently you can also put them in any chest, but I don't know, could be consequences. Arrows aren't too expensive though so it's worth a shot.
It's scary though, who knows if a new patch, respawn or anything might screw that up. Apparently you can also put them in any chest, but I don't know, could be consequences. Arrows aren't too expensive though so it's worth a shot.
These are some pretty bad ass arrows though. I think they're like +20 silver attack or something. Which is considerably higher than what I'm getting right now (+6 to +8 silver attack). And the crossbow too (+17X% attack).
The Xbox One patch mates a huge difference, stuttering is long gone.
yeah,....but it's gonna take a good chunk of the game to get to lv 20 froim where you will probbaly find something equally powerful along the way
True, I'll probably risk it. I was going to leave it inside the Armory store in Oxenfort. What do you guys think, good location to test it?
apparently you can drop them at any location you can revisit and they'll stay there forever.
I did that with the griffin armor, left in the ground near the blacksmith in Crow's Perch.
It disappeared. :/
I did that with the griffin armor, left in the ground near the blacksmith in Crow's Perch.
It disappeared. :/
My fellow Death March brothers, what skills are you rolling with? I've finished everything in White Orchard without single skill point.
All I do is...
But seriously. I now realise I should use my skill points. So far I've put 3 into Quen, becuase Quen is love, Quen is life. Don't know what else to prioritize. Fast attack and strong attack? What about signs, aside from Quen. I don't wanna screw this up.
My fellow Death March brothers, what skills are you rolling with? I've finished everything in White Orchard without single skill point.
All I do is...[IMG]
But seriously. I now realise I should use my skill points. So far I've put 3 into Quen, becuase Quen is love, Quen is life. Don't know what else to prioritize. Fast attack and strong attack? What about signs, aside from Quen. I don't wanna screw this up.[/QUOTE]
Witcher 3's skill tree doesn't really look like it's meant for cross-spending. I spent one point for Sun & Stars (health/stamina regeneration), and then everything else in fast attack strength, fast attack critical hits and dodging. Will continue with the more hardcore fast attack skills. If you're going for signs, I guess keep spending points for signs? It opens up the more powerful stuff.
[quote="Rhaknar, post: 165752939"]hmm the problem with fucking around doing a million sidequests is you forget what happened hours before. Im doing this baron quest (since I now outlevel it) and everyone in there is afraid of me and the guards attack me. says its because of what happened at the crossroads
remind me, what happened at the crossroads? was that the [SPOILER]inn where the innkeeper lady gets her face smashed in by the girl and we intervene[/SPOILER]? I dont remember killing anyone there but I guess we did? lol[/QUOTE]
Check the quest log, it has a history of everything that's happened in the quest. If it's not there, look under the "Completed quests" tab.
My fellow Death March brothers, what skills are you rolling with? I've finished everything in White Orchard without single skill point.
All I do is...
But seriously. I now realise I should use my skill points. So far I've put 3 into Quen, becuase Quen is love, Quen is life. Don't know what else to prioritize. Fast attack and strong attack? What about signs, aside from Quen. I don't wanna screw this up.
Check the quest log, it has a history of everything that's happened in the quest. If it's not there, look under the "Completed quests" tab.
The bug is only affecting my main quests, maybe try to get to some side content. I just spent all day clearing out the ? marks in Velen/Novigrad.Got the XP bug. Stuck in a Ciri quest line now where nothing is rewarding xp. No prior saves. Whole weekend to play and I see no point![]()
The bug is only affecting my main quests, maybe try to get to some side content. I just spent all day clearing out the ? marks in Velen/Novigrad.
How dare you not embrase the love of quen. You disgust me with your flamethrower hands...Im using flamethrower hands because fire is life, not qwen, and also the mind control because the game, like the souls games, doesnt really handle multiple opponents well imo so I like to control one of them from a distance and let it either kill another one, or die itself from fighting the others
I think I'll definitely build fast attack in that case. Seems everyone has it in every build, and it's obviously super useful.Witcher 3's skill tree doesn't really look like it's meant for cross-spending. I spent one point for Sun & Stars (health/stamina regeneration), and then everything else in fast attack strength, fast attack critical hits and dodging. Will continue with the more hardcore fast attack skills. If you're going for signs, I guess keep spending points for signs? It opens up the more powerful stuff.
So far I'm doing Quen, Axii, Fast Attack, Heavy Attack and a few random perks (higher vitality, quicker health regen etc. Also did just one upgrade for Yrden which I activate only when needed, just so I get that extra 5 seconds to trap and damage wraiths.
The bug is only affecting my main quests, maybe try to get to some side content. I just spent all day clearing out the ? marks in Velen/Novigrad.
Speaking of the question marks, anybody know how to get to this one? Its on top of a mountain with a huge tree up there as well.
Last one I need and I'm starting to think it might be in the cave, but I searched in there as well.
Seems to be completely random so its worth a shot. All side quests, question marks and Witcher contracts gave me XP, but no story stuff does.It affects side-quests as well.
I would say its not that big of a deal to finish that and have that be the only thing you don't get XP on, but thats my opinion. I would understand if you don't want to risk that. Maybe keep a save where you are now, complete it and see if side content gives you XP. If not then best hope is the patch next weekAll my saves are stuck right at the end of something dandelion related. So I can't load prior to play elsewhere.
Speaking of the question marks, anybody know how to get to this one? Its on top of a mountain with a huge tree up there as well.
Last one I need and I'm starting to think it might be in the cave, but I searched in there as well.
LOL and here i thought the fist fighting tournament was getting stale.regarding the fist fighting tournament
cant fucking believe i had to fight a bear with my hands. Before going into the arena I thought "hur dur i bet it's a troll!" only for it to be a bear. What happened next? Fucking fist fought a troll.
Were my favorite moments. And he even left one out. Look forward to it.LOL and here i thought the fist fighting tournament was getting stale.
Just finished White Orchard. Two things.
1) The Gwent player in the VJESUS. took more than a few tries to beat him.izima palace.
Is it always gonna be that tough?
2) Holy crap, the world just got a lot bigger. Had to turn it off because overwhelmed and need sleep![img]
Don't quit your day job, Geralt.
e: holy shit, there's a song that starts exactly like one of the Simpsons halloween specials songs starts[/QUOTE]
That quest was amazing.
That quest was amazing.
I was getting very nauseated when in Novigrad, because with a controller you can't run and move the camera at the same time. Not being able to see when turning combined with Geralt's movement in general made the camera wobble around a lot. So, on my PS4 I've swapped the X and L2 buttons and that's made SUCH a difference in the city. (Fucking love this feature.) I'll of course change the controls back when outside the city or when fighting.
Damn, that sucks its gonna bug me lolWas eluding me too, so just searched it, seems like it's only obtainable during a quest.