Fighting the botchling on Death March is kind of terrible, just due to how much health it has. It isn't a hard fight, but it takes forever to get through.
how could you?
what do you do when you have no potions and stuck in the middle of a story quest (Dungeon) with very little health??
everything is pretty much killing me in one hit, and its not fun running around with 1% HP trying to fight 100s of enemies and no potions for HP regen..
I already did the lubberkin path on my first playthrough. Had to see the otherside. Baron gets really mad/ could you?
This too. Was surprised this part was so different.the part after with the peller is actually way more interesting imo.
I find it literally impossible that you don't have alcohol to replenish your potions by meditating
please explain further
I find it literally impossible that you don't have alcohol to replenish your potions by meditating
please explain further
Explain that when you meditate you replenish ALL your potions and use up 1 alcohol to do it, or explain that I find it impossible that you are out of alcohol to do it since its everywhere and i have literally hundreds, unless you don't loot anything.
You just need to meditate 1 hour to get your potions back (potions, oils, bombs etc)
I already did the lubberkin path on my first playthrough. Had to see the otherside. Baron gets really mad/sad.![]()
I had the same experience in what I think is probably the same area. You have to kill all harpies.I had a SUPER awkward "locked into combat" scenario while I was getting the Ursine armor. There's a bunch of harpies outside and some jumps to make, but Geralt partway into it started his combat pose right over a gap so I fell inbetween and was on a small patch of ground, unable to get out and just jump up to fight on a better area. I'm not missing something there, right? There's no button to disengage? Running didn't help when I went through the area again as you still can't actually jump, only roll and dodge even though the whole area was awkward as shit to actually combat in.
Damn, already on your 2nd playthrough? 61 hours in and I'm still dicking around in Novigrad and haven't even seen Skellige.
Explain that when you meditate you replenish ALL your potions and use up 1 alcohol to do it, or explain that I find it impossible that you are out of alcohol to do it since its everywhere and i have literally hundreds, unless you don't loot anything.
You just need to meditate 1 hour to get your potions back (potions, oils, bombs etc)
also how do I repair my swords?, it keeps telling me to use oil, but i cant find any oil in my inv (even though it said oil obtained)
Oil is to buff them, repair kits is to fix them. Or at any blacksmith they have a repair tab
so I guess you didn't know meditating replenished your potions?![]()
I had the same experience in what I think is probably the same area. You have to kill all harpies.
nope, didn't know meditating replenished potions, really handy, thanks
so in the middle of this dungeon, if its telling me to constantly repair my Sword, do I need to wait for a blacksmith before doing so?, i repaired the sword just before entering
Apparently finishers can be a bit OP. I was watching my cousin play as a level 6 facing a level 16 bandit camp. He allowed the archer to take out a couple of his own swordsmen then faced the other two. With a swordsman having full health, my cousin parried one of it's attacks, cast Axii, and went on to slice his head off. He repeated for the other one. His strong attacks barely even moved the health bar of these guys but he was able to one shot them.
How do you pull off a finisher anyway? Do they use adrenaline points? And did Axii have anything to do with it at all? He mentioned that he held the button for strong attack when he did this. The first time was a complete accident according to him, but with repeating exactly what he did to the first guy he was able to pull the finisher on the second guy as well.
Apparently finishers can be a bit OP. I was watching my cousin play as a level 6 facing a level 16 bandit camp. He allowed the archer to take out a couple of his own swordsmen then faced the other two. With a swordsman having full health, my cousin parried one of it's attacks, cast Axii, and went on to slice his head off. He repeated for the other one. His strong attacks barely even moved the health bar of these guys but he was able to one shot them.
How do you pull off a finisher anyway? Do they use adrenaline points? And did Axii have anything to do with it at all? He mentioned that he held the button for strong attack when he did this. The first time was a complete accident according to him, but with repeating exactly what he did to the first guy he was able to pull the finisher on the second guy as well.
AFAIK it's a random chance.
Its a dice roll. There are items that increase the probability of doing a dismemberment.
Triss for life m8's.
Triss for life m8's.
Missing more than 2000 now. Novigrad didn't give anything.
Do you not have any repair kit on you? It's the little tool bag looking items, there's one for swords and one for armor. They are square shaped items
only got the armor one, guess i have to buy it at a blacksmith?
Triss for life m8's.
You spelled Keira weirdly
I'll hang out with Triss any day of the week while Geralt can have his family. Then againthe lodge is about to be operational again so there is the possibility that one might run into Philippa Eilhart or Sile Tancarville
function CDLCManager::IsNewGamePlusAvailable(): Bool
function CR4IngameMenu::OnNewGamePlusCalled(saveListIndex: Int32): Bool
function CR4IngameMenu::SendNewGamePlusSaves()
function CStoryScenePreviewPlayer::EnableNewGamePlus(enable: Bool)
function CStoryScenePreviewPlayer::NewGamePlus(flag: Bool)
function CStoryScenePreviewPlayer::StartNewGamePlus(filename: String)
function IngameMenuStructureCreator::AddNewGamePlusOption(tag: Int32, parentArray: CScriptedFlashArray)
function W3GameParams::GetNewGamePlusLevel(): Int32
function W3GameParams::SetNewGamePlusLevel(playerLevel: Int32)
function W3PlayerWitcher::NewGamePlusInitialize()
function W3ReplacerCiri::NewGamePlusInitialize()
function CDLCManager::IsNewGamePlusAvailable(): Bool {
return theGame.GetDLCManager().IsDLCAvailable('dlc_009_001') && hasSaveDataToLoad();
I just grabbed the feline armor and am not too pleased with the appearance. I don't hate it, but I definitely prefered the griffin armor in terms of looks. Maybe after I grab the feline swords I will go get the diagrams for the next upgrade for the griffin.
Jesus, man. I am never going to get through this game. I finally just sailed to Skellige this morning then when I fired the game up tonight I immediately left (before doing a single quest/sidequest in Skellige) and went back to Novigrad to get the cat armor and ended up picking up a new Witcher contract there. I wish I could take a week off just to play this game non-stop.
Just wait until you get that ursine armor set.
Oh, and apparently you're in Skellige, go get them.
It was just a joke. I'm not seriously suggesting that this game could or should have starred Jazz Jackrabbit, though it does make some sense if you think about it from the lore perspective.
Sorry if I wasn't clear, I was trying to explain why the outfit was disappointing to me, as a book reader. It's the removal of such traits that makes Video Game Triss a dull character. She's basically just an attractive celebrity without the trauma and sadness she's always trying to hide or mask with her giggly personality, and the games justify these changes with a lazy journal entry that basically said "oh, I guess she's changed at some point," and a dumb joke about her scars healing.
It would be a perfectly fine dress for everyone else (maybe not Geralt).But Zoltan would look fabulous in it.
Well these are expendable unlike the potions. I'm starting to think you don't do a lot of looting my friend >_>
Alone 4 ever, doods.Triss for life m8's.