Gwent match.
ON Horses
I lol'd.
Gwent match.
ON Horses
ColonialRaptor are you going to share this supposed xp fix mod with the rest of us or what?
Probably common knowledge but I sure as hell didn't know. Just ate a magical acorn (by accident was my last food) and it gave me +2 ability points.
Probably common knowledge but I sure as hell didn't know. Just ate a magical acorn (by accident was my last food) and it gave me +2 ability points.
Friendsss, the magic lamp questis it worth it to do? Because I'm really thinking about walking away. Already did in one save actually, but I'll go back if need be
Ugh I have stopped earning XP in certain quests, is this permanent?
Ugh I have stopped earning XP in certain quests, is this permanent?
Fuuuuu, ok thanksI love this game. I saved a guy from pirates and he went on to tell me about a sister who was kidnapped by them. I almost thought I would have to go on a quest and find her but no I've already met her in a pervious mission so I told the guy where she was and he rewarded me.
Yeah because you will need the lamp for a mission.
1. Map icons not being present. In a normal open world game if I need to see a specific NPC there is a map icon that will let me know at all times where that NPC is located. In Witcher 3 those icons would appear and disappear seemingly at random. I need to go and see a Blacksmith, why is there no Blacksmith icon showing up. For the most part I now know where specific vendors are when I need something, but why not just make them ALWAYS appear? It makes no sense and can be very annoying when you're in a new area or in a city that is difficult to get around if you are looking for a specific vendor.
2. Weapons unselecting between combat sessions. I almost always keep my crossbow as my go to item, but quite a few times I would have to inexplicably reselect it.
3. Long load times between dying. No explanation needed.
4. Fall damage. Why does falling 10 feat take away three quarters or my health? That's ridiculous. While most games allow you to fall from ridiculous heights with little to no health penalty, but in this game its frustrating at parts where you have to drop down several ledges and given its very easy for geralt to walk too far you can end up taking fall damage from falling the shortest of differences. This is a game. Dont make it be realistic.
5. Inventory management can be a nightmare and really bogs down later in the game. There should have been a way to sort items better than the default. Sometimes I'd like to know what items are heaviest and I should have also been able to equip items easier. Very poorly designed. Simple things like trying to sell enemies or equip new potions were a biiger pain in the ass than expected.
6. LET ME RUN PAST THE FUCKING ENEMIES WITHOUT FORCING ME INTO COMBAT MODE. Most of the time I could manage, but in combat mode you slow down and Geralt has annoying tendency to turn around and when you just want to ignore wolfs it can be annoying.
7. The interact prompt seems to not work at times. This could affect some quests even.
8. Finding the enhanced or superior versions of recipes should automatically unlock the regular version. Or the recipes should be available at all vendors once you reach a certain point in the game.
9. Once you unlock a fast travel station, just let us use fast travel whenever.
10. Minor complaint in Gwent, the cards will some times block out the cards you want to see.
If anyone has solutions for the complaints that I may have missed. I am all ears.
Stuff other people complained about, but I am not really noticing.
Bad framerates - been pretty smooth for me.
XP glitch - I can see this making my blood boil.
Where do you get this acorn?
From looting a certain boss during a main quest missionImlerith
Probably common knowledge but I sure as hell didn't know. Just ate a magical acorn (by accident was my last food) and it gave me +2 ability points.
It was just a joke. I'm not seriously suggesting that this game could or should have starred Jazz Jackrabbit, though it does make some sense if you think about it from the lore perspective.That's a childish counterargument, c'mon man.
The novels matter in that they are what the games drew from in terms of story, setting, and characters, themes, and tone. But since this game isn't canonical, and it's CDPR's game and not Sapkowski's, they can tweak their vision of the world as it suits the gameplay and their own internal interpretation of the novels.
If Triss' dress and characterization in the Witcher 3 dosen't suite you because it's contradictive to her depiction in the books, that's fine and an appropriate reaction, nothing to talk about there. All I was saying is that the dress itself in the 3rd game is not something that's raunchy or is "proudly presenting her sizable assets". It fits the Triss as I know her from playing W2 and W3 and does not ruin her character, having not read the series.
Just finish quests. Grinding XP via fights will be a much longer and tiresome endeavor; just fight whatever's between you and your next quest.Where is a good monster spot to grind?
If you are 6 levels above the recommended, yes.
If you are within that range, then it stage bug that will be fixed 'soon'.
I am 4 levels higher, it's the maim quests in novigrad. That's a shame reallyIf a quest is 6 levels lower than your current level you won't receive experience. If that's not the case you were hit by the XP bug, which randomly fails to reward quest experience.
Again, should i handle that early Keira M quest (tower of mice) before this Disturbance/Uma arc finishes?
Is completing each maps Monster Nests a bad idea when I still need some items from them?
I ask because I don't know if any of those bug spider (endger. something.. lol) spawn naturally like Drowners do, and I need some hearts and that for potions. Just did a few monster nests of em and I hope I didn't screw myself.
Gwent match.
ON Horses
Is completing each maps Monster Nests a bad idea when I still need some items from them?
I ask because I don't know if any of those bug spider (endger. something.. lol) spawn naturally like Drowners do, and I need some hearts and that for potions. Just did a few monster nests of em and I hope I didn't screw myself.
so how did you guys do your questing and exploring for each region?
ive been going from quest board to quest board and gathering quests and POI
then im gonna do the horse races and gwent
then im gonna do quests and the POI that are near those quests that are near my level
so how did you guys do your questing and exploring for each region?
ive been going from quest board to quest board and gathering quests and POI
then im gonna do the horse races and gwent
then im gonna do quests and the POI that are near those quests that are near my level
so how did you guys do your questing and exploring for each region?
ive been going from quest board to quest board and gathering quests and POI
then im gonna do the horse races and gwent
then im gonna do quests and the POI that are near those quests that are near my level
Not a bad idea to leave some nests open as quick respawn fights.
If you don't know already, there is a bug in monster nest loots, where if you loot everything but leave one item, and then come back to it immediately, it'll refill all of the items again for you to loot. You can keep repeating this until you have enough of the item/s you need.
Gwent match.
ON Horses
Was just looking a trophy data
Ultra Rare : 3.1%
Finish the game on any difficulty
Hmmm lol. A lot of people doing stuff other then main plot it looksike
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku9PqLXLnF8I think that was a season of YuGiOh.
Gwent match.
ON Horses
Fighting the botchling on Death March is kind of terrible, just due to how much health it has. It isn't a hard fight, but it takes forever to get through.