Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Pixel avvy Geralt if anybody wants it.

Has anyone come across the situation where you need to talk to someone to complete a quest, but they're dead?
What can I do?
Stand against low wall for a few seconds before pressing jump button, if that still doesn't work, reload a save.Since my friend is having a problem I thought about asking you guys if you know if this is a bug or he is doing something wrong.
But since is far ahead of me in terms of completion, I can only explain little of it to not spoil myself.
The quest is called:
Great Escape:Find sorceress Margarita
He is stuck trying toclimb up a hole. Pressing the jump button makes just that. Making Geralt jump, but not climb outside. Bug or is he missing something?
Help appreciated
Lol, you're arguing with the wrong guy.
Since my friend is having a problem I thought about asking you guys if you know if this is a bug or he is doing something wrong.
But since is far ahead of me in terms of completion, I can only explain little of it to not spoil myself.
The quest is called:
Great Escape:Find sorceress Margarita
He is stuck trying toclimb up a hole. Pressing the jump button makes just that. Making Geralt jump, but not climb outside. Bug or is he missing something?
Help appreciated
I think if there's anything you can count on as a game developer it's that people will be upset. Over anything and everything.
Anyone upset over what CDPR is doing needs some perspective. They just gave us one of the most content rich games I've ever seen, and for the most part it was even discounted across a lot of platforms, something I haven't seen anywhere else. Yeah the free stuff is little doodads. Maybe it was cut from the game. Maybe it wasn't, but who cares? They even told people to wait and see what the expansion offers. What's there to complain about?
What expansion in the history of videogames reset the level of a character?
Deus Ex:HR Missing Link reset your character stats.
Good lord. Today statistics popped up by accident. I thought I had 40 hours in only, I actually have 4 days and 13 hours! Holy shit. I'm still lvl 13.
How did this game did that to me? I'm a father & husband!
Now I understand why me wife is upset with me.
But totally breaks the pacing in director's cut though.And that's a mighty fine DLC.
Pixel avvy Geralt if anybody wants it.
Stand against low wall for a few seconds before pressing jump button, if that still doesn't work, reload a save.
This is a known glitch that they haven't fixed, I got the same thing.
What he needs to do it run against the wall on the left side of the wall and try jumping into it that way. If he is able to time it right, he will glitch it and jump straight up.
There's another section he can get stuck in depending on a choice he can makes.
If he says he'll steal the horses, he's going to get stuck trying to get inside the barn. There's a barrel on the left side of where you're supposed to climb. To get on the farm if he gets the glitch (which he probably will), you need to get on the barrel, jump towards the ledge and in the midair try to move Geralt to the left.
After a few tries he should be able to glitch it and land on the top of the farm.
This video shows how to do the first jump.
And one for the second.
Cut content or not it's all made pretty goddamn irrelevant to me given the content is nevertheless free and Wild Hunt isn't remotely in the ballpark of lacking content as it is. Assuming the paid expansion packs will add as much content as CDPR are advertising, they'll each easily eclipse the free additional content added to both The Witcher and Assassins of Kings. CDPR were very generous with their Enhanced Editions, but arguably outside TW2's arena mode the added quests were relatively short and sweet. Nothing that would consistent as an "expansion". Much of the free Enhanced Edition content for both games was aimed at presentation.
Took my sweet time, but here's our (read: my) review:
Anyone who complains about TW3 lacking content with a straight face is pretty much insane.
So couple nights with the 980ti
Maxed out in game
no ini tweaks
forced AA through drivers
Not a locked 60fps everywhere. It drops sometimes down to the 30s. 4k not coming anywhere close to 60fps ever, 3k neither. 1440p came close sometimes but to get it near 60fps all the time I have to go with 1080p. Beast game.
Wow, Priscilla's song is just so beautiful
Cut content or not it's all made pretty goddamn irrelevant to me given the content is nevertheless free and Wild Hunt isn't remotely in the ballpark of lacking content as it is. Assuming the paid expansion packs will add as much content as CDPR are advertising, they'll each easily eclipse the free additional content added to both The Witcher and Assassins of Kings. CDPR were very generous with their Enhanced Editions, but arguably outside TW2's arena mode the added quests were relatively short and sweet. Nothing that would consistent as an "expansion". Much of the free Enhanced Edition content for both games was aimed at presentation.
Fuck you Durden, the Tailor. What an annoying dude!
I just beat him.Such a quick Jab! caught me off guard quite a few times.
My pic after i got him.
Man, i wish more light armor would look as cool as feline armor. The sleeveless look is awesome on Geralt.
So vendors never get rid of your stuff? so they are like very expensive vaults?
Yeah, I just got this and it looks great. Has more of an 'adventurer' feel than a lot of the armours.
However, I'd absolutely kill for a cloak armour like the 'Shady character' guys who walk around Novigrad all the time. Having a proper cloak which Geralt throws off/unhoods once a fight starts would be utterly badass.
Is there any armour like this in the game? Like with a cool cloak/cape?
Game just crashed/froze during Pyres of Novigrad when tailing a thief. PS4 is totally unresponsive. This a glitch for anyone else?
Yeah, I just got this and it looks great. Has more of an 'adventurer' feel than a lot of the armours.
However, I'd absolutely kill for a cloak armour like the 'Shady character' guys who walk around Novigrad all the time. Having a proper cloak which Geralt throws off/unhoods once a fight starts would be utterly badass.
Is there any armour like this in the game? Like with a cool cloak/cape?
Someone said a few pages back that they will intermittently get rid of your stuff.
I've never seen this.
Personally I just find an abandoned house near a fast travel sign, call it home, and drop all my unwanted-yet-wanted stuff. Not had anything disappear yet, after 15 hours of playing all my books and some valuable but underlevelled swords are still in Reardon Manor.
Meditate 5 days I do you get vendors to have more cash again? Trying to sell honeycomb and it's pointless when she's down to zero. Waiting a couple days doesn't seem to help.
So I finally started the game last night.
I failed my first side quest. I failed it in such a way that it felt like it was bugged and kinda ruined my first impression of the game.
It's the quest come across the broken wagon and the guy asks you to find his little box out in a wooded/swampy area. After some investigation, you learn it was more of a set-up than a random ambush.
Anyway, I go back to confront the guy, after almost getting killed by Drowners 3 levels higher than me (I just grabbed the box and ran away from them - they can 1-hit me to 50% health, so I'm not messing with them), and before I know it, he goes from standing in front of me to being on a horse galloping away. So, I call for my horse so I can chase him, but by time I even get onto it's saddle, the other guy is long gone and the quest fails.
...? I'm hoping it was SUPPOSED to fail because I literally had NO chance to even attempt to pursue him. I was expecting a fun chase, but it never happened. I had no way to catch him on foot and the quest had failed as soon as I got on my horse to chase him.
It was very disappointing. I reloaded my save and tried it again, but the same result. Failed right after I got onto my horse to chase him. Is that supposed to happen? Was I supposed to chase him on foot?
So, I find myself still low on EXP, only level 2 and most of the creatures I come across in the starting zones are destroying me, so I'm just basically skipping past everything that looks threatening, which is kinda boring to be honest. I gave up and went on the easy fetch quest to get the Swallow Potion to help the lady who was injured by the Griffon. That one I was able to complete for some EXP. But still, the first quest annoyed me because it felt like the game bugged out on me rather then let me even have a chance to pursue that guy. I know we're not supposed to beat EVERY quest in the game, but good grief - that was the very first quest I undertook! Left me feeling cheated, but not by the game designer's choice, but rather a bugged/glitched line of programming code.
Significantly less impactful if the audio samples stutter a tiny bit inbetween every line - weird PC glitch that I got.
There's a shocking lack of Shani content.
Anyone know how to get the Source of Power at the south most area of Velen? The area right around the place that is guarded by 3 Wraiths and a Moon Wraith (guarded treasure) and also around the area where you went into the caverns with Kiera.
It's marked as below the ground but I can't seem to get to it. There's also another Question mark by it that I also can't seem to get. I tried to go back into the cavern which was story related but couldn't get to it still as it was a dead end.
On a side note it's kind of bull shit that you get lvl11 weapons from beating a lvl24 Contract (I was lvl16).... what the fuck man.
Geralt mentiond Shani in a side quest. That's something.
That's not a bug. You either had to kill them or not kite them to where the NPC could see you. Think of it this way, if you're a regular ol' peasant and you see 5 monsters charging to you, are you going to stick around to bandy words with the asshole who lead them to you?
You can't think of this game like Oblivion or Elder Scrolls where the NPCs will go aggro dragons. They're EXTREMELY fragile. Without getting spoilery, that tidbit will come in handy for you later down the line.
Had to unplug the ps4 completely. Now ps4 doing error checking.I did that quest 2 nights ago and didn't have the same problem.
So wait, - I was supposed to kill the Drowners? As in, I had no choice but to do it in order to complete the quest?
I was able to inspect the carts, the arrows and the bodies. Grabbed the box and fled back to the road.
So, by not killing the Drowners, and feeling them instead, the script for that quest was to be forced to watch the conspirator flee me without even chance to pursue?
I wonder if the xp bug is a real bug, no one seems to know how to trigger it and confuses low xp gains, by design, with the bug
So wait, - I was supposed to kill the Drowners? As in, I had no choice but to do it in order to complete the quest?
I was able to inspect the carts, the arrows and the bodies. Grabbed the box and fled back to the road.
So, by not killing the Drowners, and feeling them instead, the script for that quest was to be forced to watch the conspirator flee me without even chance to pursue?